
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.07.06





【Mary】So do you…I already know. You never take baths.


【Mary】And why not? (laughs)

【Tristan】In my mind, and I think most Americans would feel this way, you take baths when you’re a kid…when, you know, you’re a little baby, of course, you take a bath in a tiny little baby bath in a sink or whatever way parents choose to do that.
And then once you get a little bit older especially before elementary school and early elementary school, when you’re five or six, you take baths but at a certain point you switch over to showers. And I’m not sure when that is. It’s not…

【Mary】I do remember, you know as a kid you take a bath and, like when you’re finally old enough to take a shower by yourself, it’s kinda (kind of) like a mark of adulthood and independence.

【Tristan】Right, except you’re only eight years old.

【Mary】Right, right.

【Tristan】Six years old or however…

【Mary】But it is, you know, a memorable moment, like “I can take showers now and clean myself.” (laughs)

【Tristan】Right. Right, as a kid you felt very grown-up that you get to take a shower. But really that mentality stuck with me. I don’t…I think most men at least will never take a bath.

【Mary】That’s really interesting. So I take baths very regularly, as you know. But not to clean myself. Just purely for relaxing.


【Mary】Like I shower after the bath. (laughs) To like, wash off all the bath salts and like, funky perfume-y soaps that you might put in there. But baths for me are just relaxation now.

【Tristan】Right and I think most men after six-years-old will never take a bath again.

【Mary】Would you ever take a bath at a hotel?

【Tristan】No, it seems like a waste of time.


【Tristan】Just sit in a tub and do nothing.

【Mary】There’s something weird about taking baths. Like, I take them but I’d never take them in other people’s houses, and I never take them at hotels. Maybe because I think that it’s kind of filthy, but…it’s just a private thing that I do to relax.

【Tristan】Yeah. If you go on vacation and you’re in a nice hotel, not a…um…


【Tristan】Not a motel. But if you were at a resort, that would be something reasonable. I mean, I’ll sit in a hot tub.


【Tristan】I’ll go swimming and then get in a hot tub. But I would never draw a bath and then…

【Mary】It’s not to clean yourself.


【Mary】It’s just to relax.

【Tristan】It wouldn’t…yeah, it would just be to relax. But it’s not a thing I do ever.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Roughly, what age range do Tristan and Mary think children learn to take showers?
  2. Does Mary take showers or baths?
  3. Why doesn’t Tristan like the idea of taking baths at hotels?



  1. They say around the ages of six and eight, a child learns to take showers.
  2. She takes both. She might take a bath with perfume-y soaps, and then a shower after to wash them off.
  3. He feels doing so is a waste of time.



Mary and Tristan discuss taking showers versus baths. Tristan generally doesn’t take baths and prefers showers.

According to Tristan, most American children take baths as infants and toddlers, but around the age of six begin to learn to take showers. Mary remembers the first time she took a shower, feeling it signified one’s own personal maturation.

Mary herself takes both baths and showers. She likes taking baths purely for relaxation, and often puts perfume-y soaps into her baths. She may then take a shower afterwards to wash off the chemicals she enhanced her bath with.

For Tristan, even if on vacation, he still doesn’t take baths. He feels they’re wastes of time. He is willing to enter hot tubs after a swim, though. Still, he generally sticks to showers.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Switch over to(〜に切り替える)

Switch overは「切り替える」ことを意味する口語表現です。iPhoneからAndroidに切り替えたり、ピアノをやめてギターを始めたり、通っていた英会話教室をやめて他の英会話教室に通い始めたりするなど、今まで使っていた物やサービスを他に切り替えることを意味します。

  • I’m thinking about switching over to an Android. How do you like it?
  • Why did you decide to switch over to the base? I thought you were a drummer.
  • You should switch over to my gym. The facility is much nicer and it’s cheaper.

2) Grown-up(大人)

Grow upは「成長する」や「大人になる」を意味する動詞表現ですが、 grown-upは「大人」や「成人」を意味する名詞です。 Adultと意味は似ていますが、 grown-upには年齢にかかわらず振る舞いや行動が成熟し、精神的に成長している人を指すニュアンスがあります。

  • また、grown-upは子供が成長した状態を表し、子供やティーンエージャーに対して使われる傾向があります。
  • When I’m a grown-up, I’m going to become a firefighter.
  • You’re grown-up now. You have to take responsibilities for your actions.
  • I can’t believe your daughter is all grown-up now. The last time I saw her she was still in elementary school.

3) Wash off (洗い落とす)

wash offは、調理前に野菜を洗ったり化粧を洗い落とすなど、基本的に水で汚れを「洗い落とす」「洗い流す」ことを意味する表現です。

  • Can you wash off these vegetables?
  • My sister is washing off her makeup right now.
  • Make sure you wash off before you get in the bathtub.

4) Funky(臭い)


  • Ew. What’s that smell? It’s smells funky in here.
  • You should check out that bar. It has a funky vibe to it.
  • Have you ever had natto before? It smells really funky.

5) -y(〜ぽい)

「〜のような匂いがする」や「〜っぽい味がする」と表現する際に、アメリカ人は 「It smells _____-y.」や 「It tastes _____-y.」のように、名詞の語尾に yを加えた言い方をよくします。 watery(水っぽい)やfishy(魚臭い)のような既存の単語の他に、今回の会話でメアリーが言った perfume-y(香水のような匂い)のように、独自で作った単語で表現することも日常会話ではよくあります。

  • It smells seafood-y in this room. Is someone eating fish?
  • You might not like this. It has a cilantro-y flavor.
  • This restaurant is really cool. It has a beach-y feel to it.



  • Mark of・・・証
  • Purely・・・純粋に


  • Take bath(s)・・・お風呂に入る
  • In my mind・・・私が思うには
  • At a certain point・・・ある時点から
  • Sit in a tub・・・浴槽に浸かる



Mary L







  1. Tomohiro より:

    毎度Hapa 英会話を利用させていただいております。
    Right, except only you’re only eight years olds nowの意味を把握することができませんでした。アメリカでは8歳になるまでに1人でシャワーを浴びらようになることが一般的ということでしょうか?説明していただければ幸いです。

    • Jun より:



  2. yutsudo yoshihiro より:

    It smellsとIt’s smellsの両方の表現がありますが、どちらも正しいのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。「It smells」が正しい表現の仕方です。「It’s」と聞こえるのはおそらく、「It」と「smells」を続けて言っているので「Itsmells」のように聞こえるのだと思います。

      • yutsudo yoshihiro より:


  3. Kameichi より:

    2)Grown-upの例文 ・・・, I’m going to be become a firefighter.の

    • Jun より:



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