
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.11.24





【Laura】What three things do you think of when you hear, “UK?”

【Brian】Ooh, um…I actually thought about this this morning. And I think I would have to say, like, the weather…


【Brian】Like, uh when I picture the UK, I picture, uh like, it being foggy all the time. Like foggy, overcast. I mean, I’ve heard from my friends too that it’s like that, but uh I actually like that kinda (kind of) weather so it’s not—it’s not, like a bad thing to me.
But, uh also I think of uh…I think of royalty. So like, I think of the royal family, and I think of, uh maybe like, uh British history and things like that. Um, and also I think about, of course, tea.


【Brian】I think about tea. (laughs)


【Brian】So those are my stereotypes.

【Laura】I mean, the royal family is actually not so popular, in the UK.

【Brian】Okay. Oh, really? Well in…I don’t know why, but we follow it so much in the US.

【Laura】Maybe more than we do. I mean…


【Laura】It’ll be on the news, and maybe you might have a garden party or something, but I know it really as an excuse to have a party, not because we care…


【Laura】…that much.



【Brian】Okay, so what about you? What about the US? What are your stereotypes?

【Laura】You’re very optimistic.

【Brian】Mm, okay.

【Laura】Which I think is good. But yeah, I always think of, like happy, optimistic American people.


【Laura】Yeah, um…another one is quite patriotic, perhaps.

【Brian】Patriotic, okay.

【Laura】You know, very, like you know…all have, like the flags up and stuff like that.

【Brian】Right, right.

【Laura】Yeah, which in the UK…I don’t know. Maybe it’s not…it’s a bit embarrassing, maybe to be proud of something. So…

【Brian】Oh, okay. Interesting.

【Laura】And then the other thing I was thinking about was…sorry, but like, large portions, maybe?

【Brian】Oh, okay.

【Laura】Even cars, like, yeah.

【Brian】Yeah, everything’s just super-sized in America.


【Brian】Yeah, yeah.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What three things does Brian think of when he thinks of the UK?
  2. What does Laura say about the views of the royal family from within the UK?
  3. What three things does Laura think of when she thinks of the US?



  1. He thinks of the weather, the royal family, and tea.
  2. She says that the royal family is not very popular within the UK.
  3. She thinks of the average American’s optimism, patriotism, and the large portion sizes for food.



In this episode, Brian and Laura asked each other about stereotypes they think of when they think of each other’s countries. For Brian, his three stereotypes when he thinks of the UK are the weather, the royal family, and tea.

Brian has heard from his friends that the weather is similar to the stereotype of overcast and fogginess. Still he actually enjoys that kind of weather.

On the subject of the royal family, Laura says that the royal family of the UK is not very popular among British citizens. Laura thinks most British people use events in the royal family as excuses to hold parties.

For Laura, her three stereotypes she thinks of when she thinks of the US are American optimism, patriotism, and large portion sizes in food. She has even noticed that the cars are bigger in the US.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) I would have to say(〜と言わざるを得ない)

I would have to sayは、必ず答えが求められるような質問をされた場合に、決定的な発言や回答を和らげる言い方として用いられます。日本語の「〜と言わざるを得ない」に相当し、控えめに意見を述べるニュアンスが含まれます。

  • I see your point but I would have to say that she’s right on this one.
  • Which is my favorite country? That’s a tough question. But If I had to pick one, I’d have to say Spain.
  • Both candidates are excellent but I’d have to say Peter is a better fit for our company.

2) Picture(想像する)

Pictureは本来、「絵」や「写真」を意味しますが、日常会話では、頭の中でイメージするもの、つまり「想像」を表します。 Imagineの代わりに使うことができますが、より口語的です。

  • I picture Los Angeles to be warm and sunny all year round.
  • Picture yourself moving abroad and starting a new life.
  • I can’t picture myself settling down and having a family anytime soon.

3) Overcast(曇り)

「曇り」と言えば、真っ先に cloudyが思い浮かぶと思いますが、 overcastという表現もあります。違いはどれだけ曇っているか、です。
Cloudyは一般的に50%以上曇っているが所々日差しが出ている状態を表します。一方 overcastは、一面に曇って日差しが全くない状態を表し、どんよりとした天気を指します。

  • It’s been chilly and overcast the last few days.
  • San Francisco is a great city but it’s always overcast.
  • It’s nice living by the beach but you get a lot of overcast days.

4) Excuse to(〜する言い訳)

Excuseは「言い訳」を意味することから、何かをするために言い訳をすることを 「Excuse to…」と言います。しかし、アメリカ人の日常会話では、この表現は「〜する理由」のようなポジティブな意味合いでも使われます。

  • I need to think of an excuse to cancel dinner tonight.
  • In the U.S., we always look for an excuse to throw a party.
  • Let’s run marathons in different countries. That’ll give us an excuse to travel too.

5) Optimistic(楽観的)

物事をポジティブに考えることを Optimisticと言います。逆に、「悲観的」は Pessimisticと言います。

  • I’d like to think that I’m a pretty optimistic guy.
  • Do you consider yourself an optimist or a pessimist?
  • He is a glass half empty kind of guy. He’s very pessimistic.



  • Foggy・・・霧
  • Royalty / Royal family・・・王室
  • Patriotic・・・愛国心


  • Large portions・・・一人分の食事の量が多い
  • Super size・・・超特大









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Mao より:

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    I know how to ride a bike.
    I know how to use the computer.
    このときの、how to 〜 a/the 〇〇について、正確な使い分け方がありましたら、教えていただきたいです。

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