
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.05.25

第191回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「アメリカ中西部の生活」です。今日より新しいシリーズがスタートします。今回はEpisode 171-177に登場したメアリーと彼女の夫、トリスタンが会話をします。このシリーズでは、二人はアメリカ中西部の生活について会話をし、ニューヨークのような大都会とどう違うのかについて意見交換をします。その他、アメリカの文化やエチケット、また夫婦間でするカジュアルな会話について話をしてくれます。今日のエピソードでは、二人はネブラスカ州の生活について話し合います。ネブラスカ州って一体どこにあるんだろう?と疑問に思っている方もいるかもしれませんが、メアリーとトリスタンの会話を聞いてネブラスカ州での生活について学びましょう!




【Tristan】My name’s Tristan. I’m here with my wife, Mary.

【Mary】Hi, Mary here. (laughs)

【Tristan】And we recently moved to Nebraska, which is in the Midwest in the United States, which is very different than anywhere else we’ve lived. We’ve lived in the South. We’re both from North Carolina, but I went to grad school up in New York, so we thought we’d talk a little bit about some of the differences and things we miss and things we like.

【Mary】So now that we’ve been living in Nebraska for about nine months, what do you think about it?

【Tristan】So I—when we first got to Nebraska I wasn’t as excited as I had been for some other places we’ve lived. But…I mean, when we first got there I was really worried it was—it was small towns, there wasn’t a lot to do, it was big, open spaces with nowhere to go.
But since we’ve been there for a while, I actually—I really like the city a lot. We live in a small town called Lincoln, and surprisingly it has all the things we want in a city. It has great food. It has really nice attractions. There’s a…a world-class zoo and as it turns out I’m actually…I’m pretty happy there.

【Mary】Yeah, I was pretty skeptical when we first got to Lincoln. It is smaller than I’m used to and very far away from a lot of stuff, but it has everything you need, and now that we’ve met people and have friends, it’s…it’s a nice place to live.

【Tristan】Yeah, and honestly relative to the South, it’s pretty similar. If you’re talking about the Northeast or West Coast, things are a lot denser. There are a lot more big cities. So even though I was worried about it, it’s—it’s not that different than North Carolina or South Carolina, or any other places around where we’re from.

【Mary】Do you think culturally there’s a huge difference that you’ve noticed?

【Tristan】No, actually I think—I think the Midwest is a lot more similar to the South than it is to the Northeast. Like I said, living in New York, I found people were a lot less friendly up there and…

【Mary】I definitely agree with you.



【Tristan】Being in Nebraska, everybody’s—everybody’s friendly. People smile and talk to you and wave, and you can start a conversation with your cashier, and people are much more willing to stop and talk to you on the street.

【Mary】You know, it’s funny. When we lived in New York, I definitely…the day we moved there I thought, “People are pretty unfriendly up here.” And, uh…I really miss the South, and I always thought, you know, North Carolina, everyone’s pretty friendly there. But Nebraska is real competition, I think.


【Mary】People are kind of over, above, and beyond… (laughs)


【Mary】…friendly and go out of their way to help each other.


【Mary】That’s been my experience so far.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Where are Tristan and Mary both from?
  2. How does Tristan compare Nebraska and the Midwest to the South?
  3. What did Tristan and Mary say about people in New York?



  1. Both are from North Carolina.
  2. He says they’re fairly similar, in comparison to other regions like the West Coast, which are much more different from Nebraska.
  3. They both thought people in New York were unfriendlier than in the South or Midwest.



New speakers Tristan and Mary introduce themselves in this episode. They are husband and wife and discuss their lives in their new home of Lincoln, Nebraska.

Both Tristan and Mary are from North Carolina, and previously lived in New York before moving to Nebraska. At first, both of them were apprehensive about moving to Nebraska because of its stereotype as a rural state with few attractions and little to do.

However, both of them have come to like living in the state capital, Nebraska. They enjoy the fact that most people in Nebraska are friendly and approachable, and life there reminds them both in many ways of the South.

Recalling their time in New York, Tristan and Mary both found that the people there were generally unfriendlier than in the South and, as they now know, the Midwest. Mary thinks the people of Lincoln, Nebraska are comparably nice to the people from her home state of North Carolina.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Up in(北の方向にある〜)

今日の会話でトリスタンは 「I went to grad school up in New York.(ニューヨークにある大学院に行きました)」と言いました。 「I went to grad school in New York.」でもいいのですが、 inの代わりに up inを使うことで、ニューヨークが今いる場所から北の方角にあることを示します。逆に、今いる場所から南の方角にある場合は down inと言います。

  • その他、今日の会話に出てきた Up thereは、「あそこ」が今いる場所から北の方角にあることを示し、 Up hereと言えば、「ここ」が北部であることを示します。例えば、ロサンゼルスに住んでいる私が北に位置するサンフランシスコへ行き「ここは寒いな」と言う場合、 「It’s cold up here.」と言います。
  • I went snowboarding up in Hokkaido last month.
    (先月、北海道にスノボをしに行きました。 )
  • There is a lot of good Mexican food down in San Diego.
  • You’re in Seattle right now? What’s the weather like up there? Is it still cold?

