
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.02.22





【Kristen】So did you like school as a kid?

【Kai】Actually, I did.


【Kai】Um, I was pretty much, like a school spirit type of kid. When I was in elementary, I ran for student council president.


【Kai】And I won the election.


【Kai】So for my last year of elementary I was the president of my school.


【Kai】And we had a thing called “junior police officers,” and what it was, was that when kids would cross the street, they would have students, like stop traffic with stop signs.

【Kristen】Oh. (laughs)

【Kai】And I also signed up for that as well. (laughs)

【Kristen】(laughs) Oh, that’s cute.

【Kai】Like, I was, like really gung-ho about…


【Kai】…being in school.


【Kai】And I would often study a lot.


【Kai】Like, I—I would go to the library and, like read books and also do my homework at the same time.

【Kristen】Oh, such a good student.

【Kai】And then, on Saturdays, I went to Japanese schools too.


【Kai】So I would—often did a lot of homework. (laughs)

【Kristen】Yeah, yeah. Very busy.

【Kai】But I never really complained about it. Like, I would have this feeling in the pit of my stomach, like, if I didn’t do my homework, like right away, like I would get, like anxiety about—like, very anxious about it.

【Kristen】Mm. “I guess—I have to get it done.” Yeah.

【Kai】Exactly, like that’s how it would be, and…I like—I really didn’t have any problems going to school.


【Kai】Like, I’ve never cut school. Like, I’ve never missed any classes.


【Kai】Like, even if I was sick, I would go to school.

【Kristen】Wow. Total opposite of me.


【Kristen】Complete opposite. I hated school. I think um…especially middle school, was when I really started to dislike it.


【Kristen】Um, actually in elementary school, I had some really good memories.


【Kristen】Like, I had, like a really fun teacher and like, of course elementary school, you’re like, playing a lot of games…

【Kai】Right. Right, right.

【Kristen】…and doing more fun stuff. So I loved, like, I think 3rd Grade, I think was the best for me.


【Kristen】That was, like the best year of my life, at that time. But um, yeah. Middle school and high school were just not fun for me. Um, again, I lived in a very small town, so a very small school. And then um, it was like, everyone knew everyone and everything about everyone.


【Kristen】So there are no secrets. No, like privacy. No anything. Like, everyone was related too. Like, “Oh, that’s my cousin.” So it’s like, “What the heck?




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What office did Kai run for as a student in elementary school?
  2. How did Kai feel if he didn’t complete his homework?
  3. What levels of school did Kristen dislike?



  1. He ran for—and won—the office of student council president in his elementary school.
  2. Kai would get an anxious feeling in his stomach if he didn’t complete his homework.
  3. She disliked middle school and high school, but remembered enjoying parts of elementary school.



Kai and Kristen spent this episode discussing their memories attending school as children. Kai enjoyed his school experience and was very active in his schools.

In his last year of elementary school, Kai ran for—and won—the office of student council president. He also participated in the “junior police officers” program at his school, which allowed him to help students cross streets.

Kai was also very studious. He enjoyed going to the library and reading books while also doing his homework. He attended Japanese school on weekends as well, but never minded the heavy homework. Kai would feel anxious if he didn’t complete his homework, which kept him motivated to do so.

Kristen on the other hand generally disliked school. Though she remembered enjoying parts of elementary school, she didn’t like middle or high school. This was partly because she grew up in a small town, where everyone knew each other and often knew lots of things about everyone else. This meant that maintaining privacy was difficult in school.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Spirit(気分)

Spiritは、いろいろな意味を持つ単語ですが、今日の会話では、気分や機嫌、心の持ち方や考え方、という意味で使われています。Moodやattitudeの代わりに使うことができ、「上機嫌である」は、in good spirits、「休日気分である」は、holiday spiritと言います。今日の会話でカイが言った、school spiritは、彼の「愛校心」を指します。

  • I visited Luke at the hospital yesterday. He said the surgery went well. He was in good spirits.
  • Golden Week is just around the corner. I’m getting into the holiday spirit.
  • So what exactly does Japanese spirit mean?

2) Run for(〜に立候補する)

選挙に出馬したり何かのポジションに立候補することをrun forと言います。大統領や国会議員といった政治家のポジションだけでなく、生徒会役員などに立候補する場合にも使われ、いずれの場合も、投票で決まる選挙に出ることを意味します。

  • Are you going to run for student council?
  • Who do you think is going to run for president in 2020?
  • I think you should run for mayor next year. You have the experience and credibility.

