
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.08.31





【Deanna】So tell me Ken, how do you like to travel? Do you prefer…I don’t know, like backpacking style, adventurist? Do you prefer relaxing on the beach…type of thing? What do you like to do?

【Ken】Uh, well Deanna, I guess I’ve done everything. I’ve—I’ve done backpacking.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】You know, staying in hostels. Um, I’ve traveled by myself. I’ve traveled with other people. So um, I think there are good sides, you know, pros and cons to all of those things.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】But I’ve done it all. How ‘bout (about) you?

【Deanna】Like, my favorite type? I think…I definitely prefer the adventurist, backpacking, “don’t know what I’m gonna (going to) do today” type thing, ‘cause (because)…you know, I’ve done the group tours.
When I was in Europe, it was a cruise and you’d get a tour, you’d get a sticker, you’d have to come back at a certain time, and you just don’t get the full immersion of the culture if you’re just on a tour. So that’s just my opinion. But, yeah, I guess backpacking I’ve never done. But I want to, maybe in Thailand or something.

【Ken】Yeah. I mean I’ve done, um, a couple of cruises…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】…and that’s all sort of prepackaged for you…

【Deanna】Which is nice, I think.

【Ken】Yeah, it’s nice. It’s relaxing, ‘cause there’s not all the planning that, you know, that would be involved in a typical trip. Um, but yeah, like you said, you don’t really feel like you’re really experiencing the culture fully.


【Ken】So, yeah. I mean, I definitely prefer just sort of plan(ning) my own trips. Um, you know, a lot of work in that…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】…of course, right? Do you prepare a lot before you go, or do you kind of just wing it?

【Deanna】Never. (laughs)


【Deanna】I don’t prepare at all. I…I mean, I guess. I think of—I’ll make a list of places I wanna (want to) see, but really I think it’s most fun when I stumble across something that the locals go to, or, you know—one technique that I like to use when I go on traveling is the first day I might do, like a hop-on/hop-off bus and just get a quick tour of what’s all around me.
And then from there, you know, the following few days I just go visit all of those places on my own. ‘Cause you get a little taste of what’s going on and then you get to dive deep into it, so, that’s what I like to do.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Deanna’s favorite style of traveling?
  2. Why does Deanna prefer the adventurist style of travel over pre-planned tour traveling, such as cruises?
  3. What travel technique does Deanna usually employ on her first day in a foreign country?



  1. Deanna prefers the “adventurist” style, but she has never done full backpacking before.
  2. She feels one gets a better experience of the local culture of a country when that person organizes their own travel and does their own exploring.
  3. She likes to take a hop-on/hop-off bus to get a quick tour of the area she’s in and then in the following days explore the places she saw on the bus.



Ken and Deanna discuss different styles of travel in this episode and their own personal preferences. Deanna begins by citing several different styles: “adventurist,” backpacking, and more relaxed, laid-back travel.

Ken has done most styles of travel himself. He has done backpacking, traveled in hostels, traveled alone and with others. He feels there are pros and cons to all styles.

Deanna’s preferred style of travel is the self-planned “adventurist” style, however she has yet to do fully-fledged backpacking. Both Ken and Deanna acknowledge that the preplanned touring travel styles, such as cruise trips, can be relaxing. But Deanna still enjoys traveling on her own terms, as it allows her to immerse herself more in the local culture of whichever country she’s visiting.

Deanna has a technique she uses at the start of her trips. On her first day in a foreign country, she likes taking hop-on/hop-off buses to explore the area and get a general feeling for where she’s staying. Then in subsequent days, she tries to explore the various places she saw while on the bus.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Typical(普通の )

Typicalは、「普通の」や「いつもの」という意味の単語です。 人や物、場所などが他と同じ特徴を持つことを表し、normalやusualの代わりに使うことができます。

  • 「普段は」と言う場合はtypicallyと言います。
  • It’s typical for busses to run late in LA.
  • What’s a typical day like for you?
  • Typically I work from home. I only go into the office a few times a week.

2) Wing it(即興でやる)

準備をせずにぶっつけ本番でプレゼンやスピーチをしたり、計画を立てずに旅行に出るなど、何かを即興でやったり思いつきのまま行動することをwing itと言います。基本的にはポジティブな意味で使われますが、明らかに準備不足であることを表す場合にも使われます。

  • Did you prepare for the speech or are you just going to wing it?
  • I’m just going to wing it. It’ll work out.
  • You can tell he’s totally winging it. He’s really struggling.

