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【Jeffrey】The, uh topic of discussion is guns. Um, do all Americans have guns? Now my perspective—especially people from the South love to have their guns, and you are from Georgia, correct?
【Nick】Georgia, it is the Peach State. That is my home, yes.
【Jeffrey】Do you have a gun?
【Nick】Um, well I don’t—I wouldn’t say it’s a gun, so much as a small army of guns.
【Jeffrey】In your glove compartment right now? (laughs)
【Nick】Yeah it’s overflowing. Uh…for real, though, a lot of people from the South have guns…
【Nick】…and a lot of people from the South, uh even if they don’t have guns, they strongly support the idea of gun ownership.
【Jeffrey】Mm hm.
【Nick】Um, there—there was a very large culture shock whenever I moved out to L.A.—uh, the difference between, uh, sort of like the view of, uh like California or L.A. culture, rather…
【Nick】…um, versus Georgia culture on gun ownership…
【Jeffrey】Uh huh.
【Nick】…is, um…it’s not—it’s not stigmatized here, but I would say that people talk about it in hushed tones more.
【Nick】Um, a little bit like, “Oh, uh do you want to go shooting this weekend?”
【Nick】Like, somebody around you is gonna (going to) say, “Well, what are you shooting?”
【Nick】Um, yeah.
【Jeffrey】I dunno (don’t know), that’s…I mean I guess I was born and raised in California. Never thought about that. I—I guess, I’m more of a loud-mouthed American, so if I go shooting or something…
【Jeffrey】…it’s like, “Hey, let’s go shooting.” Um, but, uh yeah it—it is a big topic I think especially…it’s—it’s gotten really elevated, especially this year with all the Black Lives Matter…
【Nick】Yeah, yeah.
【Jeffrey】…and things like that, and even the police brutality, and, um from—from what I understand, um…I believe, oh I don’t even know how many years ago it was, but, um, Texas—I don’t know if it was the whole state…
【Jeffrey】…or if it was just a part of Texas, but they actually passed a law…
【Nick】Mm hm.
【Jeffrey】…to where it was legal to carry a concealed weapon, and uh…
【Nick】Oh yeah, yeah, Georgia has these laws too.
【Jeffrey】Right, and so what was interesting is that the crime rate actually…the violent crime rate actually went down after people were allowed to have concealed weapons…
【Jeffrey】…because, uhm, the—the bad people don’t know if this innocent person I’m about to rob has a gun or not.
【Nick】Yeah, it’s—it’s sort of counter-intuitive at first, but yeah.
【Nick】That actually—they actually do find that happens, yeah.
【Jeffrey】Yeah, so…but, I mean, I guess on the other side of it, you get a gun in the hand of, you know, someone that’s gonna try to imitate Columbine and then bad things happen.
【Jeffrey】So, there—there’s that, kinda (kind of) debate.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- What state in the U.S. is Nick from?
ニックはアメリカのどこの州の出身ですか? - What did Nick discover about California in terms of gun culture?
カリフォルニア州の銃文化に関して、ニックはどんなことに気がつきましたか? - According to Jeffrey’s recalling, what happened to violent crime in the state of Texas after carrying concealed weapons was legalized?
- He is from Georgia.
彼はジョージア州の出身です。 - He felt Californians tend to talk about guns in hushed tones.
彼は、カリフォルニア州の人たちは銃について、声を潜めて話しているように感じました。 - According to Jeffrey, violent crime went down after this law was passed.
Nick and Jeffrey talked about gun culture in the United States, and about the differences between gun culture in the South and in California. Nick is from Georgia, and shared his observations on views of Americans on gun ownership.
Nick observed that most people from his home and in the South in general support the idea of gun ownership. He felt a culture shock when he moved to California because he noticed most people talked about guns in hushed tones.
Jeffrey was born in California, and never thought about any major difference between states on the issue of gun ownership. He thought the debate over guns has become heated over the years with police shootings and responses to the shootings from groups like Black Lives Matter.
