
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.05.19





【John】So, what do you think about the toilets in Japan?

【Lauren】(laughs) Well toilets are a pretty big subject out here as they have many different features in them. Uh, my favorite is—since I grew up in Michigan…it’s pretty cold there, and every morning when you’d wake up, you’d need to go to the bathroom. And since I’m a lady, I sit down on the toilet. And the toilet was always so cold.


【Lauren】So miserable. And now in my apartment here in Tokyo, I have heated seats. (laughs) So…

【John】I’ve definitely become a fan…definitely become a fan of the heated toilet seats.


【John】I mean this is something I’ve never encountered before in my life…

【Lauren】Mm hm.

【John】…and it’s amazing.


【John】But I mean, when it comes to the toilets, most of the time I can’t figure out how to use them.


【John】Like, I look down and there’s just, like a textbook sitting next to me, of weird symbols and buttons, and…if I could just find out how to flush it, I’ll be happy.

【Lauren】(laughs) Yeah actually with the flushes, there’s like, two kanjis, you know? One means, like “full flush,” one is “half flush.” I still to this day do not really know which one means “big” or “little.”


【Lauren】So I usually just kinda (kind of), go with it. (laughs)

【John】Mm hm.

【Lauren】It goes down. (laughs)

【John】And, um I must admit, like, some of the features are pretty awesome. Like, Japan definitely feels like maybe a cleaner country because of these toilets.

【Lauren】Mm hm.

【John】I’m not sure how much I can say about them in polite conversation. (laughs)

【Lauren】Uh, I think you’re hinting at the sprays. (laughs)


【Lauren】And there are many different spray types and I have ventured once or twice and just kind of…all happened, and I can’t say that I enjoy it too much, I’m not gonna (going to) lie. (laughs)

【John】So I have a question, like uh, sometimes I hear people say, like “ixnay on the ay-spray,” like do not use the sprays, especially in public toilets because it’s unhygienic.


【John】Have you heard this, or do you know the general opinion?

【Lauren】I have not heard that, but now I kinda (kind of) wish I’d known that beforehand. (laughs)




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What U.S. state did Lauren grow up in?
  2. How did John describe the features of a Japanese toilet?
  3. Why was John told not to use the sprays?



  1. She grew up in Michigan.
  2. He compared them to a “textbook.”
  3. He was told using the sprays was unhygienic.



Lauren and John talked in this episode about the toilets in Japan and their experiences with them.

Lauren grew up in Michigan, where it was often very cold. When she used toilets in Michigan, the seats during cold days were also very cold. Lauren’s favorite feature of her apartment’s toilet in Japan is the heated seat function.

John thought the variety of functions on a Japanese toilet was slightly confusing. All he wanted to know was how to simply flush it. Lauren observed Japanese toilets have two types of flush functions: big flush and small flush.

John and Lauren also talked about the toilet sprays. Lauren personally didn’t like using them, and John had been told using them was unhygienic.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Miserable (悲惨な)

Miserableは、惨めな気分や哀れな状態、非常に不愉快な状態を 指し、 Very unhappyや Very uncomfortableを一言で表す単語です。

  • I had to walk home in the pouring rain without an umbrella. It was miserable.(土砂降りの雨の中、傘なしで家まで歩いて帰らなければなりませんでした。悲惨でした。)
  • It was a 15-hour flight and I had food poisoning. I felt miserable.(15時間のフライトだったんだけど食中毒になってね。最悪だったよ。)
  • His long-time girlfriend dumped him. He looked pretty miserable.(長年付き合っていた彼女に振られて、彼はかなり落ち込んでいる様子でした。)

2) Flush(洗い流す)

Flushは「水で洗い流す」という意味ですが、特にトイレの水を流す時によく使われます。「トイレを流す」は 「Flush the toilet」と言いますが、たばこなど、トイレに流すべきではない物を流す時の表現は 「Flush _____ down the toilet」となります。

  • How do you flush the toilet?(どうやってトイレを流すのですか?)
  • You have to push this button to flush the toilet.(トイレを流すにはこのボタンを押さないといけません。)
  • Don’t flush paper towels down the toilet.(ペーパータオルはトイレに流さないでください。)

3) Hint at(~をほのめかす)

「暗示する」という意味の単語Hintに atをつけ、 Hint atで「~をほのめかす」という意味になります。物事を間接的に、または遠回しに伝えるニュアンスが含まれます。

  • What are you hinting at? Stop beating around the bush.(何が言いたいの?遠回しな言い方はやめて。)
  • She’s been hinting at the possibility of switching jobs.(彼女は転職することをほのめかしています。)
  • I think he’s hinting at retirement. What do you think?(彼は退職をほのめかしていると思います。あなたはどう思いますか?)

