
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.01.19





【Becca】So do you usually make any New Year’s resolutions?

【Mary】Um, as I get older, yes. I actually do. How ‘bout (about) you?

【Becca】Yeah. I think I might have a couple times, but usually I don’t.

【Mary】Okay. For me it’s kind of funny, but I—as a teacher, it always would come up in the curriculum, like, “make your students make a resolution.”

【Becca】Mm hm.

【Mary】So then I kinda (kind of) got in the habit of doing it myself. (laughs)


【Mary】Do you think that it’s useful, or, like what do you usually think about when you make them?

【Becca】I think it—it could be useful. But something that I started doing a couple of years ago with a friend is we started writing a letter, kind of to the past year, and…


【Becca】…so instead of looking forward we…yeah, we kinda do, like a recap and think about what was in the year and write it to the year….


【Becca】…as a person. Yeah.

【Mary】So, like reflecting over the past year.

【Becca】Exactly, yeah.

【Mary】That’s cool.

【Becca】And then, kinda, letting it go. (laughs)

【Mary】It might be interesting to write a letter to, like your future self, the next New Year. (laughs)


【Mary】Like guessing what you hope will happen in the next year.

【Becca】Yeah, so I think New Year’s is almost more reflection for me than looking forward, usually.

【Mary】Okay, that’s interesting. It’s definitely the opposite for me. Um, I guess there’s some reflection involved, like, “Did I actually accomplish the things that I set out to accomplish?”

【Becca】Yeah. Yes.

【Mary】Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. (laughs) But um, I think that, it’s like, completely necessary to set goals in order to even get started. So I think that I—that’s why I got in the habit of it.

【Becca】Yeah. Do you write them down on something, and have them pinned somewhere, or look at them often? Or…how do you do it?

【Mary】Not quite that serious. I probably, like write about it on my blog, like if I went back, I could find them for some previous years. But I usually just talk about it with my husband. Um…

【Becca】Mm hm.

【Mary】…he’s very goal-oriented too. So we just say like, “These are three things we want to accomplish this year,” and kind of hold each other accountable, so.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why did Mary begin setting New Year’s resolutions?
  2. What do Becca and her friend do each New Year?
  3. What do Mary and her husband do with regard to their goals?



  1. As a teacher, she often asked students to set resolutions, and so she adopted the habit as well.
  2. They write letters to the previous year, addressing it as a person, and reflecting on the past year.
  3. They both set goals for themselves, and try to hold each other accountable in accomplishing those goals.



As 2017 comes to a close, Becca and Mary ask each other about their New Year’s resolutions. Mary usually sets resolutions each New Year.

Mary originally didn’t set resolutions. However, as a teacher, she asked students to set resolutions for themselves, and so adopted the practice herself.

Becca and her friend, rather than setting Resolutions for themselves, like to write letters to the past year. In these letters, they reflect on the past year’s events.

Mary does less reflection, but she does each year consider whether or not she accomplished her goals that year. Both she and her husband are goal-oriented, and try to set goals for themselves. They both try to hold each other accountable in accomplishing their goals.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Get in the habit of(〜の習慣を身につける)

Habitは「習慣」を意味し、習慣を身につけることを Get in the habit ofと表現します。運動したり体にいい食習慣を身につけるなどポジティブな意味合いだけでなく、遅刻や夜更かしなどの悪癖がつくといったネガティブな意味合いでも使われます。

  • This year, I’m going to get in the habit of saying the English words that I learned out loud.
  • It took a few months but I got in the habit of waking up early.
  • I feel like ever since he studied abroad in LA, he got in the habit of showing up late.

2) Recap(まとめ)

ミーティングの内容を簡単に説明したり、映画のあらすじを伝えたりするなど、要点をまとめて簡潔に説明することを recapと言います。例えば、多くのドラマは本編に入る前に、前回の recapを流し、これまでのあらすじを簡単に説明します。

  • Can you email me the recap of today’s meeting?
  • Let me give you a quick recap to get you up to date.
  • Did you watch the last episode? OK, let me give you a recap.
    (前回のエピソードは見た?オッケー、だったら簡単に説明してあげる。 )

3) Reflect(振り返る)


  • Before I go to bed at night, I try to reflect on my day.
  • You’re so optimistic. Do you ever reflect on your mistakes?
  • I did some self-reflection and realized I need to turn over a new leaf this year.

4) Goal-oriented(目標志向の)

Orientedは「〜志向の」を表すことから、 goal-orientedは「目標志向の」を意味します。
他にも、「行動志向の」は action-oriented、「几帳面」は detail-orientedのように、 orientedの前に具体的な「志向」の対象を入れて使用できます。

  • My wife is a goal-oriented person.
  • He is very detail-oriented to the point where can be nitpicky at times.
  • I respect my dad because he is an action-oriented kind of guy.

5) Hold each other accountable(互いに責任を負い合う)

Hold someone accountableは Hold someone responsibleと同じ意味を持ち、「誰かに責任を負わす」ことを意味します。例えば、みんなで目標達成したい状況では Hold each other accountableが一般的に使われ、お互いが責任を持って最後までやり抜く意味合いが込められています。

  • We are going to hold each other accountable for the next 10 weeks and complete the course.
  • Everyone in that department was held accountable for the mishap.
  • I believe the only way to accomplish something is to get people involved and hold each other accountable.



  • New Year’s resolution・・・新年の抱負
  • Curriculum・・・〔学校の〕カリキュラム
  • Pin・・・ピンでとめる
  • Accomplish・・・達成する


  • A couple times・・・何回か
  • That’s cool.・・・いいね
  • Let go・・・手放す・忘れる



Mary L






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. だいすけ より:


  2. なお より:


    • Jun より:


      英語ではシンプルに、 good luck!とか I hope you can achieve those goals.みたいな感じで返答します、

  3. Masami Styles より:

    と、Jun先生やRyoma さんが会話に登場しています😃
    ところで4)の、〜志向の ( Goal – oriented)
    ですが、〜志向のと聞くと conscious も、意識して気にする 気づく なので似てる気はしましたが、少しニュアンスが違う気もしました。
    self -conscious は 人目が、気になる、
    self – oriented は 自己中心的な感じでしょうか? oriented は、方向に向かってるイメージでしょうか?
    By the way, I tend to be a self-conscious person , but I want to be a goal-oriented person. 😊

    • Jun より:

      Hi Masami,

      I’m so glad to hear you are feeling better! Masamiさんが書いた通り、self-conscious は「人目を気にする」に対し、self-orientedは「自己中心的な」を意味します。「-oriented」は「〜の方向に向かって」や「〜中心」を意味する表現です。From seeing you study English over the years, I’m positive you are a goal-oriented person 😊

  4. Masami Styles より:

    Hi Jun!
    I’m happy to hear that 😊
    But I’m still working on it and have a lot to learn!

    Have a good one!

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