ジェフリーはカリフォルニア州出身ですが、州ごとに銃の所有に関する問題に大きな隔たりがあることについては考えたことがありませんでした。彼は、警察官による発砲や、それに対して “Black Lives Matter(黒人の命も大切だ)”といった抗議運動が起こったことから、この数年の間で銃をめぐる議論が白熱してきたと思っています。
Jeffrey recalled a story of how Texas legalized the carrying of concealed weapons. The result, he said, was that violent crime went down in Texas because people with criminal intent did not know whether their target was carrying a gun or not.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) For real(本当に / マジで)
“For real”は、日本語の「マジで」や「本当に」に相当する口語的な表現です。真面目な話をする時に 「For real though(冗談はさておき)」と切り出したり、相手の言ったことに「For real?(マジで?)」と尋ねたりする場合など、様々な状況で使うことができます。
- For real though, Steve is an awesome guy!(冗談はさておき、スティーブは本当にいい奴だ。)
- For real? When did he get married?(マジで?彼、いつ結婚したの?)
- I’m for real. I want to quit my job and start my own business.(本気です。会社を辞めて起業したいんです。)
2) Hush(静かにする)
“Hush”は“Be quiet”と同じ意味合いを持ち、人に静かにするよう注意する際に使う口語的な表現です。日本語の「シー!」に相当しますが、多少きついニュアンスがあります。今日の会話で、ニックは「Hushed tones」と言いましたが、これは、他の人に聞こえないよう小声で話したり、他人には秘密にしておきたいという意図が含まれています。
- Hush! You’re going to wake up the baby. (シー!赤ちゃんが起きちゃうって。)
- Hey Joe, hush! We’re in the library.(ちょっと、ジョー、静かにしてよ。ここは図書館だよ。)
- Can you keep this on the hush?(この話は秘密にしておいてくれる?)
3) Loud mouthed(おしゃべり)
- He can’t keep a secret. He’s loud-mouthed.(彼は秘密を守ることができない、口の軽い奴だよ。)
- Tony is such a loud-mouthed guy. I can hear him from miles away.(トニーは本当に大声で話す奴だね。遠くにいても声が聞こえてくるよ。)
- I wouldn’t call him loud-mouthed. I’d say he’s more talkative.(彼はおしゃべりと言うより、話し好きだね。)
4) Conceal(隠す)
“Conceal”は、物や情報、事実や感情などを見つからないように隠したり、秘密にしておいたりすることを意味する動詞で、“Hide”と同じ意味合いを持ちます。今日の会話で、ジェフリーが「concealed weapon」と言いましたが、これは「他人に見えないように携帯している銃」を意味します。アメリカでは、銃をカバンやポケットなど他人に見えない所に携帯していれば、銃の所有を認めている州もあります。
- He conceals all his baseball memorabilia under his bed.(彼は野球の記念品を全てベッドの下に隠しています。)
- He tried to conceal his weapon but got caught.(彼は凶器を隠そうとしましたが、見つかりました。)
- Hilary Clinton is under fire because she deleted emails in an attempt to conceal information.(ヒラリー・クリントンは、情報を隠ぺいしようとメールを削除したため、非難を受けています。)
5) Rob(強奪する)
- Did you know that bank was robbed the other day?(先日あの銀行に強盗が入ったって知ってた?)
- I got robbed when I was traveling in Europe.(私はヨーロッパ旅行中に強盗に遭いました。)
- I was robbed at gunpoint yesterday. I was freaking out.(昨日、銃を突きつけられて強盗に遭いました。本当にパニクりました。)
- Glove compartment・・・ダッジューボード
- Overflow・・・溢れる
- Stigmatize・・・非難される
- Brutality・・・凶悪
- Army of・・・大量の
- Move out・・・〜へ引っ越す
- Counter-intuitive・・・直観的には理解し難い
Thank you for taking up the topic of guns, Junsan!
I’m not against Americans having guns. That’s a part of American culture.
I follow all of your podcasts,thank you
Um, well I don’t—I wouldn’t say it’s a gun, so much as a small army of guns.
Thanks for following my podcast! 英文ですが、ニックは「1丁ではなく、大量の銃を持ってるよ」と冗談で言っています。
They actually do find that happens
I wouldn’t say it’s a gun,〜
I wouldn’t call him loud-mouthed.〜
will notではまた意味が違ってきますか?
「I would / I wouldn’t say」は「〜だと思う・思わない」を意味し、断言せず物腰が柔らかく控えめに発言している響きがあります。控え目に意見を述べたいときに便利な言い方です。