
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.07.13

第198回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「ノースカロライナに思いを巡らす」です。皆さんはノースカロライナ州へ行ったことがありますか?今日のエピソードでは、メアリーとトリスタンがノースカロライナ州の最も恋しいと思うことについて話し合います。 ネブラスカ州とノースカロライナ州の違いを何点か挙げ、東海岸沿いにあるちょっと変わった観光スポットも紹介してくれます。今日の会話を聴いて、ノースカロライナ州について学びましょう。




【Tristan】What do you miss about North Carolina?

【Mary】Um, I miss trees.


【Mary】I miss mountains and the beach. Obviously there’s no beach anywhere near. It’s like a twenty-hour drive from any ocean.

【Tristan】Right, that was—that was a weird thing when we got to Nebraska. Some of my coworkers said they’re taking their kids on vacation. They’re gonna (going to) see the beach for the first time, and that’s so strange for me living so close to the beach that anybody would see the beach for the first time when they’re ten years old. (laughs)

【Mary】Right. (laughs)

【Tristan】Really bizarre. But out in the Midwest it’s all plains and prairie and it’s the first time I’ve heard the term “prairie” of course, but it’s the first time I’ve ever lived on a prairie…


【Tristan】…or seen a prairie.

【Mary】Yeah I just miss trees. I miss there being shade when you walk around. I miss the humidity that goes along with it.


【Mary】I miss having…well, yeah, it’s the shade.


【Mary】The sun beats down and it’s super windy.

【Tristan】Right and it’s a much more boring drive. In North Carolina if you wanna (want to) drive twelve hours to get somewhere you get to pass through mountain towns and passes and roads along the mountains and through the mountains, or you get to go out through the coastal plains or somewhere near the beach.


【Tristan】And in Nebraska it’s just prairies as far as you can see.

【Mary】Well yeah. When you’re going on road trips through the East Coast and through the mountains, there are all these, like weird tourist trap kind of places, like “World’s”…you know, “Funkiest Barn” or…

【Tristan】“Biggest Ball of Yarn” or “Biggest Rocking Chair.”

【Mary】(laughs) Right. So, like you’re driving on the highway, and there was a weird sign, and if you had time you check it out.

【Tristan】Right. Lots of caverns.


【Tristan】That’s unique to North Carolina. When you drive through, they’re all sorts of tourist traps off the highway that say “Luray Caverns” or “Carlsbad Caverns.”

【Mary】Oh my gosh, remember…remember “Rock City.”

【Tristan】Rock City.

【Mary】See Rock City.

【Tristan】Yeah, big underground caves and caverns you go through and they’ve built strange houses and homes for elves and gnomes and you…

【Mary】Yeah. So I just miss…well, I mean the obvious thing I miss the most is family and friends.


【Mary】It’s a twenty-two-hour drive, so…it’s not like we’re going out there very often. (laughs)

【Tristan】Right. And living in North Carolina we could drive an hour and a half and go see my family or thirty minutes and see your family. Now we’re twenty hours away from anybody.

【Mary】Right. Some people might like that. Some people might say, “It’s good to be away from your in-laws.” But…(laughs)

【Tristan】Depends how much you like your family. But we like our families.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Where did Tristan’s coworkers say they were taking their children on vacation?
  2. What is “Rock City?”
  3. In Nebraska, how long would it take Tristan and Mary to return to their families in North Carolina by car?



  1. They were taking their children to the beaches for the first time.
  2. Tristan describes it as a strange network of caves with houses built for mythological creatures like elves and gnomes.
  3. It would take them roughly twenty hours.



Mary and Tristan reminisce in this episode about North Carolina, the East Coast, and what they miss the most from that region. Mary misses the trees, mountains, and beaches in particular.

Both currently live in Nebraska, and there are no beaches in their immediate area. Some of Tristan’s coworkers said that when they take their vacation, it will be the first time their children will have seen beaches before.

Mary and Tristan both feel the driving in Nebraska is more boring than in North Carolina because in Nebraska the land is flat and mostly plains and prairies. In North Carolina, the scenery is much more varied, with mountains, beaches, and trees in the landscape. There are even strange “tourist traps,” such as “Rock City,” an attraction built in a cave network with houses for mythological creatures.

