
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.09.08





【Eri】Do you feel you’re a morning person, or a night person?

【Jenny】Oh hands down, I’m a night person. I am useless in the morning. I have to prepare things for myself in the morning because I just don’t trust myself, like…

【Eri】‘Till (until) what time?

【Jenny】Uh…well I could stay up as long as…you know? But it just depends.

【Eri】But in the morning, when do you finally click on?

【Jenny】Uh I still haven’t. (laughs)

【Eri】(laughs) It’s almost 2 o’clock.

【Jenny】It’s the afternoon and I still feel like I’m kinda (kind of)…yeah. Um…yeah I mean, it takes me a good two hours to feel like I’m awake, so, unfortunately…

【Eri】Do you drink coffee in the morning?

【Jenny】Um, I usually…um, I have this headache medicine and it has caffeine in it, and I drink a lot of tea, so I try to get caffeine from that. But mornings are just not my…my thing. They never really have been.

【Eri】And you’ve always been that way?

【Jenny】Yeah, I love night. I just, it’s…I’m not a go out and do things person at night. I…you know, I don’t really go out. But I just enjoy staying up and, I think part of that has to do with, um the time difference here. So I talk with my family a lot, back in the States.

【Eri】Ah, I understand that.

【Jenny】So it’s morning for them, and my mom is a morning person, so she…

【Eri】I totally understand, yeah.

【Jenny】She, uh…that’s, like our perfect time to…to be talking.


【Jenny】And my brother as well. So I guess it doesn’t run in the family. But, how ‘bout (about) youself?

【Eri】Yeah, I think when I was young I was a night person.

【Jenny】Mm hm.

【Eri】Um, but maybe in the last fifteen years I’ve become a morning person.

【Jenny】Oh really?

【Eri】Yeah, I mean I’m…my eyes are open and I’m ready to go. There’s no adjustment time.

【Jenny】Oh wow.

【Eri】I don’t feel like I’m groggy or need to, uh give myself some space to rev up to full speed. I’m full speed immediately. Yeah.

【Jenny】Oh that’s great. Oh, I wish I could be like that.

【Eri】Yeah but the problem is, is that I can’t stay up late anymore. You know?


【Eri】So, you know, that…I always feel like I get so tired so quick at night time.


【Eri】So, it’s been a tradeoff, I guess.

【Jenny】Yeah, but I think now it’s just, with this weather, you’re just tired all the time, and so I feel like I’m…

【Eri】Yeah, well it drains you.

【Jenny】Yeah, so I feel like I’m neither these days, because it’s just so tiring.

【Eri】Yeah, this weather does make you, uh sluggish.

【Jenny】Mm hm. Very. For sure.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What are Jenny and Eri: morning people, or night people?
  2. What’s one reason Jenny cites for her being a night person in Japan?
  3. Was Eri always a morning person?



  1. Jenny is a night person and Eri is a morning person.
  2. She talks a lot with family back in the States, and night is morning where her family live. This is a good time for both to talk.
  3. No. When she was younger, Eri was more of a night person.



In this episode, Jenny and Eri asked each other whether they were morning or night people. Jenny started, saying she was a night person easily.

Jenny described herself jokingly as “useless” in the morning. Generally, she needs a few hours to really wake up.

One reason Jenny thinks she might be a night person in Japan is because of the time difference between Japan and the United States. Jenny speaks with her family a lot, and nighttime in Japan is morning in the States. This makes for a good time for communication, both for Jenny and her family.

Eri on the other hand describes herself as a morning person. When she was younger, she was a night person, but has since become able to wake up fully in the morning quickly. Both Jenny and Eri agreed however that the recent weather in Japan can make everyone feel tired throughout the whole day.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) A good _____(少なくとも〜)

A goodは、合計の数量を強調する時に使われる表現で、「少なくとも〜」や「まるまる〜」を意味します。特に時間を表す際に使われることが多く、例えば東京から大阪まで車で行くと最低でも6時間はかかるので 、「It takes a good six hours.」と表現するのが適切でしょう。

  • It will take a good 4 hours to drive to Las Vegas.(ラスベガスまで、車で少なくとも4時間はかかるでしょう。)
  • Take your time. We have a good 30 minutes before the train leaves.(急がなくていいよ。電車が出発するまで最低でも30分はあるから。)
  • It takes me a good 20 minutes to fall asleep.(眠りに落ちるのに最低20分はかかります。)

2) Not my thing(得意ではない)

Not my thingは、「得意ではない (苦手)」や「趣味ではない (興味がない)」という意味のカジュアルな表現で、「嫌いとまでは言わないが、個人的に楽しいとは思わない」というニュアンスがあります。

  • Sports is not my thing. I’m not very athletic. (スポーツは得意ではありません。運動神経があまりよくないんです。)
  • Video games are not my thing. I haven’t played since elementary school.(ビデオゲームには興味がないな。小学校以来、やってないよ。)
  • Playing an instrument is not my thing. I don’t have a musical bone in me.(楽器の演奏は苦手です。音楽の才能が全くないんです。)

