
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.08.03





【Deanna】I’m here with Ken today. How are you doing Ken?

【Ken】I’m doing pretty good.

【Deanna】Cool. (laughs) So I have a few questions for you. I’m wondering…where have you travelled in the world?

【Ken】Um well, Deanna, I’ve travelled all over the place. I’ve been to Europe…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】Uh, basically most of the countries in Western Europe. Um, I’ve been out to Asia, so I’ve been to Japan. I’ve been to China, Philippines, Thailand, um…think that about covers it. But hopefully I can travel a few more places. Um, how ‘bout (about) you?

【Deanna】Uh, I’ve been to quite a few places as well. So let’s see. When I was younger, I went to Tahiti and Bora Bora for a hula competition. And I’ve been to Europe, Barcelona, Italy, France, Greece, Croatia, Japan…uh, let’s see. There’s Singapore, India, and then just throughout the U.S. as well.

【Ken】What’s your favorite country?

【Deanna】Okay well, that’s a big question. They’re all different, I think, but…it’s kind of ironic, but I think the best country I’ve been to was India because of how different the culture is, and I guess it was kind of the…in a way it was kind of the worst but also the best at the same time because I’ve seen things that I’ve never seen before in any other country.

【Ken】Yeah, I’ve heard a lot about India and that it’s almost like a lot of countries within a country…


【Ken】…and there’s, you know, some poverty there, and—but a lot of really amazing traditions. Um, you know, what were some of the amazing things that you saw there?

【Deanna】Right. Um, I think some poverty is an understatement. (laughs) It’s actually entirely impoverished. So when I went there, I just remember, um…we arrived late at night. Probably a mistake, but it was around 12 A.M., and all the taxi cabs were trying to get our attention, and they were saying, you know, “Take our cab! Take our cab!” And we weren’t used to being so hailed down like that by taxi cabs.

【Ken】Mm hm.

【Deanna】So that was the first part of our trip and, uh there were, you know, they had the taxi cabs had tourists written on the front of the car just so that people knew that we were tourists coming in. And then you would have kids, you know, coming up to our…coming up to our car, knocking on the windows, you know, begging for money.
So, you know, it was…it was a very different experience from California, and I really enjoyed that. Would you ever go to India?


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why did Deanna travel to Bora Bora?
  2. Of all the countries Deanna has visited, which did she say was her favorite country?
  3. What was the first thing that happened to Deanna when she landed in India?



  1. She went for a hula competition.
  2. India was Deanna’s favorite country.
  3. She landed at 12 A.M. and was quickly hailed down by several cab drivers hoping to convince her to take their cab.



Deanna and Ken meet to discuss their experiences traveling to various countries around the world. Both have visited a collection of countries.

Ken has visited most of the countries in Western Europe and has also visited Japan, the Philippines, China, and Thailand. Deanna has traveled to Barcelona in Spain as well as Italy, France, Greece, Croatia, Japan, Singapore, India, and across the United States. She also visited Tahiti and went to Bora Bora for a hula competition.

When asked by Ken what her favorite country was, Deanna said India because of the differences its culture has with American culture. She said it was at once the worst and best country she had ever visited.

Deanna observed that a majority of India appeared to be impoverished. She first landed in India at roughly midnight, and shortly after was approached by several cab drivers who hoped to convince her to take their taxis. She also observed young children coming up to her begging for money. Still, she maintained that it was her favorite country because of the great cultural differences from California.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) That about covers it (大体以上の通りです)

That about covers itは、話や説明の締めくくりに「言いたいことは大体以上です」と言う時に使われる表現です。多少の抜け漏れがあっても主なポイントは伝えたというニュアンスがあり、「まぁ、そんなところかな」に近い表現と言えます。カジュアルな場面でもビジネスシーンでも使える便利な表現です。

  • I think that about covers it. Do you guys have any questions?
  • That about covers it for today’s meeting.
  • I might’ve missed a few things but that about covers it.

2) Quite a few(かなりたくさんの)

Quite a fewは「かなり多くの」という意味の表現で、 A lot ofほど多くなく、 a fewほど少なくない数を表します。日常会話では、 a lotやmanyを控えめに言う場合に使われる傾向があります。

  • I’ve been to quite a few countries in Europe.
  • There were quite a few people at the event last night.
  • She has quite a few followers on Instagram.

3) Let’s see (ええと)

Let’s seeは使い方によって意味が異なる表現ですが、今日の会話では、考えたり思い出している場面で、「ええと、そうだね」という意味で使われています。考えるのに少し時間が必要な時は let’s seeを使うといいでしょう。

  • Let’s see. When was the last time I traveled?
  • Let’s see. There are a few good Italian restaurants nearby.
  • Hmm, let’s see. I remember you were using your phone at the first bar. Did you check there?

