
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.01.26





【Mary】So what’s something you wanna (want to) do differently next year?

【Becca】I think next year I would definitely like to be living somewhere on my own. I’ve lived with either friends, or traveled with friends, or ended up back at my parents’ house a lot of times.
But I would really like to move somewhere new, and actually on my own, so that’s kinda (kind of) the top of my list.

【Mary】For me, it’s a bit more nebulous. I guess my constant goal is to use my time more wisely. (laughs)


【Mary】Like not waste my free time. Um, like you mentioned, reflecting back over the past year, whenever I do that, I always think, like, “How much time did I waste doing X activity? And at the end of my life, am I going to be happy I watched thirteen seasons of SVU, or will I be proud that I accomplished something with that time?”
So I just try to keep that in mind. I think that’s my…that’s my, kind of general goal. Do you have anything like that yourself? Other than moving out, but like a thing to accomplish?

【Becca】Yeah, kind of in a general way, I’ve been thinking about the people that I spend time with, and I would really like to get into more of a community with creative people and really positive people.

【Mary】Oh yeah.

【Becca】So I’d like to be more intentional about being around especially creative and positive people, so.

【Mary】Yeah, that makes such a huge difference. Um, I had…I stayed at an Airbnb with this woman who was an artist, and she just—I’d studied art in college, and I haven’t done it since—but when I stayed with her, she just, like built art into her life everyday, and like while I was staying with her, it changed my life. (laugh)
Um, it’s really, you know…it makes a big difference to, like intentionally alter your environment like that.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Who has Becca lived with in the past?
  2. What is Mary’s goal for 2018?
  3. Who did Mary live with when she lived in an Airbnb?



  1. She’s lived with friends, her parents, or traveled with friends.
  2. She wants to make better use of her free time.
  3. She lived with a woman who was an artist.



In this episode, Becca and Mary discuss their goals for 2018, and what changes they’d like to make in their own lives. For Becca, she’d like to live on her own.

Becca had in the past lived either with her parents, traveled with friends, or lived with friends. She never had lived on her own, and her goal is to travel to a new place and find somewhere she can live on her own.

Mary’s goal for 2018 is to spend her time more wisely. She wants to find use for her time that are most productive than, for example, watching TV shows.

Becca says that in 2018, she wants to build a community around her of positive and creative people. Mary thought that was a good idea, and gave an example from her own life. Mary once lived in an Airbnb, which she shared with a woman who was an artist. This woman brought art into Mary’s life, and Mary enjoyed the experience.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) On one’s own(一人で〜)

On one’s ownは一人で何かをすることを表す表現です。「一人暮らしをする」はlive on one’s own、「独学で学ぶ」は learn on one’s ownのように、 on one’s ownの前に動詞がきます。By oneselfも同じ意味を持ち、日常会話では置き換えて使うことができます。

  • How long have you been living on your own?
  • I watched a bunch of YouTube videos and learned how to play the guitar on my own.
  • Can you leave me alone? I just want to be by myself.

2) Top of one’s list(最もやりたいこと)

この表現で使われる listは「やりたいことリスト」や「行きたい場所リスト」を指し、その中でも上位に入っているものが Top of one’s listになります。例えば、「今年は色々な国に行きたいけど、中でもギリシャに行きたいな」は、 「There are many places I want to go but Greece is at the top of my list」と言うことができます。実際にリストに書き出す必要はなく、頭の中のリストとして考えればいいでしょう。

  • Running a marathon is at the top of my list this year.
  • Where do you want to travel to this year? Which country is at the top of your list?
  • I wouldn’t say climbing Mt. Fuji is at the top of my list. I do want to climb it eventually though.

3) Use time wisely(時間を有効に使う)

Wiseは「賢い」を意味することから、 use time wiselyは「時間を有効に使う」ことを意味します。 Use time efficientlyも同じ意味ですが、日常会話では use time wiselyの方がよく使われます。

  • Life is short. You have to use time wisely.
  • We only have a half a day to spend in Kyoto. We have to use our time wisely.
  • Quit dilly-dallying and use your time more wisely.

4) Keep in mind(覚えておく)

この表現は、相手の言ったことやアドバイスなどに対して「覚えておきます」「心に留めておきます」と言う場合に使うフレーズです。例えば、マラソンのレース前に経験豊富な先輩から「周りに流されるな」とアドバイスされたら、 「I’ll keep that in mind(そのことを覚えておきます)」と返すといいでしょう。逆に、相手に覚えておいてほしいことがある場合は、「Keep in mind that____」と言います。

  • Keep in mind this is only his first week at work. Cut him some slack.
  • You really can’t take anything in life for granted. I always try to keep that in mind.
  • Keep in mind that you only have 1 hour to finish the test.

5) Make a difference(効果がある)

Make a differenceを直訳すると「違いを作る」ですが、この表現は、ある行動によってポジティブな変化や結果が生まれることを意味します。例えば、留学経験が英会話力に大きな影響を与えた場合は、 「Studying abroad really made a difference」と言うことができます。

  • Writing your goals down on a piece of paper really makes a difference. You should try it.
  • Joining an English study group has made a huge difference. We all keep each other accountable.
  • It doesn’t make a difference. Just choose one!



  • Nebulous・・・漠然と
  • Reflect・・・振り返る
  • Intentional・・・意図的に


  • End up・・・結局
  • Move out・・・家をでる
  • Built art into her life・・・生活の中にアートを組み込む



Mary L






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  1. Nana より:



    • Jun より:



  2. Rie より:


    She wants to find use for her time that are most productive than, for example, watching のshe wants to find use のfind use を続けて使うことはできるのですか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもHapa英会話で学習していただき、ありがとうございます。ここでの「use」は動詞の「use」ではなく、名詞の「use(使用・利用)」なので問題ありません。Find use for/in はお決まりのフレーズとして使われますので覚えておくといいでしょう!

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