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第188回「I love youの真意」

Released: 2018.04.27

第188回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「I love you」です。今日のエピソードではブライアンとエレーナが、「I love you」の表現について話し合います。アメリカ人と時間を共にしたことがある人であれば、アメリカ人が様々な状況で「I love you」と言っているのを耳にしたことがあると思います。アメリカ人はいつ「I love you」を言うのか?どれくらいの頻度で言うのか?なぜ言うのか?ブライアンとエレーナが「I love you」の表現についてどう思っているのか、聴いてみましょう。



会話内容「I love youの真意」

【Elaina】Saying I Love You: when to say it, how often to say it, and why say it?

【Brian】Mm hm.

【Elaina】So for you as a male, as a male American, how do you feel about those words? I feel like some men are just like, “Ugh, she’s saying it too much.” So how do men feel about this?

【Brian】Yeah, I think, um…I think in our culture and maybe…maybe, uh you can agree or disagree with this but, I think in American culture, I Love You is thrown around a lot.

【Elaina】Yeah. (laughs)

【Brian】Like I find myself saying it to my students, like, “I love helping you improve your English,” “I love this,” “I love that.” It’s like a…I think, as Americans, uh especially living in a foreign country, I’ve realized that we Americans—we have our heart on our sleeve. You know?

【Elaina】Oh, we do. (laughs)

【Brian】We just throw our emotions and our heart at anyone who, you know, comes into our life. You know, and, uh it’s very easy to get hurt that way, too. You know?
And I think that’s why men, uh men take a lot more time—a lot more time to say I Love You to a woman, because, you know in our culture, the man’s supposed to be the big tough guy, right?

【Elaina】Yes, no emotion.

【Brian】No, yeah. (laughs) No emotion, cold. Cold, right?

【Elaina】Yes. (laughs) Cold is manly.

【Brian】Um…yeah, and I think that when a girl comes along and she’s like, “I love you so much. I wanna (want to) be with you forever,” the guy kinda (kind of) freaks out a little bit because, you know, he doesn’t know what to do with that information, you know?

【Elaina】And I was thinking with living in another country, uh a lot of my European friends, they’re like, “You’re so extreme.” I’m like—the first time they said that I’m like, “What do you mean?”
“Americans, all of you. You don’t have any gray area. You’re either, ‘Oh my God,’ or ‘Really?’” Or like, we’re either super sassy, super excited, or super angry. There is no not-super. (laughs)

【Brian】Yeah, yeah definitely.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How does American culture use the phrase I Love You according to Brian?
  2. What do Brian and Elaina say about a man’s role in American culture?
  3. What do Elaina’s European friends say about the emotional states of Americans?



  1. He thinks I Love You is “thrown around” a lot, almost to the point of triviality.
  2. The man is seen as someone who is supposed to be “tough” in American culture.
  3. They say Americans don’t have a “gray area” in terms of emotion: they’re always “super” emotional in one way or another.



Elaina and Brian continue their discussion of the subjects of relationships and marriage. In this episode they begin a conversation about the phrase I Love You, and how it is used by Americans and in American culture.

Elaina thinks American men are often hesitant to use I Love You or to hear it spoken by a woman partner. Brian thinks American culture uses I Love You so much it almost becomes a trivial phrase.

Brian also thinks the demand of American culture that men be “big and tough” instructs them to show less emotion when presented with the I Love You phrase. He also thinks this makes men more apprehensive about the phrase when used by a woman they are involved with.

Elaina says her friends in Europe think Americans are “extreme” in their display of emotions. They said Americans have no emotional “gray area” and show super-sassy, super-happiness, super-anger, and so on.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Ugh(うわっ)


  • Ugh, I feel gross. I think I ate too much.
    (う〜、気持ち悪い。食べすぎたかも。 )
  • Ugh, this muggy weather is making me sluggish.
  • Ugh, what is that? That’s disgusting.

2) Throw around( [言葉] を多用する)

Throw aroundは本来「物を振り回す」という意味の表現ですが、「言葉」が thrown aroundされる場合、その言葉が「頻繁に使われている」ことを表し、特に、意味を十分に理解せずに軽々しく多用されているニュアンスがあります。一時期、日本で「忖度」が thrown aroundされていたような感じでしょう。

  • The term “sontaku” has been thrown around a lot these days but what does it even mean?
  • You shouldn’t throw that term around lightly. It’ll get you in trouble.
  • The word “literally” is thrown around a lot in American English.
    (アメリカ英語では 「literally」という言葉が頻繁に使われます。)

3) Wear heart on one’s sleeve(感情を率直に表す)


  • She wears her heart on her sleeve.
  • You always know how he’s feeling because he wears his heart on his sleeve.
  • He’s an open book. He always wears his heart on his sleeve.

4) He/She was like _____(~と言いました)

He/she was likeは「彼・彼女は〜と言いました」といった意味を表す口語的な表現です。例えば、今日の会話でエレーナは 「My European friends, they’re like you’re so extreme.」と言いましたが、これは「私のヨーロッパ人の友人らは、私は極端だと言います」という意味になります。

  • She was like, “this is the best hamburger ever!”
  • I asked my friend if he wanted to try raw horsemeat and he was like, “No way!”
    (友人に馬刺しを食べてみたいか聞いたところ、「絶対にやだ!」と言われました。 )
  • He was like, “Why didn’t you invite me?” and I was like “You said you didn’t want to go.”

5) Sassy(生意気な、活発的な)

Sassyは状況によって、ポジティブにもネガティブにも用いられる単語ですが、基本的には、自分の考えをはっきりと言う自信と気迫に満ちている人を指します。友達同士なら sassyな性格は問題ありませんが、年配者や初対面の相手であれば、「生意気」「なれなれしい」「偉そう」といったネガティブな印象を与えてしまうこともあります。

  • その他、ファッション用語としても使われ、「魅力的な」や「スタイリッシュな」を意味します。
  • She’s smart, sassy, and confident.
  • She was pretty sassy when I first met her.
  • That’s a sassy hat. Where did you get it?



  • Tough guy・・・タフな男性
  • Cold・・・冷静
  • Manly・・・男らしい
  • Extreme・・・極端


  • Find myself・・・気づいたら〜している
  • Supposed to・・・〜のはず
  • Freak out・・・ビビる・パニクる









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ちか より:


  2. Nao より:

    私もアメリカに住んでいた時、アメリカ人は何か起こるとすぐに「Oh my god!」ととりあえず言うので、オーバーリアクションだろ!!なんて思ってましたが、それに対する当事者のアメリカ人の感じ方を知ることができておもろしかったです。

    • Jun より:



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