
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.01.20

第128回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「お金は諸悪の根源」です。今日の会話ではシャロンとジョシュアが、アメリカでよく使われることわざの一つ「Money is the root of all evil.(お金は諸悪の根源)」について話し合います。




【Sharon】So let’s start with the first one…


【Sharon】…and I’m gonna (going to) throw this out to you, um that, “Money is the root of all evil.”

【Joshua】“Money is the root of all evil.”

【Sharon】Do you agree or disagree? And if so, explain…


【Sharon】…your position.

【Joshua】Well, I would say I do agree. I do think that money is the root of all evil. I also think that money is the cause of a lot of problems, just because it seems like people are willing to do almost anything to have more money.
It seems like the more money you have, the more things you’re willing to do to get more money. So if you think about businesses that, uh maybe exploit workers or things like that, uh for example China, um…all of the jobs that used to be here in the United States are being, uh outsourced to China…Southeast Asia, and it’s all because these businesses want more money, and so it’s not that money itself is evil, but it makes people do evil things, I think.
And I’m a humble person. I don’t need a lot of money. I’m fine with my Civic. I don’t need a Lamborghini. So for me, I feel like money causes more problems than it’s actually worth. So I think that money is the root of all evil, I would say so. A lot of evils.

【Sharon】And I think a lot of people think that. I’d like to tweak it…


【Sharon】…because I don’t think it’s money in itself. Money is a neutral object.

【Joshua】That’s true.

【Sharon】It’s the love of money.

【Joshua】The love of money.

【Sharon】The love of money is the root of all evil…


【Sharon】…and—and it…it kinda (kind of) ties in with what you’re saying that when people love money…


【Sharon】…too much, and always wanna (want to) make more…


【Sharon】…and more, um there’s a cost involved…


【Sharon】…and people get greedy .


【Sharon】But money can also be used for very good things as well…

【Joshua】That’s true, right.

【Sharon】…and without money I can’t contribute to charitable causes.

【Joshua】That’s true.

【Sharon】But if I love money, then when I get that money I’m not as likely to let it go.

【Joshua】(laughs) I see. That makes sense, that makes sense. The love of money is the root of all evil. I like that.

【Sharon】The—I would say—I would change it to “The love of money is the root of all evil.”

【Joshua】I agree, that makes sense.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Does Joshua agree or disagree with the proverb, “Money is the root of all evil”? Why, or why not?
  2. What was the positive aspect of money that Sharon brought up?
  3. What change did Sharon want to make to the proverb, “Money is the root of all evil”?



  1. Joshua agreed, saying that he believed money often motivates people to do evil things.
  2. Money can be used to donate to charitable causes.
  3. Sharon wanted to change the proverb to, “The love of money is the root of all evil.”



Sharon and Joshua spent this episode discussing their thoughts on the proverb, “Money is the root of all evil.” Sharon asked whether or not Joshua agreed with it.

Joshua agreed with the proverb and gave some reasons why. He believed some businesses exploited workers in order to raise profits. He raised China as a country that participated in this.

Sharon wanted to change the proverb slightly. She believed that money itself was not evil, but rather excess love of money was.

Sharon also explained that money could be used for good purposes, such as donations to charitable causes. Both she and Joshua agreed however with their change to the proverb: “The love of money is the root of all evil.”


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Throw out something (〜を持ち出す)

Throw outは様々な意味を持つフレーズですが、今日の会話では、考えやアイデア、提案などを持ち出すという意味で使われています。状況によっては、何かをさりげなく言うニュアンスも含まれます。例えば 「Throw out a suggestion」は、「提案をほのめかす」と訳すこともできます。また他にも、「質問を投げかける」を「Throw out a question」と言い表すこともできます。

  • Feel free to throw out some ideas and suggestions.(自由にアイデアや提案を述べてください。)
  • Let me throw out a question to you. What would you do if you won the lottery?(あなたに質問です。もし宝くじが当たったらどうしますか?)
  • How about New York or Boston? I’m just throwing it out there…(ニューヨークやボストンはどう?ちょっと提案してみただけなんだけど。)

2) Exploit(〜利用する / 悪用する)


  • In this day and age, you have to exploit new technology to be successful.(今日、成功するには新しいテクノロジーを活用しなければなりません。)
  • There are still many children being exploited all over the world.(今も世界中で多くの子供たちが搾取されています。)
  • That company is notorious for exploiting their workers.(あの会社は従業員を食い物にすることで知られています。)

3) I would say so(私はそう思う)

個人的な意見や考えを「私はそう思います」と伝える口語的な表現が「I would say so.」です。意味は「I think」と似ていますが、「I would say so.」は断定せず「I think」よりも控えめに発言している響きがあります。具体的に、「〜だと思う」や「恐らく〜だ」と言う場合は、Soは言わずに 「I’d say」の後に具体的な意見や考えなどを述べます。

  • Yeah, I’d say so. What do you think?(僕はそう思うね。君はどう思う?)
  • I’d say it’ll take you about 30 minutes to get there.(そこに着くのに恐らく30分くらいかかると思うよ。)
  • Oh I don’t know. I’d say it’s about 20 bucks. It’s not that expensive. (さあ、分からないな。20ドルくらいだと思うけど。そんなに高くないよ。)

4) Tweak (ひとひねりする / 調整する)


  • If you tweak your idea, I think it will create originality.(君のそのアイデアをひとひねりしたら、オリジナリティーが出ると思うよ。)
  • I tweaked the design of the app just a bit. (アプリのデザインをほんの少し弄りました。)
  • All you need to do is tweak your study methods and you’ll notice a big difference.(学習法をちょっと変えるだけで大きな違いに気がつきますよ。)

5) Greedy(欲張り)

Greedが「欲」を意味することから、「欲張りな人」はGreedyと言い、 特にお金や権力に欲深いさまを表します。「欲張る」は 「Be greedy」や 「Get greedy」と言います。

  • All he cares about is money. He’s so greedy.(彼はお金のことしか考えていない。本当に欲深い奴だよ。)
  • That’s more than enough. Don’t be so greedy. (それで十分。そんなに欲張ったらだめだよ。)
  • People get greedy and do things that come back and bite them in the ass in the end.(欲張ると結果的に後で泣きを見ることになります。)



  • Outsource・・・外注する
  • Humble・・・謙虚
  • Neutral・・・中立的


  • Willing to・・・〜する意思がある
  • Things like that・・・そのようなこと
  • Ties in with・・・〜とつながる
  • Make sense・・・納得する
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



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