
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

Hapa Eikaiwa on FacebookHapa Eikaiwa on TwitterHapa Eikaiwa on YouTubeHapa 英会話 Instagram



Released: 2017.08.18





【Jenny】What is your favorite way to waste time?

【Eri】Ooh, good question.

【Jenny】Right? (laughs)

【Eri】(laughs) So many. How can I count?

【Jenny】Do you have time to waste? Are you super busy?

【Eri】Well I do block out my day in terms of, you know, need to get this done by one hour blocks, but sometimes you deviate from that, and when I do, I usually found myself on Facebook.

【Jenny】Mm hm. (laughs)


【Jenny】Oh yeah.

【Eri】Because it’s a total waste of time.

【Jenny】Oh yeah. (laughs)

【Eri】But I still love it. How ‘bout (about) you?

【Jenny】Uh, exactly the same. Social media is definitely a rabbit hole that you can’t get out of. Um, social media, um Netflix, Hulu…

【Eri】Ah, yeah.

【Jenny】Um, all of those good shows and…

【Eri】Mm hm. What are you watching now?

【Jenny】Um, I just finished watching Orange is the New Black.

【Eri】Oh, so it was great. I saw the first two…


【Eri】…and then it kinda (kind of) died off in terms of keeping its audience engaged. But I heard the latest…Season 5?

【Jenny】Yeah, yeah. Season 5 is, uh…

【Eri】…is great.

【Jenny】Yeah, it’s…well, I don’t know if it was their best, but it was pretty good. I’m enjoying it, and I’ve binged watched the whole thing, and I’m completely caught up, and…yeah.

【Eri】(laughs) So, other than Facebook, what other social media are you using?

【Jenny】Um…I really enjoy Instagram recently. I’ve just discovered their little Instagram Stories because I was a latecomer to that whole Snapchat thing. I just don’t get it. So Instagram is nice. It’s pretty positive.

【Eri】Uh huh.

【Jenny】Facebook, Twitter, um…even YouTube sometimes.

【Eri】Are you Tweeting?

【Jenny】Uh yeah, yeah.

【Eri】You have—are you doing…like trying to Tweet to get a lot of followers?

【Jenny】Uh, I just, whenever something comes to me, or there’s a funny picture, or something. Yeah. Um, but how ‘bout you? Do you have…?

【Eri】I got obsessed with Twitter when it first—right after the earthquake.

【Jenny】Oh yeah.

【Eri】March 11th, and I was so hungry for information…

【Jenny】Mm hm.

【Eri】…because I felt like I wasn’t getting the information. So I got on Twitter and it satisfied my, um need for finding out what was going on, other than just watching NHK.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When Eri deviates from her to-do list schedule, what does she usually find herself doing?
  2. What show did Jenny recently fully catch up with?
  3. Why did Eri begin using Twitter?



  1. She finds herself on Facebook often.
  2. She finished catching up with Orange is the New Blac
  3. She started using Twitter to get information on the March 11th earthquake in Japan.



n this episode, Jenny and Eri talked about how they sometimes end up wasting time, and what they do while idle. Eri brought up Facebook as a time waster for her.

Jenny agreed, and also brought up Hulu and Netflix as time-consumers for herself. Eri and Jenny discussed the Netflix series Orange is the New Black, and talked about Season 5 in particular.

Jenny enjoys using Instagram, explaining she came late to Instagram well after it was created. She also enjoys using YouTube and Twitter.

Eri also likes Twitter. She first used Twitter during the March 11th, 2011 earthquake in Japan. She preferred getting her information on the earthquake from Twitter, as opposed to NHK.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Block out (時間を作る)

Block outは、仕事や運動、趣味などのためにスケジュールを調整して時間を作ることを意味します。大事なことに費やす時間を誰にも邪魔をされないように「ブロック」するニュアンスが含まれます。

  • I block out one hour every day to exercise.(毎日1時間、運動する時間を設けています。)
  • You should block out 15 minutes every morning to plan out your day.(毎朝15 分、1日の予定を立てる時間を作るといいよ。)
  • Do you block out time to study English?(英語学習ための時間を作っていますか?)