What Tristan and Mary both miss most though are their family and friends in North Carolina. Back home, both of their families were within a a few hours’ drive. Now, living in Nebraska, it would take them roughly twenty hours to return.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Out in(〜では )

out inは、「〜では」や「〜に」を意味する口語表現で、基本的にinと同じ役割を果たしますが、ニュアンスが微妙に異なります。例えば、「私はロサンゼルスに住んでいます。」と言う時に、 「I live in Los Angeles.」ではなく「I live out in Los Angeles.」とすると、ロサンゼルスが今いる場所から遠い所にあることを示唆していることになります。

  • Out in Tokyo, everyone commutes by train.
  • I used to work out in Silicon Valley for a few years.
  • I heard it gets pretty humid during the summertime out in New York.

2) Beat down(太陽が照りつける)

beat downは本来「打ち倒す」という意味の表現ですが、 the sun(太陽)と組み合わせて「The sun beats down.」と言うと、「太陽が照りつける」ことを意味します。日差しが強い時にこの表現を使うといいでしょう。

  • The sun is beating down today.
  • Oh my gosh! It’s so hot! I can feel the sun beating down on me.
  • Oh. It feels nice and cool in here. The sun is beating down outside.

3) Road trip(車で旅行すること)

Roadは「道」、 Tripは「旅行」、すなわちRoad tripは「車で旅行すること」を意味し、かつ、普段は行かない遠く離れた場所へ行くニュアンスがあります。日本であれば、車で県外を旅行する時に使える表現でしょう。

  • 「車で旅行をする」は Go on a road tripもしくはtake a road tripと言います。
  • Let’s take a road trip this summer.
  • I went on a road trip with my friends last weekend.
  • Do you want to go on a road trip to Nagano with me?

4) Tourist trap(観光客に高い料金をふっかける場所))

touristは「観光客」、trapは「ワナ」を意味することから、tourist trapは、「観光客に通常よりも高い値段で商品を販売したりサービスを提供したりする場所やお店」を指します。主に観光客が集まる名所で、レストランや宿泊料が地元民の相場よりも高いエリアを指します。

  • Don’t go there! It’s a tourist trap. Everything is overpriced!
  • The Taj Mahal is a tourist trap but still worth going to.
  • If you don’t do your homework ahead of time, you’re going to fall into a lot of tourist traps.

5) in-laws(義理の両親)

「義理の両親」は parents-in-lawと言いますが、日常会話では略して in-lawsと言うことも一般的です。ちなみに、「義理の母親」は mother-in-law、「義理の父親」は father-in-lawと言います。

  • in-lawsは「義理の両親」に限らず義理の親戚全般を表します。
  • My in-laws are in town this weekend.
  • Do you get along with your in-laws?
  • My in-laws are going to stay with us for a few weeks.



  • Bizarre・・・おかしい
  • Yarn・・・毛糸玉
  • Cavern・・・洞窟
  • Elves and gnomes・・・奇妙な小人


  • Plain and prairie・・・平原と草原
  • Go along with・・・〜と一緒に



Mary L







  1. おにぎり より:

    it’s the first time I’ve heard the term “prairie” of course,
    It’s not the first time になるのでは思いました。

    • Jun より:


      ここは「it’s the first time」ですね。トリスタンは”prairie”って言葉を知らなく初めて聞いた、と言っているではなく、会話で”prarie”という言葉が使われるのを初めて聞いた、の意味で「it’s the first time I’ve heard the term “prairie” of course」と言っています。

  2. Tora より:

    以前、It feels nice and cool in here.The sun is beating down outside.
    ここでどうしてfeelのsubject がit なのかわかりません。

    • Jun より:


      ここでは It を “This room(この部屋)”に置き換えたらわかりやすいかと思います。”It feels nice and cool in here.”は「ここは(この部屋は)涼しいね」を表しています。

  3. Yossy より:


    • Jun より:

      Yossyさん、いつもありがとうございます!Mary と Tristanは南部出身だと思います。特にTristanはちょっと訛っているように聞こえます。訛りや方言はとにかく大量に聞いて耳慣れするのがベストだと思います。南部訛りの人の英語をYouTubeなどで探して毎日聞くことをオススメします!

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