2) As it turns out(今にしてみると)

As it turns outは「今にしてみると」や「結局のところ」を表す日常表現です。想像や期待と異なる結果に対して使われる傾向があり、「後になって分かったこと」や「終わってから分かったこと」の意味合いが込められています。

  • I thought Tokyo was going to be flooded with tourists over Golden Week but as it turned out, it was pretty quiet.
  • I was expecting to spend at least a few hundred dollars to get my MacBook repaired. As it turns out, it’s completely free of charge.
  • As it turns out, it was John, not Peter that was lying.

3) Relative to(〜と比較して)

Relative toは、2つの物や出来事を比較する時に使われる表現です。 Compared toと同じ意味を持ちますが、より知的な印象を与えます。

  • The recent increase in price is relative to the demand.
  • Relative to the U.S., fruits are expensive in Japan.
  • Statistics show that girls acquire a foreign language faster relative to boys.

4) Above and beyond(期待をはるかに超える)

Above and beyondは、何かが期待以上であることを表す口語表現で、様々な状況で使うことができます。期待以上の活躍、サービス、仕事ぶりなどがその例です。 基本的に、Go above and beyondや、「be動詞」と組み合わせて is/are above and beyondという形で使います。

  • That was above and beyond customer service!
  • That teacher always goes above and beyond for his students.
  • I work with amazing coworkers that go above and beyond what is required.

5) Go out of one’s way(わざわざ〜する)

Go out of one’s wayは、「自分の道からそれる」という本来の意味から派生した、誰かのために「わざわざ〜する」という意味の口語表現です。逆に、「You don’t have to go out of your way to….」は「無理して〜しなくてもいいよ」という意味になります。

  • My wife really went out of her way to make my birthday a special one.
  • You don’t have to go out of your way to pick me up. I can just take a taxi.
  • Members in our community go out of their way to help each other out.



  • Midwest・・・アメリカ中西部
  • World-class・・・世界的
  • Skeptical・・・懐疑的
  • Denser・・・密集
  • Wave・・・手を振る


  • Grad school・・・大学院
  • Be used to・・・〜に慣れている
  • Willing to・・・進んで〜する



Mary L




  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Ryu Konno より:


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。Welcome to the Hapa Eikaiwa Podcast 🙂

      Podcastの「正しい勉強」の仕方はなく、自分なりに工夫をして学習することをオススメします。まずは楽しく続けられる範囲でスタートするといいでしょう。表現力をアップしたい場合は、今日のフレーズを学習すると効果的ですし、スピーキング力やイントネーションの向上を目指している場合は音読をするといいでしょう。人によっては1日目はPodcastのリスニング only、二日目はDictation(聞いた音声を書き出す練習)、三日目はフレーズの復習(自分でセンテンスを作る)、四日目は音読をする、5日目は全体の復習のように、曜日に分けて学習する内容を変える人もいます。自分なりに工夫をして、自分にとってのベストな学習法を探し出してください!

  2. gentleinjpn より:

    real competition (by Mary)の意味ですが, なんとなく, 「NebraskaもNorth Calorinaと同じぐらいに親切」という意味だと思いますが, いかがでしょうか。

    • Jun より:


      その通りです!NebraskaもNorth Carolinaと同じくらいフレンドリーなので、「NebraskaはNorth Carolinaに負けていない」のような意味になります。

  3. nackei より:

    「go out of their ways」というふうに、wayが複数形にならないのは何故ですか?

    • Jun より:



  4. うさぎ より:


    when we first got to Nebraska I wasn’t as excited as I’d had been for some other places we’ve lived.

    とありますが、 I’d had been は I would had been ということですか? この場合、どうしてwould


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。すみません、ここはタイプミスでした。正しくは「I had been」で、wouldは含まれません。

  5. Yuki より:

    Hi Jun san

    Thank you for another great episode!

    I have got a question. What is the difference between “different from” and “different than”? In the episode, Tristan used “different than” (which is very different than anywhere else we’ve lived) but I usually use “different from”. I looked it up on the online dictionary but couldn’t tell the difference. I guess “different than” is more commonly used in the states?

    • Jun より:

      Hi Yuki

      Great question! They actually both mean the same thing but like you said “different than” is more commonly used in the US and is considers more conversational. “Different from” has more of a formal tone and is preferred in writing.

うさぎ へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


