
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.12.23





【Mary】So Becca, how do you typically celebrate Christmas?

【Becca】Yeah, so in the past when I was younger—my family’s pretty big, so most of them would come over to my parents’ house, and we would celebrate together. And one of the things that we did as a tradition was, um everybody would come over on Christmas Eve, actually…


【Becca】…and, because my…yeah, my grandpa would like to go to mass Christmas morning, so…


【Becca】…we’d get to open all the presents early.

【Mary】Ah, nice. My family was the opposite. We would go to midnight mass on Christmas Eve.


【Mary】Not open anything. (laughs) Stay up really late and then open everything on actual Christmas morning. So we had to see all the gifts out but couldn’t actually open them. (laughs)

【Becca】Couldn’t touch them, or anything? Yeah.

【Mary】Yup. Um, and how ‘bout (about) now? You said that was when you were younger.

【Becca】Yeah, so actually it’s a tradition that kept going. So my grandparents passed away, but we still open presents on Christmas Eve. We open everything, and then the next morning we have the things from Santa, like stockings and things like that.

【Mary】Okay, so you still were able to get together with your family for Christmas?

【Becca】Yeah, yeah. I’m usually around and I have nieces and nephews, so we get to watch them open presents.

【Mary】Okay. Now that I’m older—well I’m married, and I feel like we move every year, every two years. (laughs) Somewhere else. So we kinda (kind of) started our own traditions.

【Becca】Mm hm.

【Mary】Um…we don’t go to church, but uh our thing is we do Christmas LEGOs, and every year there’s a new Christmas LEGO set, and then we always buy it and we build all the previous years’ ones, leading up to Christmas. So that’s kind of our thing that we made. It’s like a little…

【Becca】Oh that’s really cool.

【Mary】…we really like LEGOs. (laughs) And anything holiday related.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How did Becca’s family traditionally celebrate Christmas?
  2. How often do Mary and her husband move to a new location?
  3. What tradition have Mary and her husband made for themselves each Christmas?



  1. Most of her family would come to her parents’ house, they’d open presents on Christmas Eve, and then go to Christmas mass the next morning.
  2. She estimates every one or two years.
  3. Each year, they buy a new Christmas-themed LEGO set, and they rebuild old sets from previous years leading up to Christmas.



In this episode, Becca and Mary discuss their families’ Christmas traditions past and present. Becca began by talking about her family’s traditions.

Becca’s family would typically gather at her parents’ house on Christmas Eve, and they’d open gifts that night. Then the following morning, they’d attend Christmas mass at church.

Mary’s family tradition was different. Her family would attend midnight mass on Christmas Eve and wait until the next day to open presents.

Mary and her husband have made a new tradition. They frequently move, every one or two years, but still make time for a yearly tradition. Each year, they buy a new Christmas LEGO set, and build previous years’ sets as well as their new one, leading up to Christmas.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Come over(こちらに来る)

Come overは、自分の元へ誰かが来ることを意味します。自宅に友人が来たり、家族や同僚を自宅に招いたりする状況で使われることが多く、 Come to my houseの代わりに、シンプルに come overと表現することができます。

  • Do you want to come over tonight? Me and my friends are having a nabe party.
  • My mom came over last night and took care of the kids.
  • My coworkers are coming over tomorrow. We’re having an year-end party at our house.

2) Be around(〜がこの辺にいる)

使い方によって意味が多少異なり、 「He’s around here somewhere.(彼はこの辺のどこかにいます)のように物理的な距離感の他に、「If you need anything, I’ll be around.(何かあったらいつでも連絡してね)」のように心理的な距離感を表す場合にも使われます。

  • I’ll be around this weekend. Do you want to hang out?
  • If you ever need me, I’ll be around. I’m one phone call away.
  • I really like her. She’s really nice and fun to be around.

3) Get to do something(〜をすることができる)

Get to do somethingは「〜をすることができる」を意味する表現で、状況によってニュアンスが多少異なりますが、何かをする機会を得たり、何かをすることが許されたりする意味合いを持ちます。

  • I got to go back stage and meet the band members.
  • At my work, we get to go home early on Fridays.
  • He works from home so he gets to spend time with his kids.

4) Our thing(恒例の行事)

Our thingは日常生活や年中行事において、友人や家族、恋人との間だけで行う、少し変わった内輪の習慣や時間の過ごし方を指します。

  • We don’t exchange Christmas gifts. We just go to karaoke and sing Christmas songs. It’s kind of our thing.
  • My friends and I always wear purple socks when the Lakers play. It’s just our thing.
  • My wife and I don’t take our cell phones out when we go out on dates. It’s been our thing since we met.

5) Lead up to(〜に至るまでの)

Lead up toは、ある出来事に至るまでの状況や様子を表します。

  • Shopping malls are crazy busy leading up to Christmas.
  • I ran 10 miles every day in the weeks leading up to the marathon.
  • I was a nervous wreck in the time leading up to the speech contest.



  • Mass Christmas / Midnight mass・・・ミサ / 深夜のミサ
  • Stocking・・・クリスマスの靴下
  • Niece and nephew・・・姪と甥


  • Pass away・・・亡くなる
  • Get together・・・集まる



Mary L






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Katsumi より:

    “I got to go”という表現は「行かなくちゃ」という意味で”I have to go”と同じだと考えていました。ここで出てきた「〜しても良い」(許可)の意味とどのように見分けたら良いですか?文脈によりますか?

  2. がミー より:

    今日のフレーズに出てきた『our thing』を『my thing』として

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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


