
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.02.17





【Sharon】So Joshua, the next one on our list would be, “Persistence pays (off).”


【Sharon】Or that “never give up” mentality.


【Sharon】Uh, what are your thoughts on that? Do you agree or disagree?

【Joshua】Well, normally I’m inclined to disagree, but I’ve had an experience recently—and by “recently,” I mean in recent years—of where persistence has actually paid off, and it’s—it’s worked in my favor, and so, uh…
When I was pursuing my girlfriend in school, I was about to graduate. I was concerned about, you know, being alone for the rest of my life, so I…I wanted to make sure that I at least made an effort to find somebody before I graduated from school. And I did, but she was completely not interested in me. Flat-out told me she was not interested in me.
And so what I did was I obnoxiously made myself available to her at all times. I put myself in a position where she could not avoid me. So she was a Chinese language student, so they’re required to do a certain number of hours in a language lab, and I just so happened to work at the language lab.
So I strategically placed my work hours during the time where she would usually come, and even would stay there after hours pretending to be busy, preparing for, you know, doing homework, or preparing for my own classes, but uh…
I basically didn’t give up. I was in her face every day of the school week, and eventually she just got used to having me around, to the point where if I wasn’t around, it would feel unnatural. And I think that’s how I caught her, so to speak. She’s not a Pokémon or anything, but that’s how I caught her through persistence.
And I feel like, uh if you want something bad enough, that being persistent is the best way to go about it. I feel like, you shouldn’t give up if you want something really badly. But there are times where it’s just not going to work out.
For example if my girlfriend had had a boyfriend, that’s when it’s time to throw in the towel. Just give up. It’s—it’s not gonna (going to) work at that point, so I feel like when there’s an opportunity for success, uh persistence definitely can pay off. But when you’ve already lost, there’s no point fighting a losing battle.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What was Joshua’s concern as he was approaching his graduation?
  2. When Joshua first approached his future girlfriend, what did she tell him?
  3. What kind of student was Joshua’s girlfriend?



  1. He was worried he would be alone for the rest of his life.
  2. At first, she said she wasn’t interested in him.
  3. She was a Chinese language student.



Sharon and Joshua spent this episode discussing their thoughts on the proverb “Persistence pays off.” Sharon asked Joshua whether or not he agreed with the proverb.

Joshua spent the episode using an example from his own life, namely, his pursuit of his current girlfriend. Joshua explained the story and used it to justify his agreement with the proverb.

When Joshua was about to graduate college, he was worried he would spend the rest of his life alone. So he made an effort to pursue a fellow student at his school. At first, she said she wasn’t interested.

Joshua however remained persistent, and he tried to rearrange his work schedule so that he would always run into her at his school’s language center. Eventually it worked, and the two became a couple. Joshua for this reason agrees that persistence can pay off. He adds, however that if someone has already “lost the battle,” then it’s better to give up, rather than persist.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Work in one’s favor(〜に有利に働く)

Work in one’s favorは、状況や事柄が誰かに有利に働くことを表し、「〜に有利になる」を意味するIn favor ofと同様の使い方ができます。例えば、今日の会話でジョシュアが言った「Persistence worked in my favor」というセリフは、彼自身の粘り強さが、彼にとって有利に働いたことを意味しています。

  • As a gymnast, being short worked in my favor.(体操選手として、背が低いことは私にとって有利でした。)
  • Being able to speak English will definitely work in your favor.(英語を話せたら絶対に有利だよ。)
  • Sometimes ignorance can work in your favor.(時に無知が有利に働くこともあります。)

2) Flat-out(きっぱりと)

Flat-outは物事をはっきりと伝えるさまを表し、エピソード126で紹介したStraight outと似た意味を持ちます。堂々と嘘をついたり、きっぱりと断ったりするなど、あからさまな態度を示す際によく使われる表現です。

  • He flat-out turned me down.(彼にきっぱりと断られた。)
  • She flat-out lied to my face. I can’t believe it.(彼女は面と向かって私に堂々と嘘をついた。信じられない。)
  • She flat-out called him fat in front of everyone.(彼女は、あからさまにみんなの前で彼のことをデブと呼んだ。)

3) It just so happens that(たまたま〜である)

It just so happens thatは、日本語の「たまたま」や「ちょうどその時に」に相当する表現で、何かが偶然起こった意味として使われます。By chanceやby coincidenceよりも口語的な表現で、驚きの気持ちが含まれます。 主語はItに限らず、「I just so happen」や「He just so happens」のように、人称代名詞に置き換えてもOK です。

  • It just so happens that I have an extra phone charger. Take it.(たまたま携帯の充電器が余分にあるんだよね。持っていっていいよ。)
  • You’re in Shinjuku? I just so happen to be here too. Do you want to meet up?(新宿にいるの?私もちょうど[新宿に]いるんだよね。会わない?)
  • It just so happens that we’re going to Hawaii on the same weekend.(偶然にも同じ週末に私たちもハワイに行くんだ。)

4) Go about(〜に取りかかる)

Go aboutは、仕事に取りかかったり、問題に取り組んだりすることを表す口語的な表現ですが、そのやり方が“特別”であるニュアンスも含まれます。今日の会話でジョシュアが言った「If you want something bad enough persistence is the best way to go about it」というセリフは、「何かをどうしても手に入れたければ、粘り強さが最善の策である」という意味になります。

  • How did you go about fixing that problem?(どうやってその問題を解決したの?)
  • You’re going about it the wrong way. You’re going to ruin everything.(取り組み方が間違ってるね。それじゃ全部台無しにしちゃうよ。)
  • How did you go about obtaining a student visa? Is it complicated?(学生ビザをどうやって取得したの?それって複雑なの?)

5) Throw in the towel(諦める)

Throw in the towelは直訳すると「タオルを投げ入れる」で、ボクシングの試合で勝ち目がないと判断したセコンドが、タオルをリングに投げ入れて試合を放棄する行為を表します。そこから派生して Throw in the towelは敗北を認めること、すなわち何かを途中でやめたり、諦めたりすることを意味します。

  • I think it’s time to throw in the towel.(そろそろ諦めた方がいいんじゃない。)
  • I’m not throwing in the towel no matter what!(何があっても絶対に諦めないから!)
  • You’re getting your butt kicked! Just throw in the towel. It’s game over.(こてんぱんにやられてるんじゃん。もう諦めな。勝負ありだよ。)



  • Inclined to・・・〜しがち
  • Pursue・・・追いかける
  • Obnoxiously・・・嫌になるくらい
  • Pretend・・・〜するふり


  • What are your thoughts on _____?・・・〜についてどう思う?
  • Pay off・・・報われる
  • Make an effort・・・努力をする
  • In her face・・・顔を合わせる
  • If you want something bad enough・・・何かをどうしても手に入れたいのなら
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. katu より:


    • Jun より:



      • katu より:



        ※「Podcast Script for episode 132「粘り強さは報われる」」はまだ配送の準備ができておりません。恐れ入りますがお問い合わせページよりお問い合わせください。

        • Ryoma より:





  2. tamotsu より:

    It just so happens thatの例文にある
    happen の後にsがつく/つかないの使い分け方法を

    • Jun より:



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