
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.07.23





【Mercedes】Um, but overall I found Japan was extremely clean, um I was so impressed even by…the public restrooms compared to here, they are Immaculate. (laughs) Yeah, in Tokyo is it the same?

【Monique】I think most of them were good. I think there was one public restroom…not in Tokyo, actually, it was in Yokohama…and that was, like at a park that wasn’t as clean as others…

【Mercedes】Oh, okay.

【Monique】…but it was still okay.

【Mercedes】Yeah, yeah.

【Monique】Like, okay standards, and I think that’s ‘cuz (because) it wasn’t attached to a mall or anything.

【Mercedes】Right, yeah.

【Monique】It was like…it was a park. Park restroom.

【Mercedes】Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

【Monique】But I will say that I really missed, uh soap in a lot of places.

【Mercedes】Mm…mm hm.

【Monique】A lot of places didn’t—at least when I was there. That was, like eight years ago. A lot of places did not have soap to wash your hands with. I’m like, “Water doesn’t do anything.”


【Monique】Um…and paper towels, I mean, a lot of people brought their own towels.

【Mercedes】Yeah, yeah.

【Monique】Which was a thing, but um, I didn’t have my own towel. (laughs) I’m not Japanese.


【Monique】I wanna (want to) dry my hands on something.

【Mercedes】(laughs) Yeah, I think at least in Sapporo there was plenty of soap. Um, hand towels, not so much. I definitely just wiped my hands on hands afterwards


【Mercedes】…after I washed my hands, which was kind of annoying. I never really got around to it and like, bought a towel. I think I tried and then I just kept forgetting it because for me it’s really weird to just carry around a towel. (laughs)

【Monique】And a wet towel at that, ‘cuz it’s gonna (going to) be wet. (laughs)

【Mercedes】Yeah, yeah. (laughs)

【Monique】It’s gonna get my other things wet.

【Mercedes】Yeah, I didn’t really care for that.

【Monique】Uh, yeah. And I would say seventy-five to eighty percent of the time, I’ve had soap, um and then you have those really public, public restrooms…


【Monique】…that…that was just the sink. (laughs)

【Mercedes】Yeah. One thing that I definitely loved about the…the—just the bathrooms in general there were the fact that the partitions between each stall were just a complete wall. It went all the way down to the floor, whereas here there’s always that huge gap, where you can see people’s ankles. You know what I mean? Uh, there it was just, like a complete private room, like a closet. (laughs)


【Mercedes】It just, it felt so luxurious, like, oh!

【Monique】I know.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Monique said that bathrooms in Japan were very clean except for one she encountered. Where was it?
  2. What did Mercedes keep forgetting to bring with her to bathrooms?
  3. Why did Mercedes like the restroom stalls in Sapporo?



  1. The restroom that was located in a park.
  2. She kept forgetting to bring her own towel to the bathrooms.
  3. She liked that the dividing walls completely separated each stall.



Mercedes thought the public bathrooms in Sapporo were immaculate compared to public bathrooms in the United States. Monique recalled only one bathroom in a park in Yokohama that she didn’t find as clean as the others.

Monique was surprised by the lack of soap at a lot of the bathrooms in Japan. Mercedes however found soap in bathrooms in Sapporo.

Both Mercedes and Monique noticed that bathrooms lacked paper towels to dry their hands after washing. Mercedes had wanted to buy a towel to bring with her to the bathrooms, but kept forgetting.

Mercedes enjoyed the partitions of the bathroom stalls. She likened the bathrooms to private closets, with walls that completely separated each stall from the others.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Immaculate(清潔な)

“Immaculate”は、汚れ一つない非常にきれいいで清潔な状態を表し、 “Very clean”と同じ意味になります。また他にも、欠点や誤りが全くない意味合いもあり、その場合は、“Perfect”と言い換えることができます。

  • Your house is immaculate! It’s spotless!(あなたの家はとてもきれいいだね。ピカピカじゃん!)
  • My sister is a neat freak. She always keeps her room immaculate.(私の妹は潔癖症で、自分の部屋を常に清潔にしています。)
  • You did an amazing job! That was an immaculate performance!(素晴らしかったです!完璧なパフォーマンスでした!)

