
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.05.26





【Lauren】Do you take the subway to get to work often?

【John】Uh, you know I do take the subway all the time in Tokyo.


【John】And, I think it’s pretty nice here. What do you think?

【Lauren】Uh I think that the subways have a really nice appeal to them where the people are very quiet, nobody’s talking on their cellphones, uh people try to keep to themselves. However they are very, very crowded.

【John】Yeah, yeah. I can imagine probably during, like rush hour, right?

【Lauren】Mm hm. Yeah during rush hour, like, you get smushed(slang) on the side and people are so close to your face. (laughs)

【John】Yeah that makes hygiene pretty important in Tokyo, huh?

【Lauren】I think so. I think that’s one of the main reasons why people wear masks in Tokyo. I think it’s half to stop spreading their own germs but also half to prevent other germs coming on themselves. (laughs) Do you notice anything else on the trains?

【John】Uh, gosh…taking the trains here…luckily I don’t have to commute very far. So um…and I commute usually on off-hours.


【John】So um, I get to miss those crazy rush hour periods.

【Lauren】Mm hm.

【John】So I’ve only done that a few times, where I’m just packed like a sardine onto the train. But, uh there are other weird things I notice about the subways here. Um, like have you ever heard that bird whistle?


【John】In the subway? At first I was trying to figure out if there was, like an actual bird in the subway…


【John】…looking around for it. And then, like after a few times, I’m like, “Oh, that must mean something.”

【Lauren】Yeah, I’m not sure what that means. I was wondering if it was the same thing as, like the crosswalks here. You know, it’s like a slow beep, and then it starts moving faster when the crosswalk is about to turn. So maybe it has something to do with the train approaching.

【John】Yeah, I wonder if it’s just to make salarymen’s days a little bit better.


【John】(laughs) A little nature in their life.

【Lauren】Yeah, because…well, even when you’re walking around outside of Tokyo, it’s not like you’re seeing many birds…

【John】Yeah. (laughs)

【Lauren】…or you’re hearing a whistle, ‘cause (because) nature outside of Tokyo is not that…

【John】Uh, yeah. In spring you get a few, but man, there are few and far between.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Lauren like about the subways in Tokyo?
  2. Does John commute during rush hour?
  3. What sound do John and Lauren talk about hearing on the subways?



  1. She likes that the passengers are generally quiet.
  2. No, he usually commutes on off-hours.
  3. There is a bird whistle sound they both regularly hear.



In this episode, Lauren and John discuss their routines taking the subways in Tokyo. Both regularly use them.

Lauren likes the subways because most of the passengers are quiet and not talking on their cellphones. However she notes that the subways are also very crowded, especially during rush hour.

Lauren believes the tightness of the subways during rush hour is the main reason why passengers wear masks. They all want to maintain their hygiene and that of others.

Both John and Lauren recall hearing the sounds of bird whistles on the subways. John at first thought it was a real bird. Lauren thought the sound was perhaps a signal when a train was approaching, while John supposed it was to make office worker’s work days happier.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Keep to oneself(口外しない)

“Keep to oneself”は、自分の気持ちや考えを人に言わずに胸にしまっておくことを意味します。重要な情報を漏らさない、余計なことを言わない、という良い意味で捉えることもできますが、感情を押し殺したり、本心を隠すというマイナスな意味で解釈されることもあります。その他、 「人付き合いを避ける、殻に閉じこもる」という意味もあります。

  • Keep that to yourself! Nobody wants to hear about that.(それは自分の胸にしまっておきな。誰も聞きたくないよ。)
  • He’s hard to read. He keeps his feelings to himself.(彼の真意を読み取るのは難しい。本心を胸に秘めるタイプだからね。)
  • I like to study in solitude. I try to keep to myself when I’m studying.(私は一人で勉強がするのが好きです。勉強する時はできるだけ一人になるようにしています。)

2) Smush(押しつぶす )

“Smush”は、すし詰め状態の電車内や、顔に投げつけられるケーキのように、何かを押しつぶすことを意味し、 基本的に話し言葉で用いられるインフォーマルな表現です。

  • The concert was so crowded! I was getting smushed by everyone around me.(コンサートは超満員で、周りの人たちに押しつぶされてたよ。)
  • It’s her birthday? Let’s smush this cake on her face.(彼女の誕生日なの?このケーキを彼女の顔に投げつけようよ。)
  • Ugh, I think I just smushed a snail.(うわっ!カタツムリを踏んじゃったかも。)

3) Off-hours(休憩時間 / 時間外)

