
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.04.05





【Deanna】All right, so tell me. Do you think that ignorance is bliss?

【Clayton】Hmm, um…I believe that ignorance is bliss… (laughs) …because, uh people who don’t know that there’s a problem…


【Clayton】…can often just, kind of live in, a really peaceful, nice, like, enviable way…


【Clayton】…that uh…but I don’t know. For some reason, uh I still don’t want to be ignorant.

【Deanna】Mm, I see.

【Clayton】What—what do you think? Is it ignorance bliss?

【Deanna】I think one hundred percent, ignorance is bliss.


【Deanna】Uh, just from personal experience.


【Deanna】Not my personal experience. I’m like, a realist. (laughs)


【Deanna】And my—my dad, he always watches…he watches the news.

【Clayton】Ah, yes.

【Deanna】Every single day. And he, like…

【Clayton】Like the, like TV news, or…?


【Clayton】Yeah, okay.

【Deanna】He listens to everything that Trump’s saying and he follows everything religiously


【Deanna】…so, I…he’s always talking about what’s wrong and—and the things that are going on in the world, and I said, “Dad, you should just shut off the TV. Like, don’t watch that stuff. It’s not gonna (going to) help you.” Um, and that’s why I think ignorance is bliss.

【Clayton】Yeah, like for sure, I have been following the news in America…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】…and most people, like doesn’t matter what your beliefs are, uh feel like the news is pretty, uh dismal right now. (laughs)

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】Uh, and so, like, for a while I definitely had to take a break


【Clayton】…because, like it takes a psychic toll if you’re, um looking at all the bad news every day.

【Deanna】Right. When is it not dismal?


【Deanna】It’s always like that.

【Clayton】That’s true, that’s true. Um…

【Deanna】However, I do think it’s important to know what’s going on.

【Clayton】Exactly. You have to—you have to stay informed. It’s uh, it’s your civic duty, I think.


【Clayton】But um…

【Deanna】That means we’ll never live in bliss, ‘cause (because)…


【Deanna】…we don’t want to be ignorant.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What do Deanna and Clayton both say about the proverb “ignorance is bliss?”
  2. What did Deanna say she told her Dad to stop doing?
  3. What does Clayton think a person’s “civic duty” is in this episode?



  1. Both believe the proverb is true.
  2. She told him to stop watching the television news.
  3. He says staying informed and keeping up with current events is part of one’s civic duty.



Deanna and Clayton discuss the proverb “ignorance is bliss.” Both believe that the proverb is true.

Clayton thinks that those who are ignorant can lead happy lives when they aren’t aware of problems around them. However he still would prefer to be informed rather than ignorant.

Deanna agrees and uses the example of her father to explain her views. Her father follows television news very regularly and she has asked him to stop because it is stressing him.

While Clayton likes to be informed, even he takes breaks from the news sometimes. He feels that there is a “psychic toll” constant news consumption takes on a person and taking a break from it is worthwhile.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Ignorance (無知)

Ignoranceは「無知」や「無教育」という意味の名詞で、何かに関して全く知識がないことを表します。今日のことわざ「ignorance is bliss」は、「無知ゆえの幸せ」、つまり日本語の「知らぬが仏」に当たります。

  • Ignoranceの形容詞はignorantです。
  • It’s stupid comments like that that shows your ignorance.
  • Forgive my ignorance but what does that stand for?
  • I’m really sorry. It was an ignorant mistake.

2) Religiously(定期的に)


  • She watches that show on Netflix religiously.
  • My dad goes to Starbucks at 8 AM every morning religiously.
  • I listen to this podcast religiously.

3) Shut off(スイッチを切る)

Shut offは、テレビやエアコンなどの「スイッチを切る」ことを表し、turn offと同じ意味を持ちます。機械のスイッチを切るだけではなく、水道やガスを「止める」場合にも使用できます。

  • Did you shut off the heater before leaving the house?
  • The fire alarm is going off. How do I shut it off?
  • They’re going to shut off the water from 8AM to 11AM tomorrow.

4) Take a break from ____(〜から一時的に離れる)

Take a breakは「休憩する」ですが、趣味や仕事など、没頭していることからいったん離れて休むことを、take a break from ____ と表現します。携帯をいじりすぎている人や、英語の勉強のしすぎで疲れている人には最適な表現でしょう。

  • I’m going to take a break from swimming for a while. I’m burned out.
  • Why don’t you take a break from studying English for about a week?
  • I’ve been wasting so much time on social media lately. I need to take a break from it.

5) Take a toll (〜を損なう)

Take a tollは、体に負担がかかり健康が損なわれるなど、何かしらのダメージを与えることを表す日常表現です。一気にではなく、徐々にダメージを与えるニュアンスがあります。

  • 今日の会話では、クレイトンがtake a psychic tollと言いますが、これは「精神的なダメージを与える」ことを意味します。
  • Lack of sleep takes a toll on your health.
  • I feel like the stress from work is starting to take a toll on my body.
  • I think the recent trouble with her son has taken an emotional toll on her.



  • Enviable・・・羨ましい
  • Realist・・・現実主義者
  • Dismal・・・暗い


  • Every single・・・欠かさず
  • Stay informed・・・情報をいつも入手している
  • Civic duty・・・市民としての義務



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Ryosuke より:


    今回のオープニングに”Spring in the air!” という表現があります。


    ところでこの”—in the air” は、例えば”Summer in the air!!” や”Winter in the air!!”のように、ほかの季節にも使えるものなのでしょうか、それとも春独特の表現なのでしょうか。


  2. Taishiro より:

    Hi Jun I’m Taishiro nice to meet you.
    I’ve been learning english for a 18months
    I always listen your podcasts. It really helps my english improving.Actually I want to be a english teacher. And it decided to teach english for my coworkers. It’s big step for me haha
    I just want to tell you what I’m trying to do.
    Thank you for reading my message.

    Take care


    • Jun より:

      Hi Taishiro

      Thanks for your message. I’m really happy to hear that you are finding my podcast helpful. I’m very excited to hear that you’ve decided to start teaching English! We are both English teachers now 🙂 The best teachers are the best learners. Let’s keep on learning and share our knowledge with others in a passionate way!

  3. おはる より:

    今回のreligiously なんですが、on a regular basis と置き換え可能ですか?

  4. S より:

    「It’s stupid comments like that that shows your ignorance.」
    この文なのですが、メルマガでは「It’s stupid comments like that shows your ignorance.」となっていました。

    • Jun より:

      Sさん、こんにちは!ここでは 「It’s stupid comments like that, that shows your ignorance.」が正しい文章です。メルマガでは that が抜けていました。

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