2) Dry one’s hands(手を拭く)

“Dry one’s hands” の直訳は「手を乾かす」となり、要するに「手を拭く」ことを意味します。タオルなど、何かを使って手を拭く場合は、 「Dry my hands with a towel」、または「Dry my hands on a towel」のように“with”や “on”を使って表現します。

◎“Wipe one’s hands”も同じ意味合いを持つ表現です。

  • Make sure you dry your hands after you wash them.(手を洗った後は、ちゃんと拭いてください。)
  • There weren’t any papers towels so I dried my hands on my jeans.(ペーパータオルがなかったので、ジーンズで手を拭きました。)
  • Use this handkerchief to wipe your hands.(このハンカチで手を拭いてください。)

3) Afterwards(後で / その後)

“Afterwards”は “Later”と同じく「後で」を意味しますが、 “Later”が漠然とした「後」を表すのに対し、 “Afterwards”は「何か具体的な出来事の後」を表します。日常会話では “Afterwards” と “Afterward”の両方が使われます。

◎「その後すぐ」は “Soon afterwards / Shortly afterwards”、「ずっと後に」は “Long afterwards”と表現します。

  • I’m at the gym right now. I’ll hit you up afterwards.(今、ジムにいるから、終わったら連絡するね。)
  • I dropped off my kids at school and went to Trader Joe’s afterwards.(子供たちを車で学校まで送った後にトレーダー・ジョーズに行きました。)
  • He apologized soon afterwards.(彼はその後すぐに謝りました。)

4) Get around to(〜するための時間を見つける)

“Get around to”は、前からやろうと思っていたことに手をつけることを意味します。日常会話では、否定文として使われることが多く、「〜をやりたいと思っていたけど、結局やらなかった」のような表現をする場合に用いられ、時間的に余裕がなくて出来なかったニュアンスになります。

◎“Get around to”の後に動詞が続く場合は、「動詞の原形+ing」の形になります。

  • Sorry, I was really busy today and I didn’t get around to it. I’ll do it first thing tomorrow morning.(すみません、今日はとても忙しくてそれに取りかかることが出来ませんでした。明朝一番にやります。)
  • I really wanted to visit Kyoto but I couldn’t get around to it.(本当に京都を訪れたかったのですが、時間がなくて行けませんでした。)
  • I finally got around to writing thank you cards. I kept putting it off.(やっとお礼状を書きました。ずっと後回しにしてました。)

5) Carry around(持ち歩く)

“Carry around”は、何かを持ち歩くことを意味し、どこへ行こうが常に携帯する意味合いが含まれます。 「〜を持ち歩く」は「Carry around _____」、もしくは「Carry _____ around」と表現します。

  • If I were you, I wouldn’t carry around a passport.(私があなたの立場だったら、パスポートを持ち歩いたりはしません。)
  • When you go to Japan, make sure you carry around a good amount of cash.(日本へ行ったら、必ず十分な現金を持ち歩くように。)
  • He carries a guitar around everywhere he goes.(彼はどこへ行くにもギターを持ち歩いています。)



  • Standards・・・基準
  • Sink・・・洗面台
  • Partitions・・・仕切り


  • I was impressed・・・感動しました
  • Plenty of・・・十分に
  • Feel luxurious・・・贅沢な気分



  1. […] 今回は、第108回「日本のトイレ」から学んだ表現です。 […]

  2. ellie より:

    Hapa EikaiwaとHip Talk LAで勉強するようになってから、英会話への苦手意識がとても減りました。

    • Jun より:



  3. Mika より:

    Phrases of the day – 5) carry around について質問です。

    He carries a guitar around everywhere he goes.
    He carries a guitar with him everywhere he goes.

    He carries a guitar around everywhere he goes.
    He carries a guitar around everywhere.
    英語の世界では everywhere he goes の方がナチュラルなのだと思いますが、この2つはニュアンスとしてどういう違いがありますでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!二つの英文は同じ意味合いです。”He carries a guitar around everywhere”でも間違いではないですが、”everywhere he goes”のほうが「どこへ行くにも」をより強調する響きがあります。

  4. Daiki より:

    初めましてDaiki です。

    • Jun より:



      Good luck in ATL!

  5. Hank より:


    I would like to say thank you so much to you, I learned a lot things through this website and podcast.
    Actually , I’m a Chinese and I’m working at Tokyo now. I have been listing this podcast for around 2 months and meanwhile I am learning Japanese and English now.
    Maybe just like you said, this website is mainly for Japanese who want to learn English. but i think it will be more helpful for those who want to learn both English and Japanese.
    Anyway , Thanks for providing such a good platform for learning English!
    Expecting for your next update of podcast.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Hank!

      Thank you for studying with Hapa Eikaiwa! It is truly amazing that you are using this site to learn both English and Japanese. I have nothing but respect and admiration for people like you who are proficient in multiple languages!英語、日本語と中国語、最強ですね!(笑)

      Anyway, the next episode is going to be back up this week! Keep up the amazing work, Hank!

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