
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.03.22





【Clayton】Well, um what do you think that people in general think, like in America about, uh…do you think that people have the sense that nice people finish last? Or do you think that people feel like they need to be nice in order to get ahead?

【Deanna】Oh…I think Americans are pretty blunt.


【Deanna】They just, kind of say what’s on their mind.

【Clayton】Definitely. I think so, yeah.

【Deanna】Yeah, but um, it is important in getting ahead. You don’t wanna (want to) be mean ‘cause (because) no one likes mean people.

【Clayton】Yeah, yeah.

【Deanna】But um, yeah I guess so. I don’t know.

【Clayton】Yeah, uh…I—I tend to find that um, at least people that I know feel like uh…being nice is uh just sort of important to like um…to get through the day.


【Clayton】Yeah, um…and I feel like increasingly people want their interactions with people to be more like, uh…

【Deanna】Pleasant? Yeah.

【Clayton】Pleasant but I feel like it’s more than pleasantness. I think it’s, like people want to really be treated with some sort of like uh, personal respect or like, uh recognition. Yeah.

【Deanna】Yeah. Yeah, nice is—it’s a nice… (laughs)


【Deanna】“Nice” is a nice word. Like it’s just…but that’s all it is. It’s just nice.

【Clayton】Yeah, it’s just—it’s just nice. It’s just nice.

【Deanna】Yeah. I think there’s, like a fine line between being nice and being a pushover, personally.


【Deanna】I don’t know.

【Clayton】Because you do always have those, uh you know, the very, very corporate people


【Clayton】…who are incredibly nice…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】…but ruthless.

【Deanna】“What are you thinking?”

【Clayton】Yeah, yeah, and uh, those people have managed to succeed very well…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】…with their niceness…


【Clayton】…almost as a weapon. (laughs)

【Deanna】That’s true.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Deanna say about Americans at the beginning of the episode?
  2. What importance does “being nice” have for Clayton?
  3. What type of people do Clayton and Deanna discuss at the end of the episode?



  1. Deanna thinks Americans are usually pretty blunt about what how they feel.
  2. Clayton thinks being nice is useful for “getting through the day,” but little else beyond that.
  3. They talk about “corporate” personalities, who are capable of niceness but have ruthless and calculating qualities that have helped them succeed anyway.



Clayton and Deanna continue their discussion of the American saying “nice people finish last.” Clayton asks Deanna what she thinks Americans in general think about the essence of that saying.

Deanna believes most Americans are pretty blunt about how they feel. But she doesn’t think that means that people should be mean to one another.

Clayton feels that being nice is an important quality for simple day-to-day interactions with others. But beyond pleasantries, there are limits to how nice someone should be.

Clayton thinks most Americans feel something similar to what he feels about the limitations of niceness. He also raises the example of the “corporate” personality, that is, a type of person with the capacity for niceness in behavior but also possessing a cunning that allows them to remain successful regardless.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Get ahead(出世する)

Get aheadは本来「前に出る」という意味ですが、日常会話では、仕事で出世するなど、キャリアや人生において成功することを表します。

  • I’m working hard every day to get ahead in life.
  • He’ll do anything to get ahead at work. He’s ruthless.
  • What did you do to get ahead in your career?

2) Blunt(率直な)


  • Just to give you a heads up, he’s very blunt.
  • To be perfectly blunt, I don’t think you’re cut out for this job.
  • She can be pretty blunt at times, especially when she’s in a bad mood.

3) Say what’s on one’s mind(思っていることをはっきり言う)

Say what’s on one’s mindは、「思っていることをはっきり言う」という意味の日常表現で、相手の率直な考えが知りたい時などによく使われます。

  • Speak one’s mindと言っても意味は同じです。
  • Don’t hold back. Just say what’s on your mind.
  • What’s bothering you? Just say what’s on your mind and get it off your chest.
  • I never know how he’s really feeling. He never says what’s on his mind.

4) A fine line between A and B(AとBの紙一重の差)

一見、違うようで実は紙一重の差であることを表す時に使われる口語表現が a fine line between ____です。例えば、「愛と憎しみ」や「天才と狂気」は紙一重と言えるでしょう。

  • There’s a fine line between love and hate.
  • As they say, there’s a fine line between genius and insanity.
  • Is he arrogant or confident? I guess there’s a fine line between the two.

5) Pushover(言いなりになる人)

「言いなりになる人」をpushoverと言います。Push overが「押し倒す」という意味であることから、押されたらすぐに倒れる人をイメージすると分かりやすいでしょう。具体的には、気が弱く頼みを断れなかったり、影響されやすく言いくるめられて利用されてしまうタイプを指し、そうした人をマイナス評価するニュアンスが含まれます。

  • Lisa is no pushover. She’s not afraid to say no.
  • Stop being a pushover. You have to stand up for yourself.
  • He’s such a pushover. Why does he let people walk all over him?



  • Interaction・・・交流
  • Pleasant・・・愉快な
  • Recognition・・・評価される
  • Incredibly・・・信じられないくらい
  • Ruthless・・・冷酷な


  • Tend to・・・〜する傾向がある
  • Get through・・・切り抜ける
  • Corporate people・・・出世欲が高い人



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. おはる より:

    今日のフレーズ、say what’s on one’s mind を聞いた時、真っ先に、wear one’s heart on a sleeve が頭に浮かんだのですが、

    • Jun より:


      思っていることをすぐに口に出す「性格」を表す場合は、どちらを使ってもOKです。She says what’s on her mind. / She wears her heart on her sleeve.しかし、誰かに、「思っていることをはっきり言いなさい」と言う場合は、”say what’s on one’s mind”しか使うことができなく、”Say what’s on your mind!”のように表現します。

  2. SEIJI より:

    今回冒頭で、”which turned out to be Hwaii” と言われておりますが、
    この to be は、「ハワイになる」の「なる」の部分でよろしいでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      その通りです!”turn out to be ~”で「〜になる」を意味します。例えば、”It was cloudy this morning but it turned out to be a nice day.”と言うと、「今朝は曇っていたが、結局良い天気になった」を表します。

  3. Tsumuji より:

    Claytonのセリフ “…increasingly people want…”
    increasingly, people want…ならば、わかる気がするのですが、
    increasingly people want…ですと、どのような意味になるのか、

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!ここでは、increasinglyは「もっと〜」を意味し、「他人との交流をもっと良い感じにしたい」になります。I hope this helps!

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