
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.09.14





【Deanna】So Ken, I’m wondering…do you have any bizarretravel stories?

【Ken】Well I don’t know about bizarre, but I have some, you know—I had a couple of travel nightmares. I’ll say that.

【Deanna】Okay. (laughs)

【Ken】So, um…I went to England one year and I was just gonna (going to ) stay there—just for a little bit and then head off to this island called Ibiza.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】Off of the coast of Spain.


【Ken】Um so…went into London, um hadn’t really slept the night before ‘cause (because) I was busy packing, so running on basically no sleep, and then have to stay awake the whole day.
And then I get to the airport, and um…my brother is telling—telling me, “All right, we’re gonna (going to) be late for our plane here, so let’s just take a taxi and get there.” And I’m like, “No, no, no. We’ll just take the shuttle bus.” We get on the shuttle bus…and ends up we should’ve taken the taxi because we missed our flight.


【Ken】And that was the last flight out to Ibiza that night, so we ended up having to just sleep in the airport and we were talking with the staff there and eventually they found us another flight out of a different airport.
Um…but it was all the way across the city and so we had to take this really bizarre night bus. It was about, like 3 a.m. or 4 a.m. And so we’re on this bus and the bus was full of, uh what looked like high school students.


【Ken】They were all partying and playing dance music and…not really sure what was going on there but…

【Deanna】Okay. (laughs)

【Ken】…very bizarre experience. But uh…we ended up getting over there, uh to the airport, making our flight and getting into Ibiza and, uh…you know since we were there a day later than we wanted to be, our air—our hotel, rather, was uh, already given away

【Deanna】Oh no.

【Ken】…our hotel room. So we had nowhere to stay, and um, yeah. We eventually found some place, but that was a…a nightmare for us. I think we were…

【Deanna】(laughs) I’m glad it worked out.

【Ken】I think we were awake for three days straight with no sleep, basically.


【Ken】So, yeah. It was a big-time nightmare. Um…how ‘bout (about) you? Any…


【Ken】…bizarre stories? Nightmares?

【Deanna】Definitely that happens a lot. Did you end up partying with the…with the high schoolers in the bus?

【Ken】Uh, no. No, no.


【Ken】I think we were just, uh, you know, in a zombie-like state there…


【Ken】…and just wondering what was going on with those kids. (laughs)

【Deanna】Right, okay. Okay.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What Spanish island was Ken going to visit in the story he told in this episode?
  2. What happened to Ken and his brother when they decided to take the shuttle bus to the airport, rather than a taxi?
  3. When Ken and his brother got onto the night bus to their new flight to Ibiza, who was also on the bus with them?



  1. He was going to visit Ibiza.
  2. They both missed their flight to Ibiza.
  3. They both saw what looked like high school students dancing and partying.



Ken and Deanna discuss what Ken referred to as “travel nightmares” in this episode. Ken’s own story of a travel nightmare was the main subject of discussion.

Ken told the story of the problems that occurred on the trip to the Spanish island of Ibiza that he and his brother organized. The problems began immediately with their travel arrangements to the airport.

After landing in London to take a flight to Ibiza, Ken’s brother suggested they take a taxi. Ken differed and suggested they take the shuttle bus. After taking the shuttle bus, they missed their flight, and had to stay in the airport until a new one could be arranged.

They finally found another flight leaving for Ibiza at a different airport, and to get there they had to take a night bus filled with partying high school students. Once they flew to Ibiza, Ken and his brother discovered their hotel had already been sold to someone else. Eventually the two brothers found a place to stay, but it was nevertheless for Ken a travel nightmare.

Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Bizarre(奇妙な )

Bizarreは「奇妙な」や「異様な」を意味する単語です。 Strangeやweirdと同じ意味ですが、それらをより強調したニュアンスがあります。奇妙な出来事や行動、風変わりな格好、突飛な発想などを指して使えます。

  • Something bizarre happened to me today.
  • Did you see what she was wearing? It was pretty bizarre.
  • I had a bizarre dream last night.

2) Head off(〜へ行く)

Head offは「〜へ行く」を意味する口語表現で、go toの代わりに使うことができます。スーパーやコンビニ、学校や空港、海外などの目的地へ向かう場合に使われますが、例えば、「トイレに行きます」を「I’m heading off to the bathroom.」と言うのは違和感があるので気をつけましょう。

  • I’m heading off to the mall. I’ll catch you later.
  • He’s heading off to London tomorrow.
  • Sam just headed off to the bank. He should be back within an hour.