仕事をしていない時間、またはラッシュアワーではない時間帯を “off-hours”と言います。その他、「立ち入り禁止」は “off-limits”、「オフシーズン」は “Off-season”、「オフライン」は “offline”のように、 “Off”は様々な単語と組み合わせて使うことができます。

  • I usually spend my off-hours at Starbucks.(私は普段、休憩時間をスタバで過ごしています。)
  • You should go during off-hours. It’s going to be crowded right now.(ラッシュアワーじゃない時間帯に行った方がいいよ。今は混んでるよ。)
  • You can’t go in there. That area is off-limits.(そこに入ってはいけません。立ち入り禁止です。)

4) Packed(ぎゅうぎゅう)

“Packed”は、満員電車や混雑した道路、荷物がぎゅうぎゅうに詰まったスーツケース、予定がぎっしり詰まっている状態などを表す時に使える便利な表現です。今日の会話でジョンが 言った“Packed like sardines”は、「すし詰め状態」を表すスラングです。

  • The Chuo Line is always packed. Try to avoid it if you can.(中央線はいつも混んでるから、避けられるなら避けた方がいいよ。)
  • My suitcase is pretty packed. I’m not sure if I can fit your shoes.(私のスーツケースは結構パンパンになってるから、君の靴が入るか分からないな。)
  • I have a packed schedule this week. Can we meet next week?(今週はスケジュールが詰まっているので、来週お会いできますか?)

5) Few and far between(極めてまれ)

何かが極めて少なかったり、滅多に起こらなかったり、またはほとんど存在しないことを表す口語表現が “Few and far between”です。 “Rare”よりも低い頻度を表します。

  • Rainy days are few and far between in Los Angeles.(ロサンゼルスではほとんど雨が降りません。)
  • Restaurants that are open past 8pm are few and far between in this area.(この地域で午後8時以降も営業しているレストランは極めて少ないです。)
  • Is it true that authentic Mexican food is few and far between in Japan?(日本には本格的なメキシカン料理がほとんどないって本当ですか?)



  • Subway・・・地下鉄
  • Appeal・・・魅力
  • Hygiene・・・衛生
  • Germs・・・ばい菌


  • I can imagine・・・〜想像できる
  • Close to your face・・・距離が近い
  • I was wondering if・・・〜なのかな



「カフェトーク」在籍のアメリカ人英語講師。英語講師としてのプロ意識が非常に高く、生徒のレベルに合わせて充実したレッスンを提供してくれます。紳士的で上品な人柄で、カフェトークでも多くの生徒さんから支持されている人気講師です。→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら


「カフェトーク」在籍のアメリカ人英語講師。これまで幅広い年齢層に英語を教えてきた経験があり、子供から大人まで生徒の年齢に応じた最適なレッスンを提供してくれます。現在は日本在住しており、日本文化にも精通している人気講師です。→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Yasu M より:

    Hi Jun-san!

    I leave a comment on your blog for the first time!
    Thank you for releasing another interesting episode. I always listen to live conversation part over and over on my way back home.

    From what I heard, the bird-whistling sound plays to indicate a direction for visually-impaired people.
    At a station, it helps them move from a platform to a ticket gate.
    And at a crosswalk, it lets them know the other side of a road from where they are, which means birds sing from both sides!
    A baby chick whistles on a road north and south, and a cuckoo sings east and west.

    I’ll be glad if you share the trivia with John-san and Lauren-san too!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Yasu,

      Thanks for listening to my podcast and sharing your knowledge! I had no idea there were two different bird noises depending on the direction. Interesting. I’ll let John and Lauren know 🙂

  2. m より:


    Summaryのとこのwhile John supposed it was to make office worker’s work days happier.
    これはit was something to make…でsomethingを省略しているのでしょうか?どんなときにでも省略可能なのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。”it”が”the bird whistle”を意味しているので、そのままでOKです。”it was something”や”it was a sound”を加えても意味は変わりません。

  3. manami より:

    conversation中のLaurenの3つ目の吹き出しで、subways have a really nice appeal to themとありますが、このthemは何なんでしょうか?
    〝to then〟自体が〝like〟みたく、口語ならではな、あまり意味もなく繋ぎ的な感じで使われる言葉なのでしょうか??

    • Jun より:



  4. monica より:

    先日メルマガでkeep to oneselfを習った後、バレンタインデーという映画をみたら
    主人公がkeep to oneselfを使って話してるのが聞き取れました。

    • Jun より:



  5. 復習してます より:


monica へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