3) Run in the family(遺伝する)

特徴や性格、または病気などが家系に遺伝することをRun in the familyと表現します。例えば、家族全員が天然パーマだったら、「天然パーマ」を主語にして「Curly hair runs in the family.」と言います。

  • Everyone in your family is so tall. It must run in the family.(君の家族はみんな背が高いね。遺伝に違いないね。)
  • My parents are both teachers and I’m a teacher too. It runs in the family.(私の両親も、私も教師をやっています。遺伝ですね。)
  • Many of my relatives have diabetes. I think it runs in the family.(私の親戚の多くは糖尿病です。遺伝だと思います。)

4) Groggy(意識がもうろうした状態)

目覚めた時に頭がボーっとしていている状態をGroggyと言います。 眠気に限らず、病気や薬の副作用のせいで意識がぼんやりしている状況でも使われます。

  • I still feel groggy. Can you make me a cup of coffee?(頭がまだボーっとしてる。コーヒーをいれてくれない?)
  • I think I woke him up. He sounded pretty groggy.(彼のことを起こしてしまったと思う。かなり眠そうな声だったよ。)
  • Don’t take this medicine during the day. It’s going to make you groggy.(この薬を飲むと意識がぼんやりするから日中には飲んじゃダメだよ。)

5) Sluggish(だるい)

元気ややる気がなくてだるい状態を “sluggish”と言います。人の状態に限らず、不景気やノロノロとした動きを表す状況でも使われます。

  • This hot and humid weather makes me so sluggish.(この暑さと湿度のせいでかなりだるいよ。)
  • I feel pretty sluggish today. I don’t feel like doing anything.(今日は全くやる気が出ない。何もしたくないよ。)
  • The economy was sluggish a few years ago but it seems like it’s getting better.(数年前は不景気でしたが、最近はちょっと良くなってきましたね。)



  • Morning / Night person・・・朝型人間・夜型人間
  • Useless・・・使い物にならない
  • Tradeoff・・・交換条件
  • Drain・・・疲れさせる


  • Hands down・・・断然
  • Click on・・・目が覚める
  • Rev up to full speed・・・フル稼働












  1. 松井勇人 より:

    I’m surprised to hear that you will move to Tokyo!! I’m a junior in a college in Tokyo, so I would like to join your seminar for my career if I have a chance. Please let us know when you hold events!!
    And, I’m looking forward to your appearing on TV! 🙂

    • Jun より:

      I’m excited for my new start in Tokyo! A lot of challenges ahead of me but I’m ready for it. I’m planning on holding a seminar in October. Hopefully you can make it then. Looking forward to seeing you there 🙂

  2. Yusei より:

    Congratulations on the offer Jun!!
    Remember what I told you you would be on a tv in Japan on Instagram?
    Really excited to see you on a tv show!!!

    • Jun より:

      Thanks Yusei! You were absolutely right. You spoke it into reality 🙂 I’m pretty excited for the opportunity to be on TV too. I’ll let you know the details soon!

  3. Kyoko より:

    Hii Jun san
    今回、A good がありましたが、いつも似たような文でat least を使ってしまっていて、新たにA good が知れてよかったです。ですが、未だにat least との区別があまりできていませんm(__)m

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!日常会話ではどれだけ時間がかかるかを表す際、「A good ____」と「at least _____」は大きな違いはなく、どちらも同じ意味合いで使われます。しかし、それ以外の状況 – He is at least 30 years old(彼は最低30歳だ)、You should exercise at least 30 minutes a day(最低でも30分は運動した方がいいよ)のような場合だは「at least」が自然な言い方にになります。

  4. Moe より:

    she was a night person, but has since become able to wake up fully in the morning quickly.
    のbut以降の文の文法がよくわかりません、、。sinceはなに?has become は現在完了形?


  5. Rio より:

    こんにちは!上のSports is not my thing.の例文について質問です。”Sports”なのに日常会話では単数扱いになることがあるのですか?!

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!原則として、sports は複数扱いになりますが、日常会話では単数扱いとして使われることがあります。正式な文章を書くときは複数扱いした方がいいですが、日常会話ではどちらを使ってもOKです。

  6. Takuma より:

    一つ質問させていただきたいのですが、今日のフレーズ”run in the family”を使って「遺伝じゃない」と言いたい場合は”doesn’t run in the family”という言い回しを使うことは可能でしょうか?
    例えば”I’m tall but actually it doesn’t run in the family.”「私は背が高いけど遺伝じゃないよ。」という文は正しいでしょうか。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。Podcastで学習していただき、ありがとうございます。役に立っているようで嬉しいです。It doesn’t run in the family. 使えます! I’m tall but actually it doesn’t run in the family.はパーフェクトです。

      Enjoy your time studying abroad!

  7. Yoshi より:

    Playing an instrument is not my thing. I don’t have a musical bone in me.

    • Jun より:

      Yoshiさん、翻訳者を目指しているんですね!頑張ってください。はい、このmusical boneはスラングです!

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