3) Stumble across(〜に出くわす)

Stumbleは本来、「つまずく」を意味する単語ですが、stumble acrossは何かを偶然見つけたり、誰かとバッタリ出会うことを意味します。 Come acrossと同じ意味合いで用法も同じです。

  • Stumble onやStumble uponと表現することもできます。
  • I stumbled across a pretty cool travel site last night.
  • If you stumble across a word or phrase you don’t know, let me know.
  • I stumbled across our high school math teacher at the mall this morning.

4) Hop on / Hop off (飛び乗る・飛び降りる)

Hopは片足で軽く飛ぶことを意味することから、バスや電車、飛行機などに飛び乗ることをhop on、飛び降りることをhop offと言います。特に動いている自動車に飛び乗るイメージがあり、ケーブルカーやバスに乗降する時に、hop on, hop offを使うといいでしょう。

  • ちなみに、「hop-on/hop-off bus」は、観光地などでよく見られる自由に乗り降りができるバスを指します。
  • Let’s hop on that bus. I think it’ll take us downtown.
  • Let’s hop off on the next stop.
  • We hopped on the wrong bus and went the opposite way.

5) Get a taste of(〜を味わう)

「〜を味わう」と言う時に最適な表現が get a taste of _____です。実際に体験することで物事の良し悪しが分かったり、楽しさや苦しさを理解することを意味します。

  • I lived in Ishikawa for a few years and got a taste of country life.
  • I got a little taste of what it’s like to travel alone.
  • I did an internship at Facebook last year and got a taste of what it’s like working for a giant tech company.



  • Adventurist・・・冒険家
  • Immersion・・・どっぷり漬かる


  • Pros and cons・・・良し悪し
  • I’ve done it all・・・全てやった
  • All sort of・・・色々な



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. SEIJI より:

    We visited a coffee plantation, biked through the rice fields and saw the Tegalalang Rice Terrace, which by the way is absolutely breathtaking.
    とありますが、which by the wayの使い方が解らないので教えて下さい。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。いつもPodcastを聞いていただき、ありがとうございます。ここでは、which だけでも通じますが、 by the way を加えることによって、て、特にテガラランのライステラスが素敵な場所であったことを強調します。which だけだと、解釈の仕方によっては、coffee plantationとrice fields全てが absolutely breathtakingだと受け取ります。

  2. tsuchiya より:

    You’d get a stickerのstickerて日本語で言うステッカーですか?

  3. ゆみ より:

    写真よりも良いという意味で、not do justice を使われているように思いますが、何と言っておられたのか教えてください。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!おそらく、ナレーションのこの部分のことでしょう。 It’s one of those places where “pictures just don’t do justice.”
      “pictures don’t do justice”は「写真だけでは美しさが伝わらない」を意味する口語表現です!

  4. Kazu Hase より:

    one technique that I like to use when I go on traveling isのuse when I ですが、何回聴いてもuse na に聞こえます。
    なぜでしょうか?私だけnaに 聞こえるのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      おそらく、When I をさらっと言っている音が、”na”に聞こえるのでしょう。When Iをさらっと言うと、”Whena”のような発音になります。

      • Kazu Hase より:

        本日、名古屋で質問させて頂きました。use when I go on traveling is 何度も聞き直しました。ゆーぞなごん とらべりん いず
        use when I ゆーぞなごん リンキングで、こんな感じに聞こえました。少し成長しましたか?

      • Kazu Hase より:

        6:50 you’d get a sticker , you’d have to come back at a certain time のyou’d have to が、やいん はふた、 ゆいん はふた と聞こえます。なぜでしょうか?

  5. Kazu Hase より:

    6:30 But I’ve done it all が、ばでぃ あどんとおー。と聞こえます。なぜでしょうか?

  6. Kazu Hase より:

    7:20 Um but yeah , like you said , you don’t really feel like のyou don’t really が、ゆのりあり、と聞こえます。you know reallyと勘違いしそうですが、その後feel like がくるので、you know ではなくyou don’t だとわかります。know really も順番も違和感ありますし。

  7. あいあい より:

    Ubdo was a lot quieter and …… aboundance of culture tradition and nature. ……の部分が聞き取れません

  8. あいあい より:

    My wife is a planner and make sure we have ……… laid out before we begin our trip.

    • Jun より:


      She likes to research everything ahead of time and make sure we have an itinerary laid out before we begin our trip. と言っています!

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