
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.11.10





【Brian】Is it common to, uh…to talk to strangers in the UK?

【Laura】No. (laughs)

【Brian】No, okay.

【Laura】Unless you’re maybe desperate, I would avoid talking to strangers.


【Laura】It…more likely to annoy people, like, it’s, yeah. Very common to be sitting on a, you know, train or something, and you could be on the train for maybe two hours, and you won’t even, kind of, acknowledge the person next to you.


【Laura】Don’t want to annoy them, or…yeah.

【Brian】Wow. Yeah in America, it’s kind of, uh…it depends on the person, but uh, as children, you know, we’re taught not to talk to strangers. But I think as…as you get older, you kinda (kind of) become curious and you want to talk to strangers.
So I feel like most Americans, when they’re in…in a reasonable proximity with someone, like if they’re sitting next to someone, maybe they want to, like break that awkward silence.


【Brian】You know, like, and say, “Hi. How’s your day going?” or something like that.

【Laura】I would be so surprised if someone said that to me.

【Brian】Yeah, if you—if you were sitting next to an American, I—I would be very surprised if they didn’t talk to you, actually, ‘cause (because) I think Americans feel, like awkward. (laughs)
Yeah, they love to talk to people. So uh…oh go ahead.

【Laura】No, I was just gonna (going to) say after British people have had a few drinks

【Brian】Right, they open right up, right? (laughs)



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. According to Laura, do people in the UK like to talk to strangers?
  2. According to Brian, at what point might an American attempt to talk to a stranger?
  3. In what situation do people in the UK begin to start talking to strangers, according to Laura?



  1. Generally no.
  2. If Americans are in a reasonable proximity to one another, they might attempt to talk in order to break an awkward silence.
  3. After they have had a few drinks, people in the UK may begin to open up.



In this episode, Brian and Laura talked about how common talking to strangers is in their countries. Laura says that in the UK, people rarely talk to strangers.

Laura says that someone taking a two-hour train trip through the UK might never once acknowledge the person next to them. She thinks this is because there is a feeling that if someone talks to a stranger, that person might annoy the stranger.

Brian says that in some cases, Americans may engage in small conversation with strangers. He thinks once two Americans are in a reasonable proximity with one another, they may try to break awkward silences.

Laura adds one clarification to her earlier point. After a few drinks, people in the UK may open up to strangers.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) More likely to(〜する可能性が高い)

Likelyは何かが起こる可能性があることを意味することから、 More likely toは何かが起こる可能性が高かったり、ある傾向が高かったりすることを意味します。逆に、可能性が低い場合は Less likely toまたは not likely toと言います。

  • The event is more likely to get cancelled tomorrow.
  • You are more likely to get hit by a lightning than win the lottery.
  • I don’t think you’re going to get a refund. That’s not likely to happen.

2) Won’t even(〜さえしない)

Won’t evenは日本語の「〜さえしない」に相当する表現です。「彼は謝ろうとさえしない」「彼女は試そうともしない」のように、何かをやりたくない気持ちを強調する時に使われます。

  • She’s really upset. She won’t even talk to me.
  • There’s something wrong with my cat. He won’t even eat.
  • I think my phone is broken. It won’t even start.

3) Break the silence(沈黙を破る )

「沈黙を破る」は break the silenceと表現します。誰かと会話している時に「気まずい沈黙」になることを awkward silenceと言い、その「気まずい沈黙を断ち切る」ことを break the awkward silenceと言います。

  • He made a joke and broke the silence.
  • I hate it when the conversation comes to an awkward silence.
  • How do you break the awkward silence when you’re on a date?

4) Awkward(気まずい)


  • I was the only person that wore a costume to the Halloween party last week. It was pretty awkward.
  • Your movements are awkward. Be more natural.
  • He is a nice guy but a bit socially awkward.

5) Open up(心を開く)

人に何かを打ち明けたり、人と打ち解けたりすることを Open upと言います。相手を警戒せず遠慮なくオープンに話をすることを意味します。

  • It takes time for me to open up to people.
  • After a few drinks, he opened up about his relationship with Lisa.
  • I feel like she’s always hiding something from us. I wonder why she doesn’t open up.



  • Desperate・・・絶望的な
  • Acknowledge・・・認識する


  • Become curious・・・好奇心が出る
  • Reasonable proximity・・・適度に近い
  • After a few drinks・・・2〜3杯飲めば









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. katu より:

    Hli Junさん!

  2. Akira より:

    Hi Jun-san

    • Jun より:



  3. emmy より:

    Hi, Jun!

    It was really nice meeting you and your wife at the October’s seminor in Tokyo.
    I have a question about Laura’s last comment. Could you explain why she used past perfect in after clause? Could you complete her sentence also? Cause Japanese students are taught to use only present tense when they say ‘after’, but I’ve heard native speakers say after with past perfect in daily conversations. I’m not crazy about grammer stuff, but I’m curious to know. Thanks in advance!

    P.S If you have trouble setting up a recycling system at your home, let me know:)

    • Jun より:

      Hi Emmy

      Thanks for coming to my seminar in October! It was a pleasure to meet you too! I’m assuming she was trying to say “after British people have had a few drinks…they open up / they talk to strangers.” I think Brian just said it before she got a chance to.

      I’m finally getting used to the recycling system in Japan! It’s so complicated though!!

  4. Sam より:

    Hi Jun-san.
    It was really interesting topic too.
    I’m sure that American people are like Osaka people and British people are like Tokyo people.lol

  5. Nao より:

    コメント失礼致します。ローラの音声がだけが悪くてキャッチしにくいです。プレミアム版も購入しています。会話のいい勉強になるので ローラの録音の際 クリアにして頂けたら もっと勉強しやすくなるので よろしくお願い致します。

    • Jun より:



Sam へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


