
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.06.22





【Mary】So what would you tip?

【Tristan】In a bar?

【Mary】Yeah. After you—when you’re closing your tab.

【Tristan】I would—I would look at the number of drinks I had and think about it based on that. But it would probably be more than I would for a restaurant.


【Tristan】Which is a little counterintuitive because I feel like they do less work…


【Tristan】…than someone at a restaurant or for whatever reason there’s more of a tipping culture around drinking.

【Mary】Right. It’s just standard practice even though it doesn’t make a lot of sense.

【Tristan】No it really doesn’t.

【Mary】Like after living in Korea, where they don’t tip at all, it’s really hard to come back and pay that much extra money.

【Tristan】Oh, I know. Because if a meal is ten dollars in Korea, it’s ten dollars.


【Tristan】And if it’s ten dollars in the US, then you have tax, and then you have a tip, and you walk out and it was 20 dollars.

【Mary】Right. (laughs)

【Tristan】Where else do you tip?

【Mary】Um, well this isn’t a situation you’re in a lot, but at a hotel, if someone carries your bag…

【Tristan】Mm hm.

【Mary】…especially if you ask them to, you should pay them, I don’t know, a dollar per bag.

【Tristan】I—I would just be guessing.

【Mary】Yeah. I think it’s about a dollar per bag. Um…if you go on a cruise…(laughs)

【Tristan】Mm hm.

【Mary】…then they pretty much expect you to leave a big tip at the end. But they give you like a handy guideline of how you’re supposed to…

【Tristan】They’ll give you a guideline, right.


【Tristan】But some things you don’t tip for. You don’t—you wouldn’t tip a mechanic.

【Mary】That’s true.

【Tristan】Um, there isn’t—there isn’t really an easy rule for who gets a tip and who doesn’t get a tip. It’s just a cultural practice that you…you become accustomed to.


【Tristan】Food and—food and drinks though…you’re likelier to tip under those circumstancesthan any others.

【Mary】What about a taxi?

【Tristan】I would not tip a taxi unless there were some…it’s likelier that I would than say someone that works at a convenience store.

【Mary】Right. (laughs)

【Tristan】It’s likelier that I would tip a taxi driver but they would have to do something remarkable.

【Mary】Right. They went above and beyond to help you.

【Tristan】Right. If it were rush hour and I had five minutes to get there and it was a fifteen-minute drive and they knew shortcuts and they knew a special way to go that nobody else did and they really went out of their way to get me there quickly, I would happily tip them. But that would be, that would be unusual.

【Mary】Right. Yeah, but I’ve never lived in a city in the US where it’s normal to take a lot of cabs, so…

【Tristan】Mm hm.

【Mary】…I’m not so familiar with that. I mean I drive myself everywhere, so.




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What country does Mary bring up in this episode where tipping culture doesn’t exist?
  2. In what venue would a customer be given a guideline for how to tip, according to Mary and Tristan in this episode?
  3. Under what circumstances would Tristan tip a taxi driver?



  1. She says tipping culture isn’t present in Korea.
  2. Cruises will give customers guidelines for how to tip.
  3. He would only tip them if they went out of their way to help him get to where he needed to go.



Mary and Tristan continue their discussion of tipping culture in the United States in this episode, exploring other areas of American life where tipping does and does not apply. Continuing from last episode, Tristan says he evaluates his tips at bars based on how many drinks he ordered.

Mary mentions that when she lived in Korea, there was no tipping culture. This meant that if a meal was the Korean equivalent of ten dollars, that was precisely what one would pay. In the US, tax and tips are also added to a bill.

At hotels, Mary tips employees who carry her bags one dollar per bag. Mary and Tristan both mention that on cruise ships, customers are given guidelines on how to tip, and are expected to leave a large tip at the end.

When it comes to tipping taxi drivers in America, generally Tristan doesn’t. However, if Tristan was pressed for time and the taxi driver went out of his way to get Tristan to where he needed to go, Tristan would tip him.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Counterintuitive(直感に反した)

intuitiveが「直感で理解できる」を意味することから、counterintuitiveはその逆の、直感では理解しづらいことを意味します。例えば、ある国で赤信号が GO、青信号が STOPのサインだった場合、それはcounterintuitiveと言えるでしょう。

  • You have to scroll up to move down? That’s counterintuitive!
  • Have you ever steered a boat? It’s pretty counterintuitive.
  • It may seem counterintuitive but you get more work done when you work less.

2) At all(全然〜でない)

at allは「全然〜でない」ことを強調する時に使われる口語表現です。例えば、 「Are you hungry?(お腹空いた?)」と聞かれて 「全然空いていません。」と返す場合、 「I’m not hungry at all.」と言います。 Not ____ at allのように、否定文で使うのがポイントです。

  • その他、日常会話では、「ありがとう」に対して 「No problem at all.」と返すこともあり、これは「全然大丈夫だよ」に相当する表現になります。
  • It’s really easy to sign up. It’s not hard at all.
  • No worries at all. Let me know if you need help again.
  • He said he’s fluent in Japanese? No way. He can’t speak at all.

3) Handy(便利な)

この表現は、便利で役に立つ物や人のことを指す場合に使います。例えば海外旅行中、現地でおすすめのレストランや、バスや電車の乗り方など、役立つ情報が満載のガイドブックを見つけた時に 「This book is really handy.(この本、本当に役に立つね)」と言うことができます。

  • When you come to Japan, you should get a Suica. It’s really handy.
  • You should download this app. It comes in handy.
    (このアプリは役に立つからダウンロードするといいよ。 )
  • This is a handy gadget. Where did you get it?

4) Accustomed to(〜に慣れている)

Accustomed toは「〜に慣れている」を意味し、 used toの代わりに使える日常表現です。特に習慣やライフスタイルに関することに使われる傾向があり、例えば、若い頃から1人でバックパッカーをしている人については、 「He is accustomed to traveling alone.(彼は一人旅に慣れています。)」と言えます。

  • I’m accustomed to the jam-packed trains.
  • I’m getting accustomed to my new life in New York.
  • I’m from Hokkaido so I’m accustomed to the cold weather.

5) Likelier(〜する可能性が高い)


  • 以前のエピソードで、 more likely to(〜する可能性が高い)という表現を紹介しましたが、日常会話ではどちらを使ってもOKです。
  • You know that you’re likelier to die from a car accident than sky diving right?
  • She’s likelier to show up late than early.
  • It’s likelier that I’ll settle down in LA but who knows?



  • Standard practice・・・慣例的
  • Remarkable・・・優れた
  • Reasonable・・・妥当


  • It doesn’t make sense a lot of sense・・・理不尽
  • Under those circumstances・・・そのような状況では
  • Above and beyond・・・期待以上の〜
  • Go out of one’s way・・・わざわざ〜する



Mary L







  1. あいあい より:

    I would not tip a taxi unless there were some…it’s likelier that I would than say someone that works at a convenience store.

    コンビニ店員さんに言うより て訳すんですか? 何を言うんですか?

    • Jun より:



      • あいあい より:

        sayは I would say の事ですか? thanの位置が何故そこなんでしょうか そういうもんなんでしょうか

  2. へちま より:


    • Jun より:



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