
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.01.27





【Joshua】So many people say that the best things in life are free, and I can’t really…nothing really comes to mind when I think of this idiom, but how do you—I mean, uh this proverb, but how do you feel about the proverb, “The best things in life are free”? Do you think that’s true?

【Sharon】Yeah, this is an interesting one, because I think it—it depends upon where we place our values.


【Sharon】Um, the first thing that comes to my mind is just breathing air.

【Joshua】Okay. Air’s free.

【Sharon】Air is free, and it is a good thing, otherwise we would die.

【Joshua】We would die without air, I agree.

【Sharon】We would die. Um, another area that comes to my mind would be, like friendships.


【Sharon】But there’s a cost to everything.

【Joshua】That’s right. I feel that there’s a cost to everything.

【Sharon】Yeah, so even something that—a friendship is free…


【Sharon】…there’s still some strings attached.

【Joshua】There’s strings attached, I agree. For example, Costco samples. It says, “Free Sample.” But what you’re really giving up is your ability—you’re being influenced by the free sample. So the sample itself is free, but in the end the person giving out the free sample is influencing you to want to buy the full product.

Just like, um…a free trial. Uh, often times when you sign up for a free trial on the internet, you need your credit card information, and it’s not that—that, you know, they assume that you’re gonna (going to) one hundred percent want to continue after the free trial is over. It’s—they’re hoping you forget that you ever signed up for the free trial to begin with and forget to remove your credit card information and they can get a free one or two charges on your credit card, and—and that’s how they’re making money, so.
Uh, I’m always skeptical of the word, “free.”

【Sharon】Yeah, and I think another important consideration in this proverb is, what or how do you define the “best things”? What are the best things?

【Joshua】That’s true, that’s—that’s completely subjective. (laughs)

【Sharon】Exactly. So what might be the best for me might not be the best for you.


【Sharon】You know some people might say having your family is the best thing in life…


【Sharon】…and that comes free…


【Sharon】…although there’s problems attached with dysfunctional families as well.

【Joshua】That is true.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is the first example of something “free” that Sharon mentions?
  2. Both Sharon and Joshua agreed that with anything free, there are costs attached. What was the first example of something “free, but with costs” that Joshua mentioned?
  3. What consideration does Sharon raise about the proverb, “The best things in life are free”?



  1. She says the act of breathing air is both free and necessary.
  2. He used Costco’s free samples as his first example, citing that the cost was that the buyer was being influenced by the free sample.
  3. Sharon thinks it’s important to define what the term, “the best things” means.



Sharon and Joshua spent this episode discussing their thoughts on the proverb, “The best things in life are free.” Joshua began by asking Sharon about her views on the proverb.

The first example of something “free” that Sharon brought up was the act of breathing air. It is both necessary and free. She adds however that to all things that are free, there are costs.

Joshua uses the example of Costco’s “free samples” to illustrate Sharon’s point. Costco’s free samples, he says, may be advertised as “free,” but the buyer pays the price of being influenced by the free sample. Joshua also uses Internet’s “free trials” as another example. These, he says, are designed to store credit card information with the hope that the customer will forget they signed up for the free trial.

Sharon’s final point was that it is important to define what the term, “the best things” means. The “best things” for one person might not be the “best things” for another.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Otherwise(そうでなければ / そうしないと)

Otherwiseは、直前の発言内容を受けて、「さもないと〜が起こる」を意味し、基本的に悪い事態になる意味合いがあります。例えば、今日の会話でシャロンが言った「Air is free and it’s a good thing. Otherwise we would die.」は、「空気はタダ。それはいいことだよね。じゃないと死んじゃうからね」となります。

  • I hope it stops raining. Otherwise we’ll have to cancel the event.(雨が止むといいね。じゃないとイベントを中止しなきゃならない。)
  • You’d better hurry. Otherwise you’re going to miss the last train.(急いだ方がいいよ。そうしないと終電を逃すよ。)
  • Finish your homework. Otherwise, you can’t play PlayStation.(宿題を終わらせなさい。でないとプレステはダメ。)

2) Strings attached(条件付きの)


日常会話では、Noを頭につけてNo strings attachedと表現することが多く、これは見返りを求めない無条件のオファーであることを意味します。また、恋愛シーンにおいて、真剣な付き合いではなく気軽にデートをしている関係のこともNo strings attachedと表現します。

