
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.10.13





【Eri】What do you prefer: books or movies?

【Jenny】Um…well it’s kind of a weird question for me because honestly, I don’t read a lot of fiction anymore, unfortunately. Usually when I read, it’s things like textbooks or nonfiction. Uh I think university kinda (kind of) ruined me for fiction, unfortunately, ‘cause (because) I see that more as assignments.


【Jenny】Uh, which is sad, but it’s also a time management issue so, there’s stuff that I need to read. Uh but if you ask me something like, “Which is better, you know, the Harry Potter books or the Harry Potter movies?” Of course, the books…


【Jenny】…I think are better and they have more intricate details, and…

【Eri】Yeah it’s always kinda disappointing, right?


【Eri】After you read a book and then you watch the movie…

【Jenny】Uh huh.

【Eri】It always is a letdown.

【Jenny】Yeah. So for time reasons lately, I would have to say movies. But I recognize that books usually have much more information and insight than movies.

【Eri】Yeah maybe our minds create more of a rich detail than when we just are doing a visual…


【Eri】…you know?

【Jenny】What do you think? I mean, books versus movies?


【Jenny】Do you have any particular ones that stand out?

【Eri】…it depends on the time of day. So if it’s—if it’s in the morning time, or you know before noon, I think my brain is fresh and books are enjoyable. But definitely nighttime, I’m a—I’m a Netflix watcher.

【Jenny】Oh Netflix.

【Eri】So that’s, you know.

【Jenny】Mm hm.

【Eri】So I guess the answer to that is love them both equally, but it just depends on the time of day.

【Jenny】Uh huh. Are you watching anything on Netflix that’s based on a book right now?

【Eri】Mm…based on a book, based on a book, based on a book…no, not right now. But you know, Netflix has a lot of really fabulous documentaries..

【Jenny】Oh yeah.

【Eri】Have you been watching the documentaries?

【Jenny】Some of them, yeah.

【Eri】Yeah. They’re really good.


【Eri】They are finding some independent producers and really getting ahold of a lot of really great content.

【Jenny】Yeah. I’m really glad that we have things like Hulu and Netflix now that go beyond these, uh traditional things that we would see. Um, even cable TV. They’re kinda going even further, and…




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why doesn’t Jenny read fiction anymore?
  2. What time of day does Eri like to read books?
  3. What aspect of Netflix does Eri enjoy in particular?



  1. Her time in university ruined reading fiction for her, as she sees fiction more as assignments.
  2. She likes reading in the morning or before noon.
  3. She particularly enjoys the documentaries on Netflix.



In this episode, Eri and Jenny ask each other which medium of entertainment they prefer: books, or movies. Eri asks Jenny this question first.

Jenny says that she read a lot of fiction in university, and this ruined the fiction-reading experience for her. Nowadays she reads more nonfiction and textbooks.

Jenny however acknowledges that books can offer more details about stories than movies, but she currently prefers movies. Eri enjoys both books and movies.

For Eri, she enjoys reading in the morning or before noon. Afternoon and into the night, however, she prefers Netflix. One aspect of Netflix she particularly likes is the many documentaries available on it.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Intricate(複雑な)

Intricateは多くの要素を含む複雑なものを指し、 complicatedや complexと同じ意味を持ちます。コンピューターのプログラミングや、将棋の奥深さ、ストーリーが複雑な小説、凝ったデザインなど、どちらかと言うとポジティブなニュアンスの「複雑」を意味します。

  • Shogi is an intricate game that you could play your entire life and still not know everything about.(将棋は一生かけても全てを知り尽くすことができない複雑なゲームです。)
  • Many of Haruki Murakami’s novels are intricate.(村上春樹の小説の多くはとても複雑です。)
  • This is an intricate piece of work. Where did you get it? (これは精密に作られた作品ですね。どこで手に入れたんですか?)

2) Letdown(期待外れ)

例えば、旅行先のホテルがインターネットで掲載されていた写真と全然違っていてがっかりした時に 「It was a letdown(期待外れだった)」と言います。

Letdownと1語で表す場合は名詞、 Let downと2語で表す場合は動詞として使われます。

  • I had high hopes for that movie but it was a letdown.(あの映画はかなり期待してたんだけど、期待外れだったね。)
  • The onsen we stayed at was awful. It was completely different from the pictures. It was a huge let down.(宿泊した温泉は最悪だった。写真と全然違ってて本当にがっかりだった。)
  • I’m counting on you. Don’t let me down.(頼りにしてるからね。がっかりさせないでよ。)

3) Time of day(時間帯)

Time of dayは「時間」や「時間帯」を意味する口語的な表現です。「〜の時間に」や「その時間帯は〜」と言う状況でよく使われます。

その他、 Not give someone the time of dayは「〜に見向きもしない」という意味で、誰かを完全に無視することを意味します。この表現は一般的に否定形で使われます。

  • Why do you always call me at the busiest time of day?(何でいつも一番忙しい時間帯に電話をかけてくるの? )
  • Traffic is pretty bad during that time of day.(その時間帯は渋滞がかなりひどいよ。)
  • Unless you are a CEO, he won’t give you the time of day.(相手が最高経営責任者でもない限り、彼は見向きもしてくれません。)

4) It depends (on)(〜による)

「〜による」を Case by caseと言う人がいますが、アメリカ人の日常会話では 「It depends.」が最も自然です。具体的に何によるのかを示す場合は、 It depends onの後にその内容が入ります。

  • Do I speak to my wife in English? It depends. Sometimes I talk to her in Japanese too.(妻と英語で話すかって?場合によるね。日本語で話すこともあるよ。)
  • It depends on the person. Everyone’s different.(人によるね。人それぞれだから。)
  • I want to go with you guys but it depends on the time.(みんなと一緒に行きたいんだけど、時間によるな。)

5) Fabulous(素晴らしい)


  • That was a fabulous performance. You are really talented! (素晴らしいパフォーマンスでした。あなたは本当に才能がありますね。)
  • This dessert is fabulous. Try some.(このデザート、最高においしいよ。食べてみて。)
  • Fabulous job today. Your presentation was excellent.(今日は本当に素晴らしい仕事ぶりだった。君のプレゼン、最高だったよ。)



  • Ruin・・・台無しにする
  • Assignment・・・課題
  • Disappointing・・・がっかり
  • Insight・・・洞察


  • Stand out・・・印象に残る
  • Brain is fresh・・・頭がすっきり
  • Based on・・・〜に基づいている









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. mamiko より:

    Hi Jun-san.

    I prefer books to movies.

    I read a book named マスカレードナイト last weekend.
    Keigo Higashino wrote it.
    I couldn’t put it down.

    I recommend it!

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