
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.06.08





【Mary】So I feel like tipping has changed a bit since we were young. Like, these days you’re expected to pay up to 20 percent.

【Tristan】Mm hm.

【Mary】And when I was a kid, it was closer to 10.

【Tristan】Well that’s tipping for restaurants.

【Mary】Yeah, tipping for restaurants.

【Tristan】My whole life, I’ve always tipped 15 percent. That’s what I was taught. And these days I feel like 20 percent is pretty…


【Tristan】Yeah, pretty normal, if not expected. And that feels strange because a percentage is always going to be appropriate if it’s even with inflation.


【Tristan】If…if the price of a meal goes up, you’re still tipping 15 percent. I usually don’t tip 20 unless I got really good service.


【Tristan】But this is just at a restaurant.

【Mary】Well, like 20’s really good, and 10’s like signaling they did a bad job.


【Mary】Like leaving nothing is considered unacceptable.

【Tristan】The rudest thing you can do.

【Mary】Like, if you go back to that restaurant they probably won’t want to serve you. (laughs)

【Tristan】Right, right. But it’s…and which restaurant to tip at seems to…I mean it’s been consistent throughout my life, but it does…it changes from place to place. Even when you do have tableside service


【Tristan】At any sit-down restaurant, you’re pretty much expected to tip unless it is somehow a fast food restaurant, like Chick-fil-A for instance.


【Tristan】They come to your table. They bring your food. They bring you refills, but there’s no expectation that you’ll tip anyone.

【Mary】That’s true. Well, I think as a rule, if you’re ordering at a counter, even if they bring it to you, you don’t really have to tip.

【Tristan】Yeah, that’s a good point.

【Mary】They have a tip jar, and so some people throw their extra change in there, or feel pressure because the person they’re ordering from is staring at them while they…


【Mary】(laughs)…have to decide.

【Tristan】Most tipping culture is pressure-based.

【Mary】Yeah. But I think if you’re ordering and paying at the counter before you get your food, then you shouldn’t tip.

【Tristan】Right but if—if it’s a restaurant where you…someone brings a menu to you, you order at the table and you pay at the table…


【Tristan】…that’s where you tip.

【Mary】Yeah. Cafes are a little more ambiguous. I don’t really tip at cafes.

【Tristan】I err on the side of not tipping.


【Tristan】But that’s only when it’s ambiguous. If it were a sit-down restaurant where someone comes to the table, I wouldn’t think of not tipping. That would be…


【Tristan】…culturally a pretty bad practice.

【Mary】Right. I feel like a coffee shop where you’re ordering at the counter…I don’t tip unless it’s a place I go to very regularly…

【Tristan】Mm hm.

【Mary】…and they have great service, and I want them to like me as a regular customer.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What percentage tip does Tristan pay?
  2. According to Tristan, when should you not pay a tip?
  3. What kind of restaurant does Mary think is ambiguous with regards to whether or not someone tips?



  1. He usually pays around a 15 percent tip.
  2. You typically don’t pay tips in places that are considered “fast food” restaurants.
  3. For Mary, it’s often difficult to decide whether or not to pay tips at cafes.



Mary and Tristan discuss tipping culture in the United States in this episode. Mary says that people are expected to pay up to a 20 percent tip these days. Tristan says he usually pays a 15 percent tip.

Both Tristan and Mary agree that in a typical sit-down restaurant, a customer should always pay a tip. Not doing so is considered rude culturally.

The one exception to the tipping rule is in the case of fast food restaurants, where there is no expectation from employees that customers will tip. In the case of Chick-fil-A, Tristan says that even though employees effectively serve customers there, tipping isn’t expected because Chick-fil-A is considered fast food.

Mary thinks the one ambiguous case of whether or not someone should tip is the case of cafes. Tristan usually doesn’t tip at cafes. Mary will tip at places that she frequents, and wants to have a good reputation at as a customer.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Up to(最大〜まで)

この表現は、「最大(最高)〜まで」と言う時に使う表現で、 Maximumと同じ意味合いを持ちます。基本的に数量の最大値を指し、 up toの後には数字が続きます。

  • It will take up to five days for the product to arrive.
  • How much money can you withdraw up to at the ATMs in Japan?
  • You can upload up to 2GB for free on Dropbox.

2) From place to place(場所によって)

「場所によって異なる」と表現する際に使われる口語表現が from place to placeです。一般的に、 ________ changes from place to place、 ________ varies from place to place、 ________ is different from place to placeの形をとります。

  • 文脈によって「あちこち(に)」という意味にもなり、「私たちはあちこち旅行しました」は 「We traveled from place to place.」と言います。
  • English accents vary from place to place.
  • The summer festivals in Japan are different from place to place.
  • We went from place to place looking for my mom’s shoes but we couldn’t find them.

3) Sit-down restaurant(レストラン)

sit downは「座る」を意味することから、テーブルまで店員が注文を取りに来るレストランのことを sit-down restaurantと言います。ファストフード店やカウンターで食事をするような軽食を出すお店は sit-down restaurantには含まれません。

  • I don’t want to go to a bar tonight. Let’s go to a sit-down restaurant.
  • What are some popular sit-down restaurants in Japan?
  • I prefer a sit-down restaurant to a diner.

4) Refill(おかわり)

レストランなどで飲み物のおかわりを頼む時に使われる単語が refillです。レストランに限らず友達の家などでも、飲み物のおかわりが欲しい時は 「Can I get a refill?」と言うことができます。refillはあくまで「飲み物」のおかわりに使われ、「食べ物」のおかわりに使うことはできないので気をつけましょう。

  • その他、 refillには「詰め替える」という意味もあり、シャンプーやボディソープを詰め替える場合にも使います。
  • Can I get a refill, please? I had a diet Coke.
  • All the drinks here are free refills.
  • Can you come to pharmacy with me? I need to refill my prescription.

5) A regular customer(常連)

お店の常連顧客のことを a regular customerと言います。日常会話では略して a regularと言います。

  • I’m a regular customer at this restaurant.
  • The baristas know your name? You must be regular here.
  • If you become a regular there, the owner will hook you up.



  • Inflation・・・インフレ
  • Signal・・・シグナル
  • Unacceptable・・・言語道断
  • Ambiguous・・・あいまい


  • Closer to・・・〜に近い
  • Tableside service・・・テーブルサイドでのサービス
  • For instance・・・例えば
  • As a rule・・・普通は
  • Throw extra change・・・余ったお釣りを入れる



Mary L




  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. katu より:


    • Kiki より:




  2. おはる より:

    いつもためになるpodcast 、ありがたい存在です!
    Can I have another one ?

    • Jun より:


      その通りです!”Can I get another one?”でもOKですし、食べ物の場合は、”Can I get more _____?”のように質問をするのも一般的です。空欄にはお代わりしたい食べ物を入れます。

  3. Akira より:


    • Jun より:



  4. cat person より:

    今度、San Diegoに住む叔母に会いに行く時、

    Tristanさんの発言、 ”I err on the side of not tipping.”で出てくるerrですが、

    ・It’s better to err on the side of generosity than to appear too stingy.
    ・We chose to err on the side of caution when planning our investments.

    • Jun より:

      cat personさん

      こんにちは!Podcastが役に立っているようで嬉しいです。errの単語ですが、ここは “err on the side of”の組み合わせで使われることが一般的で、慎重に取り組むことを表します。一般的には “err on the side of caution”のフレーズが使われ、「慎重過ぎるぐらい慎重になる」を意味します。僕は個人的にあまり使わない表現ですが、たまに耳にする表現です。

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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


