
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.09.01





【Jenny】What was the strangest dream, or dreams, that you’ve ever had?

【Eri】Well…they’re all strange.

【Jenny】Yeah. (laughs)

【Eri】Right? And I actually…remember them just about every morning.

【Jenny】Oh really?

【Eri】Yeah, for the first couple of minutes, and then they fade and you can’t recall them…


【Eri】…when you get further on in your day, but usually I can remember what I was dreaming before I…

【Jenny】Oh, wow.

【Eri】Yeah, before the alarm goes off . And they’re so real…


【Eri】…is what takes me by surprise.

【Jenny】Mm hm.

【Eri】So it makes me wonder: maybe we really are living in multiple dimensions.


【Eri】Do you ever feel like that?

【Jenny】I do. I do because sometimes I’ll forget it and then I’ll get this déjà vu experience, but I’m like, “Pretty sure I dreamed this.” And then sometimes, something, um…I’ll be sure that something happened, like I’ll tell my husband, like, “You…you said that you were going to go to the store.” And he said, “No I didn’t.” And I was like, “Oh my god, I think I dreamt that.”


【Jenny】And it was so real. (laughs)


【Jenny】But do you have one in particular that stands out?

【Eri】Well I have a reoccurring dream.

【Jenny】Mm hm.

【Eri】You know, one that I always dream a few times a year, and have been dreaming since I was in my twenties.

【Jenny】Mm hm.

【Eri】And it’s a real scary one. I’m running around the house, trying to lock the doors before someone else on the other side of the door is reaching and the door handle’s moving.


【Eri】And it’s always in the house that I grew up in.

【Jenny】Oh, wow.

【Eri】And I’m…we had a few doors. You know, front door, side door, kitchen door, and some garage door, and…we had doors.

【Jenny】Mm hm.

【Eri】So I’m always running and just making it to the door to lock it, before the handle moves.

【Jenny】Oh, that’s so scary. That must be a lot of anxiety when you wake up, too.

【Eri】I just can’t figure out why I keep dreaming that same one. I just don’t understand it.

【Jenny】I don’t know. I have a couple of reoccurring dreams myself. Um there’s one that’s just annoying, and I don’t know, maybe you’ve had this, or others have had this where I’m in an elevator and I press the button for my floor, and I never get to it. Like, you know, it stops at floors. People get on, people get off. It just…like the whole dream is just like, going up and down, and it never gets to my floor. (laughs)


【Jenny】And I’m just like, waiting.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Eri wonder about living in multiple dimensions?
  2. What is Eri’s reoccurring dream?
  3. What reoccurring dream does Jenny mention?



  1. Based on her experiences with memorable, realistic dreams, she sometimes wonders if we all are living through multiple dimensions.
  2. It’s a repeating situation in which Eri is trying to lock all doors inside her childhood home in an attempt to stop someone from getting inside.
  3. She describes a dream in which she enters an elevator, presses a button for her floor, and never reaches that floor.



In this episode, Jenny and Eri discuss their experiences with dreams across their lives. Jenny asks Eri what her strangest dream was.

Eri usually can recall a previous night’s dream the first few minutes after she wakes up, before memory of the dream fades. But her experiences with dreams lead her to wonder that perhaps, all of us live through multiple dimensions.

There is however a reoccurring dream Eri has experienced repeatedly since her twenties. It is a scary dream, in which she is running through her childhood home trying to lock all of its doors as someone tries to break in.

Jenny has a reoccurring dream too, which rather than being scary, she describes as being “annoying.” It is a dream in which she enters an elevator, presses the button for her floor, and spends the rest of the dream in the elevator. The elevator constantly rises and falls, but never stops at her floor.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Recall(思い出す)


  • I don’t recall his name. What was it?(彼の名前が思い出せないな。何だっけ?)
  • I recall that day vividly like it was yesterday.(あの日のことは昨日のことように鮮明に覚えています。)
  • Do you recall the name of that restaurant?(そのレストランの名前を覚えていますか?)

2) Alarm goes off(アラームが鳴る)

警報や警告のためにアラームが鳴ることをalarm goes offと表現します。「目覚まし時計が鳴る」はAlarm clock goes off、「火災報知器が鳴る」はFire alarm goes offと表現します。

  • I didn’t hear my alarm clock go off and slept through it.(目覚まし時計の音に気づかず、アラームが鳴っている間も眠り続けてしまいました。)
  • Your car alarm is going off. (君の車のアラームが鳴ってるよ。)
  • The fire alarm went off today and everyone had to evacuate the building.(今日、火災報知器が鳴ったので、建物から全員避難しなくてはいけませんでした。)

3) Take someone by surprise(人をびっくりさせる)

