
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.01.11





【Kai】So Kristen, tell me, what were some of the books you used to read growing up?

【Kristen】Um so when I was a child I had kind of a love-hate relationship with books. (laughs)


【Kristen】Because I hated being forced to read things, but I did like reading things that I was interested in.


【Kristen】So like I hated reading the things I had to for school or if my mom was like, “You need to read more. Thirty minutes a day.” I hated that.


【Kristen】But um, I think one book that I read that I actually really liked was actually, um a diary of Marie Antoinette.


【Kristen】‘Cause (because) I’ve always been really interested in history. So that was something I read. It of course was, um fictional, like written by not-her…


【Kristen】But like, kind of about her life…


【Kristen】…and like, what maybe she went through and did, and like, her, like style and everything, so I think other than, like Japanese history, I’ve always liked, kind of that era—that era of French history because the style and, like the visuals and aesthetic is so beautiful to me. So I really liked hearing about, like her life and history and everything. But, yeah. What about you?

【Kai】Oh, um…growing up I often liked to read books…


【Kai】…and my favorite author was Roald Dahl.

【Kristen】Oh, I remember him.

【Kai】Yeah, I used to go to the library almost every day and borrow one of his books, or I would stay at the library and just, like read even on the weekends.

【Kristen】(laughs) Oh.

【Kai】So some of my favorites were James and the Giant Peach…

【Kristen】Ah, yeah.

【Kai】…Witches, Matilda…

【Kristen】Mm…yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Kai】There’s just so many.

【Kristen】Memories. They’re coming back to me.

【Kai】The BFG…


【Kai】And what’s really great about these books are that there are many movie adaptations.

【Kristen】Yeah, I remember watching those.

【Kai】Yeah, so um, it’s like, great to be able to, like compare to like, how a director sees the books…

【Kristen】Yeah, that’s…

【Kai】…and how your imagination knows the books.

【Kristen】Yeah, yeah. How it meets your expectations or doesn’t, and so on.

【Kai】Right. So I would start with that and then I remember starting reading between Second and Third Grade and I was, like so proud of myself…


【Kai】…because I was like, “I’m reading chapter books.” You know?

【Kristen】Ah, yeah, yeah.

【Kai】Like, not picture books…


【Kai】This is actual, like real chapter books.

【Kristen】Yeah, yeah.

【Kai】And I think often I wouldn’t understand what I was reading.


【Kai】So I have to reread these books more than once.

【Kristen】Mm, yeah.

【Kai】And then I would have a dictionary on the side if I couldn’t understand a word.

【Kristen】Oh, wow. So dedicated.

【Kai】Yeah, yeah. And so the next book I would often read is actually the dictionary.

【Kristen】Oh. (laughs) Like, in order?

【Kai】Not in order. Like, I’d like look through the dictionary and I’d be like, “Oh this word’s pretty cool.” Then I would, like, write it down and try and use it in my daily life.

【Kristen】(laughs) Oh, wow. So dedicated to use those.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What historical figure did Kristen enjoy reading a fictional diary of as a child?
  2. What author did Kai enjoy reading as a child?
  3. What other book did Kai have next to him as he read Roald Dahl books?



  1. She enjoyed reading a fictional diary of Marie Antoinette.
  2. Kai enjoyed reading the books of Roald Dahl.
  3. He kept a dictionary next to him so he could look up words he didn’t know.



Kai and Kristen talk in this episode about books they used to read as children growing up. Kristen said she had a “love/hate” relationship with reading growing up.

While Kristen didn’t like having to read books for school, there were some books she did enjoy reading on her own. This included a fictional diary of Marie Antoinette, which Kristen enjoyed because it was reminiscent of a time in French history that fascinated her.

Kai loved reading growing up. He enjoyed regularly going to the library to borrow and read books, and his favorite author growing up was Roald Dahl.

One of the aspects of Dahl’s books that Kai likes is that many of them have film adaptations, allowing for comparisons between the books and films. Kai often had a dictionary beside him as he read too, allowing him to look up words he didn’t understand.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Love-hate relationship (愛憎関係)

Love-hate relationshipは、「愛憎関係」を意味する日常表現です。人や物に対して好きと嫌いの感情が同時、または交互に生じる状況で使われます。例えば、運動するのは嫌いだけど、運動し終わった後の爽快感が好きな場合、love-hate relationshipが使われます。

  • I have a love-hate relationship with exercising.
  • This movie is about a love-hate relationship between two brothers.
  • I think a lot of people have a love-hate relationship with social media.

2) Force to do something(〜を強制的にさせる)

Forceは「強要する」「強制する」という意味で、人に無理やり何かをさせることを、 force to do somethingと表現します。逆に、受け身の立場で何かを強制的にさせられる場合は、be forced to do somethingとなります。

  • I don’t think you should force your kid to study English.
  • We are forced to take the TOEIC exam every year.
  • I didn’t force you to do it. You chose to do it.

3) Even(たとえ〜でも)

Evenは状況に応じて様々な意味を持つ単語ですが、今日の会話では、「たとえ〜でも」や「〜でさえ」を意味します。何かを強調する時に使われ、「祝日でも仕事をしている」は「I work even on holidays.」という具合に使われます。

  • I listen to the Hapa Eikaiwa podcast all the time, even when I’m sleeping.
  • It’s OK to make mistakes. Even native speakers make mistakes.
  • He goes running before work even if it’s raining.

