
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.03.30





【Brian】So what are your thoughts on living together before getting married?

【Elaina】So this is a really controversial topic because of the older generations and the younger generations. Uh, the older generations are—still believe in, you know, getting married first and not even having sex before marriage, or anything. Like, all on the wedding night and all the younger people do mostly everything before marriage.
And I personally think it’s very important to live with somebody before marriage because you get to know them. And I’ve asked all my friends, and they feel the exact same way that they would never marry somebody unless they’ve lived with them for at least a year, because you don’t know what that person is like.
You don’t know their weird eating habits or their cleanliness. You don’t know if they are gonna (going to) destroy all your whites by putting a red sock in your laundry, ‘cause they don’t know how to do their own laundry.


【Elaina】…or if they’re a terrible cook, if they snore when they sleep, and all these different things. And you have to learn, if you cannot live with that, that is going to destroy a marriage. So…


【Elaina】I think it’s very important to figure out all these things that you can deal with.

【Brian】Yeah that—that little red sock can do some serious damage in a relationship. (laughs)


【Brian】But, yeah I think I’d have to agree, personally. I think it’s important, uh, to, you know, spend some time living together before you, uh before you get married. Just to know, like…just little things. Little uh, like cleanliness, uh I guess…and also you just…you don’t know what that person’s like when they’re alone. You know, like people can be a totally different person when they’re around other people.


【Brian】But when they’re alone they can be like, a recluse or, you know? Like, yeah it’s very important I think, to really get to know. Yeah.

【Elaina】Oh yes. And really, the best way to get to know someone is to spend 24/7 with them.

【Brian】Yeah, exactly.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. According to Elaina, what does the older generation think of couples living together before marriage?
  2. What did Elaina’s friends think when she asked them about living with someone before marrying them?
  3. Why does Brian think couples should live together before getting married?



  1. The older generation typically frowns upon living together until couples get married.
  2. She said her friends all agreed that one should live with their partner for at least a year before getting married.
  3. Brian thinks it’s important to learn how people behave when they’re alone, and one can see that when living with another person.



Elaina and Brian continue their discussion of the subjects of relationships and marriage. This time, they talk about living together with a romantic partner.

Elaina thinks the older generation of Americans frowns upon living with a partner before marriage, while the younger generation does this much more often. All of Elaina’s friends agree that one should live with a partner for at least a year before agreeing to marry them.

Elaina believes it’s important to live with a partner so that you can see their daily habits, and notice things you might dislike before marrying them. For instance, strange eating habits, their level of cleanliness, and whether or not they know how to do their own laundry.

Brian thinks this is important too, but he thinks living with someone is a chance to see how they behave when they’re alone. They might be reclusive or act otherwise differently than they do in public, and living with them is a good way to see this difference.

Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) What are your thoughts on _____?(〜についてどのように考えていますか?)

「What are your thoughts on…?」は、あることについて相手の考えを聞き出す時に使われる定番フレーズです。 「What do you think about…?」と同じ意味合いを持ちますが、 「What are your thoughts on…?」の方が、やや真面目なことについて尋ねる場合に使われているように思います。

  • What are your thoughts on Bitcoin?
  • What are your thoughts on English education in Japan?
  • What are your thoughts on Shohei Ohtani? Do you think he’s going to be the next Babe Ruth?

2) Controversial(議論を引き起こす)

Controversialは Controversy(論争)の形容詞で、議論を引き起こすような問題や話題、言動を意味します。特に、世間が反対するような重要な事柄について使われる傾向があります。

  • Religion is a controversial topic you should avoid in small talk.
  • Some YouTubers post controversial videos just to get attention.
  • Donald Trump frequently makes controversial remarks.

3) Snore(いびきをかく)

Snoreは「いびきをかく」ことを意味します。「大きないびきをかく」は snore loudly、「小さないびきをかく」は snore lightly / softly、「いびきのひどい人」は heavy snorerと言います。

  • You were snoring so loudly last night. I couldn’t sleep!
  • My cat sometimes snores softly. It’s very cute.
  • His own snore woke him up and he almost fell off his chair. It was hilarious.

4) Recluse(引きこもり)


  • He is kind of a recluse. He stays in his room all day and plays computer games.
  • She is an introvert but I don’t think she is a recluse.
  • I heard that over half a million young people in Japan are social recluses.

5) Twenty-four seven(いつも)

Twenty-four seven(24/7)は Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week(1日24時間、 週7日)を略した言い方で、「いつも」や「しょっちゅう」を意味する口語的な表現です。「あのカップルはいつも2人でいる」や「彼はいつも携帯をいじっている」のように、「いつも〜している」を多少大げさに言う時に使われます。
また、 twenty-four sevenはビジネス用語でもあり、「24時間年中無休」を意味します。

  • She is on her cell phone twenty-four seven.
  • He thinks about work twenty-four seven.
  • Convenience stores are open twenty-four seven.



  • Generation・・・世代
  • Weird・・・変な
  • Destroy a marriage・・・結婚生活を破綻する


  • Not even・・・〜さえだめ
  • Get to know someone・・・誰かをよく知ることができる
  • Feel the exact same way・・・同じように感じる・考える
  • What a person is like・・・どんな人なのか
  • Figure out・・・理解する・分かる
  • Deal with・・・人と折り合いをつける









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. masayo より:

    カランメソッド という学習方法を知りました。ご存知ですか?
    興味があるのですが、もしご存知でしたら どう思いますか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。カランメソッドは個人的に聞いたことがなく、先ほどググって調べました。「Quick Response」反射的に返答する訓練がメインのようですね。私はカランメソッドで英語を教えてことはありませんが、Quick responseはとても効果的ですよ。

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