Take someone by surpriseは、意外な出来事や突然の発言で誰かをあ然とさせることを意味します。Surprise someoneと意味は似ていますが、Take someone by surpriseの方が驚きの感情が強く、ネガティブな意味が含まれる傾向があります。

  • I can’t believe he won the election. It totally took me by surprise.(彼が当選したなんて信じられない。本当にびっくりしたよ。)
  • His rude remarks took me by surprise.(彼の失礼な発言に、あ然としました。)
  • When our boss lost his temper, it took us all by surprise.(上司が激怒した時は皆、非常に驚きました。)

4) Reoccur(再び起こる)

Occurが何かが起こることを意味することから、Reoccurは「再び起こる」ことを意味します。また、Reoccurと、スペルも意味も似ている Recurという単語もありますが、Reoccurは何かが再び起こることを意味し、 Recurには同じことが繰り返し起こる意味合いが含まれ、一般的に悪い出来事が繰り返される状況で使われます。

  • We have to do everything we can to make sure this problem doesn’t reoccur again.(この問題が再発しないよう、あらゆる手を尽くさねばなりません。)
  • I keep having the same recurring nightmare.(同じ悪夢を何度も見るんだよね。)
  • That baseball player has a recurring back injury.(あの野球選手は背中のけがを繰り返している。) 


5) Run around(走り回る)

Run aroundは「走り回る」ことを表す表現ですが、実際に走り回るだけでなく、休みなくいろいろな場所を飛び回ったり何かをしているような状況でも使われます。

  • My dog loves to run around that park.(うちの犬は、あの公園を走り回るのが大好きです。)
  • It’s been such a hectic day. I’ve been running around all day.(今日は本当に慌ただしい1日で、1日中動き回っています。)
  • Don’t run around the pool. It’s dangerous.(プールの周りを走り回らないように。危ないよ。)



  • Fade・・・薄れる
  • Multiple dimension・・・多次元
  • Anxiety・・・不安


  • Stand out・・・印象に残る
  • Can’t figure out・・・〜が分からない









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. sam より:

    I have a question. whats the difference between “occur” and “happen”?? I looked into it but couldn’t find out…. Let me know the difference or how to use them.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Sam

      In most situations, these two words are interchangeable. ここからは日本語で。微妙なニュアンスの違いですが、「Happen」はランダムに物事が起こったり、予想外に起こる出来事について使われる傾向があります。

  2. Zunda-mochi より:

    I always enjoy your blog and podcast.

    Today, I have a question about how to use “evacuate.”
    You wrote, “The fire alarm went off today and everyone had to evacuate the building.” In this case, is “evacuate from the building” incorrect? It seems a simple question, but I am confused.

    Can’t wait for your next post!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Zunda-mochi

      Happy to hear your enjoying the blog and podcast! I don’t think it’s wrong to say “evacuate from the building” but it is more natural to say “evacuate the building.” “evacuate from”を使うときは、”They were evacuated from the building.”のように受動態のセンテンスを構成する時に使われる傾向があると思います。”be evacuated from” = 「~から避難させられる」を意味します😊

      • Zunda-mochi より:

        Thank you for your response, which is so clear. Your blog and podcast is always enticing! Look forward to your next post!

  3. Ai より:

    こんにちは。I don’t recall his name.についてですが、don’t とcan’t の使い分けがこんがらがっています。
    「できない」と表現したいときにどうしてもcan’t ばかり使ってしまうのですが、ネイティブは使い分けているのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      正直なとこどちらを使っても意味は変わりませんが、細かなニュアンスでいうと、I can’t recall his name. は「思い出そうとすごく頑張ってるけど、それでも思い出せない」のような感じです。I don’t recall his name. は単に思い出せない、だけの意味合いです👍🏻

  4. Akiko より:

    こんにちは。Phrases of the dayのreoccur の例文について質問です。
    Phrases of the day にて、We have to do everything we can to make sure this problem doesn’t reoccur again.
    という文がありますが、reoccur は「再び起こる」と言う意味で、その後のagainも「再び」という意味なので、reoccur を使う場合、againは必要ないのではないのでしょうか?
    problem doesn’t occur again
    problem doesn’t reoccur

  5. Akiko より:

    こんにちは。Phrases of the dayのreoccur の例文について質問です。
    Phrases of the day にて、We have to do everything we can to make sure this problem doesn’t reoccur again.
    という文がありますが、reoccur は「再び起こる」と言う意味で、その後のagainも「再び」という意味なので、reoccur を使う場合、againは必要ないのではないのでしょうか?
    problem doesn’t occur again
    problem doesn’t reoccur

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。確かにreoccur againだと意味が重複しているので、problem doesn’t occur again / problem doesn’t reoccurでも意味は同じになります。日常会話ではagainを入れるとことがあり、強調の意味合いがあります。おそらく、日本語の「まず最初に」と似たような感じだと思います。

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