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【Mary】So looking back, to you, what was the most significant news story of this year?
【Becca】I think it’s been interesting, I mean just as an American, the Presidency was kind of the most significant one, following that from abroad, and seeing how everything went.
【Mary】Yeah, it’s hard to not think of that, although it’s more 2016 (laughs) in terms of big news there. Do you follow the news a lot, in general?
【Becca】I did while I was abroad.
【Mary】I, kind of, was the same way, when we lived overseas. You know, wanting to know what was going on at home. Weirdly…um, I watch the news a lot now. I read the news. I really pay attention to it, so it’s hard for, like one thing about, like Trump is always in the news for example.
So there’s not, like one thing that stands out, ‘cause (because) it’s always there. But, um honestly, like the most significant one for me was, uh Korea’s president Park getting impeached.
【Mary】Which was actually on the news in the US.
【Becca】Mm hm.
【Mary】But, like since I’m studying Korean, I read the news in Korean. That was, like the number one headline. And I actually watched her being impeached live. (laughs)
【Becca】Oh wow.
【Mary】 And it was just this feeling of, like, “Wow, this is history in the making.”
So that was probably the most, like the biggest one that I’m gonna (going to) remember in future years. Any moment like that for you?
【Becca】Yeah actually I went to Korea in, I think it was February or around February, so it was about the time that a lot of this stuff was taking place, so we were there for it.
【Mary】Okay so did you see protests and things?
【Becca】Yeah, I never was in Seoul for any of the protests, but I heard a lot about it, and you’d see people on the street with signs and banners and it was really interesting.
【Mary】Yeah, gotcha (got you). Yeah, so even over here, um it was kind of a big deal in the U.S. too.
【Becca】Mm hm.
【Mary】I don’t think the average American was paying too much attention to it, but it was still notable, and a really big deal.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- What was Mary’s most memorable news story of 2017?
メアリーにとって、2017年に起きた最も記憶に残る出来事は何ですか? - What language is Mary currently studying?
メアリーは現在、何語を勉強していますか? - Was Becca in Seoul, Korea during the protests?
- The story she remembers the most was the impeachment of South Korean President Park Geun-hye.彼女の記憶に最も残っているのは、韓国の朴槿恵大統領が弾劾されたことです。
- She’s studying Korean.
彼女は韓国語を勉強しています。 - No, however she did see people on the streets in Korea carrying signs and objects of protest.
In this episode, Becca and Mary recall the biggest news stories they can remember from 2017. For Becca, the events surrounding the current American Presidency collectively were her most memorable stories from 2017.
For Mary, the story in the news she will remember the most was the impeachment of South Korean President, Park Geun-hye. Because she is also currently studying Korean, Mary was able to read much of the news during that time in Korean.
This story was significant to Mary in part because she actually watched President Park’s impeachment live. She felt she was watching history in the making.
Becca also recalls the same news story in detail. For Becca, she was actually in Korea during the impeachment, although not in Seoul. However, she did see some people on the streets with signs, banners, and other objects of protest.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Look back(振り返る)
Look backは本来、後ろを振り返って見ることを意味するフレーズですが、日常会話では、「昔を振り返る」のように、過去の出来事を回想する場合にもよく使われます。「〜を振り返る」は Look back on_____または Look back at_____と表現します。
- Looking back, studying abroad was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life.
(振り返ると、海外留学は人生最高の決断の1つでした。) - When I look back on my twenties, I realize I didn’t know anything.
- One day you are going to look back at this and laugh about it.
2) The same way(同じような・同じように)
Same wayは、直訳すると「同じ方法」ですが、日常会話では「方法」に限らず、誰かと同感であったり、同じような格好、考え方、性格であるなど、幅広い意味で使われます。
- I know what you mean. I feel the same way.
- I’m the same way. I can’t stand people that make excuses.
- You dress the exact same way as my sister.
(あなたは私の妹と全く同じような格好をするね。 )
3) In the making(進行中の)
In the makingは、物事が「進行中」であることや、まだ一人前でなく「修行中」であることを意味します。今回の会話でメアリーが言った history in the makingは、「歴史的瞬間に立ち会った」ことを意味します。
- That sounds like disaster in the making.
- He is a phenomenal soccer player. I think he is a super star in the making.
(彼は素晴らしいサッカー選手だ。スーパースターの卵だと思うよ。) - I think we are witnessing history in the making.
4) Take place(起こる・行われる)
ミーティングやイベントをはじめ、様々な出来事が起こることを Take placeと言います。 Happenや Occurと同じ意味ですが、より口語的表現です。
- The music festival took place in San Francisco last month.
(音楽祭が先月、サンフランシスコで行われました。) - The next summer Olympics is going to take place in Tokyo.
- The wedding took place in Hawaii.
5) Big deal(大事なこと)
Big dealは「大事なこと」や「重大なこと」を意味する日常表現で、使い方によって様々な意味合いがあります。 「Big deal」と皮肉っぽく言うと「大騒ぎすることではない」、要するに「あまり重大なことではない」ことを意味します。一方で、 「What’s the big deal?」のように質問形式にすると「何を大騒ぎしているの?」、否定形の「It’s not a big deal」は「大したことないよ」となります。
- Your son graduating from high school is a big deal. Don’t miss the graduation!
- He graduated from Harvard University? Big deal.
- Don’t worry about it. It’s not a big deal.
- Pay attention・・・注意して見る・聞く
- Impeach・・・弾劾
- Headline・・・トップニュース
- Protest・・・抗議
- Notable・・・注目すべき
- In terms of・・・〜と言う点では
- Stand out・・・目立つ・印象に残る
- Gotcha・・・なるほど
Mary L