2) Rabbit hole(なかなか抜け出せない状況)

Rabbit holeは直訳すると「ウサギの巣穴」ですが、日常会話では、なかなか抜け出すことができない状況に陥ることを表す比喩的な表現として使われます。特にネットサーフィンをしている時に使われることが多く、何かを検索しているうちに次々と別のサイトへと移っていき、気づくと当初検索していた目的とは全く関係のないサイトを見て無駄な時間を過ごしてしまうというニュアンスが含まれます。Go down a rabbit holeの言い回しが一般的です。

  • Social media is a rabbit hole you should try to stay away from.(ソーシャルメディアはやり始めるとなかなかやめられないから避けた方がいいよ。)
  • I always end up going down a rabbit hole when I check Facebook.(フェイスブックをチェックするといつも別のサイトを見始めて、無駄な時間を過ごすことになるんだよね。)
  • The Internet is such a rabbit hole. I end up wasting so much time on it.(インターネットは一度始めると本当にやめられなくて。結果的に相当な時間を無駄にしてるよ。)

3) Binge(短時間で一気に〜する)

Bingeは短時間で一気に何かをすることを意味します。例えば、「24 TWENTY FOUR」や「フレンズ」などのテレビ番組を1日で1シーズン一気に見ることをbinge watch、短い時間で大量のアルコールを飲むことをbinge drinkと表現します。

  • I stayed home today and binge watched an entire season of Breaking Bad.(今日は家にいて、「ブレイキング・バッド」を1シーズン一気に全部見ました。)
  • It’s been a while since I binge drank like that.(短時間であんなにお酒を飲んだのは久しぶりだ。)
  • When I’m stressed out I binge on sweets.(ストレスを抱えていると、甘い物をドカ食いしてしまいます。)

4) Latecomer(遅れてくる人)


  • We have a few latecomers. Let’s wait about 10 more minutes before we start.(遅れている人が数名いますので、あと10分ほど待って始めましょう。)
  • I was a latecomer to Instagram. I just signed up last month.(私はインスタを始めるのが遅くて、先月登録したばかりです。)
  • Sony was a latecomer to the flat screen TV market.(ソニーはフラットスクリーンテレビ市場への参入に乗り遅れた。)

5) Hungry for(〜求めている)


  • I’m content with my job but at the same time I’m also hungry for a new challenge.(今の仕事には満足していますが、同時に新たなチャレンジも求めています。)
  • He’s so hungry for money and fame that it’s kind of scary.(彼はお金と名声にあまりにも飢えていて、ちょっと怖いです。)
  • I think she’s acting like that because she’s hungry for attention.(彼女は注目を浴びたい一心であんな振る舞いをしてるんじゃないかな。)



  • Deviate・・・脱線する
  • Latest・・・最近の
  • Obsessed・・・執着する


  • Waste time・・・時間を無駄にする
  • Die off・・・視聴者離れする
  • Catch up・・・追いつく
  • I don’t get it・・・よく分からない








  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. katu より:

    Hi Junさん

    is this episode delivered to podcast ?
    I can’t find it to podcast (ios)

  2. ゆみこ より:


  3. Machiko より:

    Hi Jun san
    I’m glad to listen to funny and interesting your travel stories,
    I used to waste time drinking wine or reading books or internet shopping,,,,etc, until I started to learn English.
    Nowadays It’s my fun time to find my free time to study some kind of English materials.
    During putting on makeup,driving a car, lunch time,,, I found a lot of time.
    It’s amazing change in my life!
    But I don’t feel it is enough time to study English so started reading an English book even though it is in my bath time.
    Thanks for your podcast,too.

    I have some questions.

    “Well I do block out my day in terms of, you know, need to get this done by one hour blocks, but sometimes you deviate from that, and when I do, I usually found myself on Facebook.”

    The start is “I”,but why is it used “you deviate”?
    脱線してしまうのは私ではなくあなた。。? →you know が間に入っているからでしょうか?

    I’m confusing ,so kindly let me know the answer?

  4. shintaro より:

    When I’m stressed out I binge on sweets.

    となっていて、bingeの後に haveや eatは要らないのかなぁと考えてしまいました。。

  5. あいあい より:

    Just a sight of it made my stomach uneasy? queasy? 何と言っていますか?

    • Jun より:


      Just the sight of it made my stomach uneasy.

      Have a good one!

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