4) Pig Latin(ピッグ・ラテン語)

今日の会話でジョンが 「ixnay on the ay-spray」と言いましたが、これは正式な英語ではなく、「ピッグ・ラテン語」と言います。ピッグ・ラテン語とは英語の言葉遊びの1つで、単語の最初の子音を語尾に移し、さらに ay(エイ)をつけ加えます。つまり、 ixnayの原形は nix、 ay-sprayの原形は sprayで、正しくは 「nix on the spray(スプレーを使うな)」となります。


  • I used to speak Pig Latin with my friends when I was a kid.(私は子供の頃、友達とピッグ・ラテン語で話していました。)
  • Idehay hetay iftgay. (Hide the gift.)(プレゼントを隠して。)
  • Hereway arehay ouyay oinggay? (Where are you going?)(どこへ行くの?)

5) Hygienic(衛生的な)


  • I think the public bathrooms in Japan are hygienic. (日本の公衆トイレは衛生的だと思います。)
  • My wife is a clean freak. She keeps everything hygienic. (私の妻は潔癖症で、あらゆるものを清潔にしています。)
  • Don’t eat that. It’s expired. That’s not hygienic! (それは食べちゃダメだよ。賞味期限が切れてるじゃん。衛生的じゃないよ!)



  • Features・・・機能
  • Encounter・・・出合う
  • Spray・・・温水洗浄


  • Become a fan・・・〜のファンになる
  • When it comes to・・・〜に関していうと
  • To this day・・・未だに
  • Go with it・・・適当に〜する



「カフェトーク」在籍のアメリカ人英語講師。英語講師としてのプロ意識が非常に高く、生徒のレベルに合わせて充実したレッスンを提供してくれます。紳士的で上品な人柄で、カフェトークでも多くの生徒さんから支持されている人気講師です。→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら


「カフェトーク」在籍のアメリカ人英語講師。これまで幅広い年齢層に英語を教えてきた経験があり、子供から大人まで生徒の年齢に応じた最適なレッスンを提供してくれます。現在は日本在住しており、日本文化にも精通している人気講師です。→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Jenny より:

    Dear Jun,
    This is Yayoi Tabata.
    I’m in Denver,CO.
    I have arrived at Denver for 3 weeks.
    I will come back Japan in Senptember 2017.
    Actually,including for my family’s work and some reasons a little bit.
    It is a big chance for me to study English.

    In Japan,I didn’t have a opportunity.
    Because I was so busy that I couldn’t have enough time.
    I am a president of my own company and also my father’s secretary.
    Now,I have to improve my English skill because I will be hospitalized for my some illness.
    Of course in the hospital,everyone speaks English.
    I started to listening to your podcast last week.
    How do you think the best way ?
    Should I start to listening to the first edition or last edition?
    I have heard from 1 section up to 16 sections now.
    I will be hospitalized for 6-8 weeks.
    I have been inspired by a lot of things since I came here.
    Even shopping at the supermarket got a culture shock.
    I started to pronounce it as loudly as I thought it was exaggerated by anything.
    Even though I can write yet, it is difficult to talk.
    My mother was an interpreter, but she said that it was difficult to speak English.

    Thanks for my father’s friends, they spend with us a lot.
    So I have a chance a lot to speak English.
    I want you to advice to study English while I am in the US.

    I’m sorry that you are very busy anytime.
    Thank you.


    • Jun より:

      Hello Jenny

      Thanks for your message. I’m happy to hear that you are finding the Hapa Eikaiwa podcast useful! There is no “correct” way to listen to the podcast. In the intro of every podcast, I talk about current events and general things that are on my mind at the time. If you want to get the most up-to-date info, I recommend listening to the newest episode.

      Speaking presents a big challenge for many learners. I recommend my students to start with journaling. I just created a YouTube video about journaling. You can check it out here → https://youtu.be/VySCeL63SeU

      It sounds like you’re in a great environment to speak English. The best way to improve speaking is to speak. Every moment you get a chance, talk to your friends in English. Don’t worry about making mistakes. Enjoy making mistakes. That’s the only way to become a great English speaker. Wishing you a speedy recovery!

  2. Masafumi Ishikawa より:

    Hi Jun,

    Thank you for taking topics of our industry. I’ve been working for Japanese sanitary ware company who is well-known as manufacturer of “Washlet”, hopefully you can guess our company name . We have a flagship showroom in West Hollywood and I’m a only Japanese person working there. In case you haven’t use our latest model, there is a chance to try in LA. It may sound weird to say “come to use our toilet”, Haha.

    By the way, this episode is helpful for us to know how general American think about Japanese toilet and our product. I believe Japanese toilet culture help not only hygiene but also environmentally through water-saving technology. Please stop by our showroom anytime.

    Though it’s totally not an advertisement, if your team think my comment is not appropriate here, please delete it.

    Lastly, I enjoy your podcast and took part in you seminar in Torrance before. Thanks to your lesson, my English skill is improving gradually, Not enough, though.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Masafumi

      Thank you for leaving a comment! I had no idea that there was a showroom for “Washlets” in West Hollywood. I would love to come and try out your new toilets one day. lol. I’m just wondering how much more advance can it be? The ones I’ve used in Japan so far are incredible. I know that there are some Americans who use the washlets but I don’t think it’s as widespread yet. Hopefully you can make washlets the standard toilets in the U.S. one day. Thank you for always listening to my podcast!

Masafumi Ishikawa へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

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