4) Understatement(控えめな表現)

Statementが「発言」や「意見」を意味することから、 understatementは「控えめな表現・言い方」を表します。例えば、現在日本は記録的な暑さを迎えていますが、それを英語で伝えるのに「It’s hot in Japan.」と言う表現では understatementになります。 猛暑を伝えるには「It’s scorching hot!」や「It’s blazing hot.」と表現するのが適切でしょう。

  • 逆に、「大げさに言うこと」は overstatementと言います。
  • Saying Mark Zuckerberg is rich is an understatement. He is filthy rich.
  • I would say that’s an understatement. She’s not good at English. She’s fluent.
  • I don’t think it would be an overstatement to say that that was the best sushi I’ve ever had.

5) Hail down (タクシーを呼び止める)

Hailは状況に応じて様々な意味を持つ動詞ですが、 hail down a cabと言うと、「タクシーを呼び止める」「タクシーをひろう」ことを意味します。この表現には、電話やアプリなどを使わず、路上で手を上げてタクシーをつかまえるニュアンスがあります。 hail a taxiも同じ意味なので、どちらを使ってもOKです。

  • We need to hail down a taxi.
  • Is it pretty easy to hail a cab in Tokyo?
  • If we miss the last train, we can just hail down a cab.



  • Ironic・・・皮肉
  • Poverty・・・貧困
  • Impoverished・・・貧困に陥った


  • All over the place・・・至るところ
  • Throughout the U.S.・・・アメリカ全土
  • Beg for money・・・お金をせびる



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. bluemonday より:

    hail down a cab は初めて知りました。hailは’やあ’とかの呼びかけや、歓迎する、称えるとしか覚えていなかったので勉強になりました。やあという呼び掛けから→タクシーに呼び止めると考えて差し支えないでしょうか?

  2. Kiki より:

    Really like your podcast,I’m studying Japanese now,and you podcast let my Japanese and English more better😀.

  3. ゆうじ より:

    My favorite country is Burma, now it’s called Myanmer, because I spend my childhood there and i have quite few positive memories.

  4. koichi より:

    the first country I visited was Thailand when I was student.from now on, there are quit a few of countries, but I would have to say Thailand if some one ask your favorite country. Now I live here for over 20 years.

  5. Ryomcfly より:

    “Would you ever go to India?”は
    I would ever go to India.のように肯定文で使う事もできますか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!”I would ever go to India.”のように肯定文で使うことはできません。その場合、everを入れず、シンプルに “I would go to India.(機会があればインド行くよ。)”と言います。しかし、「I would never go to India.(インドは絶対に行かない)」のように、neverを加えれば、文章は成り立ちます。

  6. Tomoko より:

    they had the taxi cabs had tourists written on the front of the car just so that people knew that we were tourists coming in.

    ここにある、written onというのはどういった意味になるのでしょうか。webで検索をしたのですが、意味がつかめず教えてください。

    • Jun より:


      written onは「書かれている」を意味するので、「タクシーのフロントに旅行者って表示されていた」を意味します。

  7. もっちゃん より:


    • Jun より:



  8. yohei より:


    • Jun より:



  9. より:


    “目の当たり”のことを、”めのあたり” に誤読されていませんでしたか?


    • Jun より:



  10. Kazu Hase より:

    they had the taxi cabs had tourists written on the front of the car.
    ですが、they had the taxi cabs (that )had tourists written on the front of the car.
    とthat が省略されてる。であっていますか?

  11. Kazu Hase より:

    7:00 And then you would have kids, you know, coming up to our…coming up to our car, knocking on the windows, you know, begging for money.
    のAn then you would のwouldは、もしインドにいるなら、あなたは、子供達が近づいてきて窓を叩いて、施しを要求する経験をするでしょう。の仮定法で良いですか?

  12. Haru より:


    • Jun より:


      Congrats on reaching episode 200!! 最新のエピソードに、追いつくまであと、69回ですね。今年中には、到達できますね!頑張ってください!

  13. Kana より:

    初めまして、最近Hapa 英会話を知りPodcast やYoutube などを通して勉強させて頂いています。
    I’ve been out to Asia, の部分なのですが、I’ve been to や I’ve gone to とのニュアンスの違いがあいまいなので、教えていただけるとありがたいです。

    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます。I’ve been to と I’ve gone to は両方とも「〜へ行ったことがある」を意味しますが、”I’ve been to”の方が一般的に使われます。

yohei へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

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