3) Run on no sleep (寝ていない状態で)

Run on no sleepは「全く寝ていない状態」を表す口語表現です。例えば、「昨晩は一睡もしていません」は、「I haven’t slept all night.」の代わりに「I’m running on no sleep.」と言うことができます。

  • 「徹夜した状態で仕事をしている」は、 「I’m working on no sleep.」と表現できます。
  • I’m running on no sleep. I’m exhausted.
  • I’ve been working on no sleep the last few days.
  • We were running on no sleep and somehow ran a marathon.

4) What’s going on(何が起きているのか)

毎回、このポッドキャストの挨拶で、私が「Hey what’s going on guys?」と言っているのはお気づきかと思いますが、これは「元気?どうしてるの?」という意味の表現です。しかしWhat is going onは、挨拶表現だけではなく、「何が起きているのか」、「どうなっているのか」といった物事の状況がはっきりと把握できない状況でもよく使われます。

  • What’s going on? Why did the train stop suddenly?
  • Can you explain to me what’s going on?
  • What’s going on with all these power harassment scandals in Japan?

5) Big-time(すごく)

Big-timeは文脈によって和訳が多少異なりますが、基本的には、「すごく」や「とても」といった強調表現です。しかし、今日の会話でケンが言った「It was a big-time nightmare. (本当に悪夢のような経験だった)」からも分かるように、big-timeは好ましくない状況で使われる傾向があります。

  • その他、 big-timeには「一流の」や「大物の」という意味もあり、トップレベルの人物を表す場合でも使われます。
  • I’m in a lot of trouble. I messed up big-time.
  • I regret what I did big-time but I’ll take responsibility for it.
  • You don’t know who he is? He’s a big-time actor.



  • Nightmare・・・悪夢
  • Should’ve・・・〜するべきだった
  • Zombie-like state・・・ゾンビのような状態


  • End up・・・結局〜/li>
  • Miss flight・・・飛行機に乗り遅れる
  • All the way across the city・・・町の反対側
  • Give away・・・譲る
  • Work out・・・何とかなる



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Kazu Hase より:

    6:34 and…not really sure what was going on there.のand …not really sure ですが、and I was not really sure のI was が省略されてる。と考えてよいですか?また、聞いていて、and not really sure あんり しゅあ。と聞こえます。and not は、あん。と聞こえます。

  2. Kazu Hase より:

    5:56 so let’s just take a taxi and get there.” And I’m like, “No, no, no. We’ll just take the shuttle bus.” ですが、and I’m like が 、えんまい。に聞こえます、I’m likeが聞こえません。なぜでしょうか?

    • Saak より:

      とりあえずand I’m likeの部分聞いてみましたが、むしろandがかなり省略されてますがI’m likeの方がはっきり発音されてますね。

  3. Kazu Hase より:

    5: 51 I was busy packing, so running on basically no sleep, and then have to stay awake the whole day.
    And then I get to the airport, and um…my brother is telling—時制の使い方がよくわかりません。忙しかった。そしてその時、その日一日中起きてなければならなかった。と過去だと思いますが、have to stay と現在形です。そして、空港に着き(現在形です。)兄は言っています。現在進行形です。

  4. Kazu Hase より:

    6:00 We get on the shuttle bus…and ends up we should’ve taken the taxi because we missed our flighですが、時制の使い方がよくわかりません。過去のことですが、我々はシャトルバスに乗り(現在形です。)、そして結局(現在形です。)end up の後は、名詞句だと思いますが、名詞節なので、end up と言った後に、言い直したのでしょうか?タクシーに乗るべきだったなあ。と過去形になります。なぜ、過去のことなのに、現在形を使うのでしょうか。また、end upの次は、言い直しているのでしょうか?

  5. Kazu Hase より:

    6:27 And so we’re on this bus andですが、
    あんそろーんにず ばすん。と聞こえます。we’re on ろーん。と聞こえます。なぜでしょうか?

  6. Kazu Hase より:

    5;23 Well I don’t know about bizarre, but I have some, ですが、わいどんのば、びざー、ばあい はぶさむ Well I が、わい。に聞こえます。なぜでしょうか?

  7. Kazu Hase より:

    5:43 um hadn’t really slept the night before ‘cause (because) I was busy packing, so
    ですが、before が、ぽお。と聞こえます。なぜでしょうか?

  8. Kazu Hase より:

    5:47 and then have to stay awake the whole day.ですが、have to が、はぷ。と聞こえます。なぜでしょうか?

  9. Takuma より:


    • Jun より:



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