3) Sign up(〜に申し込む)

Signの「署名する」という意味から、sign upは講座やイベントなどへの参加申し込みをすることを意味します。

  • 他にも、契約を結んだり、SNSに加入したり、アカウントを登録するなど、幅広い意味で使われる口語表現です。
  • I signed up to my first Skype English lesson. I’m nervous and excited at the same time.
  • Let’s sign up to this yoga class together. It’s 50% off if we sign up by the end of the month.
  • I signed up to Instagram yesterday. I’m not really sure how to use it though.

4) Gung-ho(熱心に遂行する)


  • He’s gung-ho about his job. That’s all he ever talks about.
  • He’s gung-ho about moving to Japan. He’s always wanted to live there.
  • She’s gung-ho about learning English. Apparently she studies at least 5 hours every day.

5) Cut school(学校をサボる)

「学校をサボる」ことを、cut schoolと言います。病気などで学校を休むのではなく、単に学校に行きたくない、授業の代わりに他のことがしたい、といった理由で無断欠席することを表します。

  • その他、cut class(授業をサボる)という表現もあります。
  • Have you ever cut class?
  • Let’s cut school today and go to the mall.
  • He got in trouble for cutting class. He’s probably going to get detention.



  • Complain・・・不満を言う
  • Anxiety・・・心配


  • Cross the street・・・道を渡る
  • At the same time・・・同時に
  • Pit of one’s stomach・・・お腹の底
  • At that time・・・あの時は
  • What the heck?・・・はぁ?・どういうこと?



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Seiji より:

    こんにちはジュンさん。いつも楽しく勉強させて頂いてます。今回の質問はboom です。自分なりに色々と調べてみたのですが、なかなかいい答えが見つ借りませんでした。
    このboom はどんな時に使うのですか?

  2. slussen より:

    いつも投稿ありがとうございます。多くを学ばせていただいています。JUNさんは日本語の選択が上手でしっくりいく日本語にしてださるので本当に助かっています。JUNさんの教養の深さを感じます。質問ですが 今日のフレーズのsign upの例文はすべて sign up to~とtoに続けていますが、辞書ではsign up forの例文ばかりです。どちらが頻繁に使われますか?宜しくお願いします。

    • Jun より:


      ありがとうございます!Hapaのコンテンツが役に立って嬉しいです。sign up forでももちろん問題ありません。sign up forのあとは、基本名詞がフォローするのに対し、sign up toのあとは動詞です。今回の例文では、例外がいくつかありましたが、基本、紹介したパターンで覚えれば問題ないでしょう。

  3. Yosuke より:


    What the heck?

    • Jun より:


      いつもPodcastを聞いてくれて、ありがとうございます!What the heck?は色々なシチュエーションで使える表現で、「なんてこった!」や「一体なんだよ?」など、驚いた時やイラっとした時、または困惑した時に使えます。日常会話では結構よく耳するフレーズなので、ぜひ使ってみてください!

  4. うー より:

    会社をサボる、仕事をサボるは、cut office、cut work と言うのですか?

    • Jun より:



  5. Koki より:



    pit of one’s stomach お腹を底→お腹の底

    すみませんどうしても気になってしまって…笑 あとHarry Potterの回でもHarry Potterが一箇所Happy Potterになっていたような記憶があります。

    Kai and Kristenのシリーズとてもおもしろいです!Amazon echoへの対応も個人的にとても嬉しいです!楽しみにしています^^

    • Jun より:


      ありがとうございます!Happy Potterになってしました(笑)。両方とも修正しました!また、修正点あったらいつでも言ってください。助かってます。

      Echo持っているんですね!I’m glad you like it!

  6. Yuri より:


    質問ですが、skipp the class とcut the classではニュアンスに違いがありますか?


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。いつもありがとうございます!skip class と cut class は基本、同じ意味でどちらを使ってもOKです。海外でも使えると思いますが、多分、Hapa英会話はアマゾンジャパンに登録されているので、Yuriさんのアレクサがアマゾンジャパンと連携していれば聞けるはずです!

  7. Orange より:


    1, we had a thing
    2, what it was,

    【Kai】And we had a thing called “junior police officers,” and what it was, was that when kids would cross the street,

    • Jun より:


      ここのthingはpositionやtaskを意味し、「役割」のような意味を持ちます。what is was は「どんな役割かというと」を表します。和訳すると「ジュニア警察官というのがあって、これは、子供たちが道を渡る時に」になります!

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