4) Meet someone’s expectation(人の期待に沿う)

Meetには「人に会う」の他に、「要求や条件を満たす」という意味があり、「人の期待に沿う」ことをMeet someone’s expectationと言います。カジュアルな会話でも、ビジネスの場でも使える表現です。

  • Did their service meet your expectations?
  • We are very sorry that we did not meet your expectations.
  • I had high hopes for this restaurant but it didn’t meet my expectations.

5) Look through (〜に目を通す)

本や雑誌や書類などに目を通すことを、look through 〜と言います。状況によって「〜を調べる」という意味にもなりますが、その場合も、詳細に調べるというより、全体的にざっと見るニュアンスがあり、感覚的にはexamineとcheckの中間です。日常会話やビジネスでよく使われる表現です。

  • Can you look through these documents when you get a chance?
  • I looked through your essay and everything looked good.
  • Can you look through Tabelog and see if there’s an Italian restaurant around here?



  • Fictional・・・フィクション
  • Era・・・時代
  • Aesthetic・・・美学
  • Movie adaption・・・映画化
  • Dedicated・・・熱心


  • Growing up・・・子供の頃
  • Go through・・・〜を経験する
  • Come back to me・・・記憶が蘇る
  • Write it down・・・書き留める



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. 齋藤 剛 より:

    いつもPodcastのエピソードを楽しみにしています。現在、こちらからの紹介でCafe Talkのスカイプレッスンも受講しております。以前もこちらのエピソードに出演されたJohn先生のレッスンを定期的に受けています。ところで本エピソードのゲストKristeinさんの英語が非常に聞きやすくてカフェトークの講師をされているようであれば受講したいと考えています。講師検索してみましたが、見当たらなかったのですが念のため確認したくよろしくお願いします。

    • Mai より:

      齋藤 剛様

      第220回「子供の頃に読んだ本」で出ているクリステンは、残念ながらカフェトークの講師ではなく、Junが代表も勤めております「BYB English Center」の講師になります。


      【BYB English Centerについて】

  2. Arisa より:

    Happy New Year!!
    Hoping great year for you and teachers*:)

    Long time no see…??
    I have a question(Sorry not 220’s topic)
    Maybe it means 「久しぶり」in that case(like a chat,blog), can I use the phrase?
    In my opinion, if I use this I should meet someone directly…
    Please teach me…!!!

    Anyway, My 2019’s goal is
    “Study English every day using “Hapa Eikaiwa”
    Actually, I met this podcast last November(had deleted podcast application on my phone…)
    and I noticed that I do not listen Episode No.1~215!!!omg
    Keep going!!!

    Thank you for your continuous support:)

    • Jun より:

      Hi Arisa,

      Sorry it took me so long to get back to you! A very belated Happy New Year 😊 As you mentioned, “long time no see” is generally used when you meet someone directly. But in chats or blogs you can say, “long time no talk”. It has the same meaning.

      Thanks for sharing your goals for 2019! I’m so happy to hear your goal is to study with Hapa Eikaiwa every day. Your English will definitely improve in 2019 😉

  3. Seiji より:

    今年最初の質問ですが、INTRODUCTION のなかで、rang in the new year と言われてますが、どう言う意味になりますか??


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!Ring in the new year は「新しい一年を迎える」を意味する口語表現です。年末年始にはよく耳にする表現です。

  4. Mika より:

    Kaiが「辞書をそばに置いて読んでいた」と言った時Kristenが So dedicated(熱心ですね)と応えています。

  5. TATSU より:

    nice to meet you,Jun san

    I started pod cast about 2weeks ago.

    what is different “look over” from “look through”?
    thank you so much.


    • Jun より:

      Nice to meet you Tatsu!

      Thanks for listening to my podcast. Look through and look over both have similar meanings. But look throughは「さっと目を通す」の意味合いがあるのに対し、look overは「何かを確認する、チェックする」を表します。Hope that helps!

  6. くわがた より:

    こんにちは。初めての投稿です、毎日Podcastを楽しみにしています。EP220のKristenが最初の方で述べる「‘Cause (because)… 」のパラグラフで、”something I read”がスピードを遅くしても聞き取れなく自分でリピーティング出来ないのですが、どのように発音するのが適切なのでしょうか。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもPodcastを聞いてくれてありがとうございます!Something I readは “sum / thing / I / red”のように発音します。

  7. Jun.m より:

    Kristen のコメント、Cause (because) I’ve always been really interested in history. の been really は何度聞いても聞き取れないのですが、自分のリスニング能力の限界と言うことでしょうか?😂

    • Jun より:


      Kristenは特に早口なので、通常より聞き辛いかと思います。多分、リスニング力の限界と言うよりはこのスピードに慣れていないだけだと思います。あとは、ネイティブの感覚から言うと、一言一言細かな単語や音を聞き取っている、と言うよりは、会話の内容な文脈からどんな表現なのかを予測しています。なので音が100%一致しなくても、ある程度近ければ、”been really”って言っているんだなと分かります。



  8. mariko より:


    さて、この日のお話の中で、”but as soon as i gave him his omiyage from japan, a chiken flavor ciaochuru, he came () towards me.”とおっしゃっていますが、この()部分が聞き取れません。


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