  • There is no way that it’s free. There has to be strings attached.(無料のはずがない。隠された条件があるはずだよ。)
  • My buddy is letting me stay at his apartment for a couple months with no strings attached.(私の友達が無条件で私を彼のアパートに数ヶ月間、居そうろうさせてくれます。)
  • I heard they’re just casually dating. No strings attached.(あの2人は気軽な感じで付き合ってるらしいよ。後腐れなしのね。)

3) Give out(配布する)

Give outは「配る」や「配布する」を意味し、特に試供品や景品などを無料で配るニュアンスが含まれます。同様の意味を持つdistributeよりも口語的です。

  • They’re giving out free tissues near the train station.(駅の近くでティッシュを無料で配っています。)
  • Can you give these brochures out to your friends?(このパンフレットを友達に配ってくれますか?)
  • They’re giving out a bunch of free samples on the 5th floor.(5階で無料サンプルをいっぱい配ってるよ。)

4) To begin with(初めに / 最初に)

To begin withは、話す話題がいくつかある状況で、最初に取り上げる話題を述べるときに「初めに」や「まず第一に」の意味として使われるフレーズです。その他、「そもそも」という意味としても使われます。

  • Let me talk about my background to begin with. (まずは私の経歴についてお話しさせてください。)
  • You shouldn’t have been out until 4am to begin with. (そもそも、明け方4時まで出歩いていたらダメだよ。)
  • There are a lot of things I love about Japan but to begin with, the food is delicious.(日本の好きなところはたくさんあるけど、まずは食べ物がおいしいところだね。)

5) Skeptical(疑い深い)


  • Why are you being so skeptical? Trust me. There are no strings attached.(何でそんなに疑ってるの?私を信じて。本当に無条件だから。)
  • I’ve always been skeptical about low carb diets. Does it really work?(低炭水化物ダイエットは昔から何か信用できないんだよね。本当に効果あるの?)
  • It’s going to be hard to convince him. He’s pretty skeptical.(彼を説得するのは難しいだろうね。彼は結構疑い深いからね。)



  • Proverb・・・ことわざ
  • Consideration・・・考えないといけないこと
  • Subjective・・・主観的な
  • Dysfunctional family・・・家庭崩壊


  • Comes to mind・・・思い浮かぶ
  • Place one’s value・・・価値を置く
  • Cost to everything・・・何事も代償がつきもの



  1. 福原一成 より:


    California (   ) multiple large rainstorms the last few weeks.

    “got hit was”? or “got it was”??

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもPodcastを聴いていただき、ありがとうございます!「California “got hit with” multiple large rainstorms」です!おしいっ!

  2. TAK より:

    Hi! Junさん

    Joshuaさんが言ったセリフ「But what you’re really giving up is your ability」の部分の訳が「消費者は自分で選択することを放棄して」となっています。

    直訳すると「あなたが本当に諦めている事は、(you’re being influenced~以降の)あなたの能力」となり、お手本の様な日本語訳になる理由が分かりません。

    「But what…ability」の部分は、どう理解したら良いのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!「Ability」は直訳すると「能力」になりますが、英語では必ずしとも日本語の「能力」を意味するわけでありません。ここでは、試供品に影響されて自分で判断する力が失われることになります。Joshuaさんは話しの途中で言う内容を変えましたが、変えなかったら「But what you’re really giving up is your ability to choose/decide(選択する能力 / 判断力)」になるでしょう。

  3. Yusei より:

    Hi Jun!! I just reviewed this and I just wanted to make sure the phrase ”strings attached” how to use.
    Here’s my question.
    Like when you move out somewhere and you’re supposed to choose an apartment
    but the rent is dirty cheap!! Then you’ll say ” I positive here is strings attached” that works too? and also like,「ここ絶対ワケありだよ!」doesn’t it??
    I’ll be glad you reply this.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Yusei!

      How’s it going? You can say “I’m positive there are strings attached” but it sounds a bit unnatural to use it in that context. As I mentioned in the podcast, it’s more common to say “no strings attached” – in the negative form. In that situation, I would say, “It’s dirt cheap! There must be a catch!”

      Hope this helps 🙂

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