
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.12.01





【Brian】What is the education system like in the UK?

【Laura】Um…I mean we have primary school, which is from 5 to 11 years old.

【Brian】Mm hm.

【Laura】And then you go to secondary school, which is from 11 to 16, and then you have exams, and you can leave school at 16. Um but then you have to go on and do an apprenticeship or some other kind of training, like job training or…or what.


【Laura】Um, but yeah. I think they changed the law that you can’t completely leave education until you’re 18, I think now. Um, but yeah. So then we have more exams if you stay in school and then you go to university at 18, and yeah. Three years. But yeah.


【Laura】What about…

【Brian】Yeah, that’s way different than America. Um…in America we have, uh primary school from, uh I think maybe 5 or 6…

【Laura】Mm hm.

【Brian】…uh to 11.


【Brian】And then—it’s also called “elementary school,” um and then we have middle school, or “junior high” from, uh 12 years old to I think 14.


【Brian】And then we have high school from 15 until, uh 18. So…yeah. So I don’t think, unless you do, like some kind of running start program, you cannot graduate at 16. (laughs)


【Brian】It’s usually 18. Yeah.

【Laura】Okay. And you can’t leave after middle school, or whatever? You can’t leave…

【Brian】Oh no. No you can’t leave, no. No you have to…

【Laura】I think…I thought that in America you could leave school at 14. (laughs)

【Brian】Um…maybe if you’re like a genius



【Laura】What if you’re already finished?

【Brian】Uh, say again?

【Laura】So, can you do other classes early? Like you can do…

【Brian】Yes, you can. You can. But it’s very rare.


【Brian】Yeah, it’s very rare for high schoolers to do that. (laughs) So…

【Laura】Isn’t it…if you fail a year, you get held back? You have to redo the year?

【Brian】That’s right.

【Laura】That’s true? Oh wow.

【Brian】Yup, that’s true.

【Laura】That’s so annoying.

【Brian】Yeah if you—if you have, um…actually sometimes if you fail a class, you have to redo that class. So some years you will actually have extra classes to do as well.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What age range typically is secondary school from in the UK?
  2. Prior to college or university, what three school levels do American students have to complete?
  3. What happens to a student if they fail a year of school in America?アメリカでは、学生が1年分の単位を落としてしまったらどうなりますか?



  1. Secondary school in the UK is usually from 11 to 16 years old.
  2. They have to complete elementary (primary) school, then middle school or “junior high,” then finally high school.
  3. They have to be “held back,” which means they must repeat a year without failing before they can proceed.



In this episode, Brian and Laura discussed the education systems prior to college in America and the UK. Laura said that in the UK there is primary school from the years of 5 to 11 years old, and secondary school from 11 to 16 years old.


Brian then described the American education structure. First there is elementary school, then there is middle school or “junior high,” and finally high school.


After high school, a person can end their education and not go further, and typically this is at the age of 18. Brian says it’s very rare for students in America to graduate from high school before the age of 18.


In the American education system, if a student fails a particular year of any of the three school levels, that student must be “held back.” When held back, the student has to repeat the entire year without failing in order to proceed.



Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Elementary school(小学校)

「小学校」は、アメリカ英語では elementary school、イギリス英語では primary schoolと言います。
また、アメリカでは「中学校」を middle schoolまたは junior high school、「高校」を high schoolと言うのに対して、イギリスでは、それら2つに相当する「中学校」を secondary schoolと言います。
アメリカ英語では junior high schoolを略して junior highと言うのが一般的です。

  • I’ve been friends with Andrew since elementary school.
  • I played baseball when I was in middle school.
  • Are you from around here? Which high school did you go to?

2) Running start(有利なスタートを切る)

Running startは本来、陸上や体操競技などにおけるスタート前の助走を指しますが、日常会話では、「有利なスタートを切る」ことを意味します。アメリカでは、成績優秀な学生は高校在学中に大学の授業を受けることができ、その制度を Running start programと言います。

  • You should get a running start before you jump off.
  • Our business is off to a running start!
  • I was in a running start program and took college classes when I was a senior.

3) Say again?(もう一度言ってくれる?)

「Say again?」は、相手の言ったことが聞き取れなかった時や理解できなかった時に使われる表現で、「Can you say that again?」の砕けた言い方です。
「Can you repeat that again?(もう一度繰り返してくれますか?)」も同じ意味ですが、「Say again?」には友達同士などで使われるカジュアルな響きがあります。

  • Say again? Sorry, I couldn’t hear you because of the noise in the back.
  • Say again? I didn’t catch what you said.
  • Say again? The line is breaking up.

4) -schooler(学校の生徒)

小学生はelementary-schooler、中学生は middle-schooler、高校生は high-schoolerと言います。
「私は学生です」を「I’m a schooler」のように、 schoolerのみで使うことはできません。
またこの表現は、小学生、中学生、高校生全般を指す表現のため、「私は高校生です」を 「I’m a high-schooler」と言うのは違和感があります。

  • What is it like teaching elementary-schoolers?
  • I hear that most middle-schoolers have smart phones these days.
  • Do high-schoolers in your country have part-time jobs?

5) Hold back(留年する)

進級に必要な単位が取れず、留年することを表す口語的な表現が hold backです。日常会話では be held backまたは get held backの形式でよく使われます。

  • I failed all of my classes and was held back a year.
  • You’d better get your act together. You’re going to get held back again.
  • How many times can you get held back in high school?



  • Primary school・・・小学校
  • Secondary school・・・中等学校
  • Apprenticeship・・・徒弟制度
  • Middle school・・・中学校
  • Genius・・・天才


  • Fail a year・・・(1年の)単位を落とす
  • Redo the year・・・1年をやり直す
  • That’s so annoying・・・すごい面倒臭いね









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Saya より:


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