
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.05.07




【Eddie】Something that I would like to…to let our listeners know is that learning a language is a process, and part of that process is the actual language itself. The written-down, the grammar rules, the…the vocabulary, all of that. The idioms…that is one part of it. But it’s a very small part of it. It’s like the seed that will become your garden. The next stage is interfacing with other people, whether it’s other people that are learning English or natural English speakers. The next stage after that is beginning to learn culture, and how culture affects the language and can change what’s appropriate, when, what do you write to your immediate boss as compared to what you would write to the head of the company…


【Eddie】etcetera. And then lastly is that feeling of flowering. That facility and ability and confidence you have in your ability to communicate fully in your new learned language, and I’ve seen too many students start with the seed, with the basic part and expect to go straight to flowering.

【Adam】Mm hm.

【Eddie】And it’s not gonna (going to) happen. It’s a process and it’s a growth that you’re going to do through those stages.

【Adam】Lifelong process. And so if I have some final advice to give for any language learners, find your comfort zone. Find something that you’re passionate about that you wanna (want to) talk about, a person that you like communicating with.

【Eddie】I’m gonna add two other things that we touched on, uh to what Adam said. Talk about your passion. If you love manga, go speak about manga with English speakers. If you’re crazy about Doctor Who, trust me, there is legions of people who will geek about Doctor Who with you forever. So pull on that passion because that’s gonna make it more fun for you to speak. And lastly, don’t be afraid to play. Babble like a baby. Make silly sounds. Make your face into funny shapes. Things that you would never do truthfully in conversation with people, but that will help you form the basis for pronunciation and proper language. And lastly, the play with words, the “red leather, yellow leather,” the “Sally sells seashells.” Do the…the word play so that you become more, um facile with the way you use English words and quicker to respond. All of these things together are gonna make you an English powerhouse, and don’t give up. Keep talking!


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. After learning the basic rules of grammar, what does Eddie recommend you do after?
  2. What does Adam recommend you find when practicing a language?
  3. What is Eddie’s final piece of advice?



  1. She recommends learning about the culture associated with the language you’re studying.
  2. He recommends finding people you can talk about your passions with comfortably.
  3. “Don’t give up. Keep talking!”



Eddie views learning languages as processes with various stages involved. She identified stages of learning basic grammar rules, then learning the culture associated with a language, and then practicing the language with others in what she called the “flowering” stage.

Adam continued by saying that learning a language is a lifelong process. He advised students to find people they feel comfortable practicing a language with, and people that they can talk about passions with.

Eddie also mentioned the importance of playing with a language as a means to learn it. She recommended doing pronunciation exercises and playing with tongue twisters such as “Sally sells seashells by the seashore.”
エディーさんは、言葉遊びをすることもとても意味があると言いました。発音の練習をして、「Sally sells seashells by the seashore.」のように早口言葉で遊ぶことを勧めています。

Her final advice to everybody who is studying a foreign language is to never give up and keep talking.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Affect(影響を与える)

◎ “Affect”と“Effect”は、アメリカ人も間違いがちな表現の一つです。たいていの場合、“Affect”は「影響を及ぼす」を意味する動詞として使われるのに対し、“Effect”は「結果」や「効果」を意味する名詞として用いられます。もちろん例外はありますが、このルールさえ覚えておけば、日常会話では問題なく使い分けできるでしょう。

  • Many prefectures in the Kyushu region were affected by the earthquake.(九州の多くの県が被害を受けました。)
  • I think your poor eating habits are affecting your health.(粗末な食習慣が、あなたの身体に悪い影響を与えていると思います。)
  • This medicine had no effect on me.(この薬は私には全く効果がありませんでした。)

2) Straight to(直ぐに〜する)

◎ “Straight to”は、何かの目的や目標に向け進行する行為を即座に実施すること、または途中で途切らすことなく実行するニュアンスとして用いられます。目的地に向かう途中に寄り道をしないことや、会話をする際に余談なく直ぐに本題に入ること、または会社に出勤後、雑用をせずに直ぐに仕事に取り掛かることなどを表す際によく使われます。

  • I went straight to the gym after work today.(今日は仕事後、スポーツジムへ直行しました。)
  • Let’s get straight to work. We have a lot to do today.(早速仕事に取り掛かりましょう。今日はやることが沢山あります。)
  • I’m going to get straight to the point.(単刀直入に言います。)

3) Comfort zone(快適な場所や状況)

◎ “Comfort zone”の直訳は「快適な領域」。要するに、人がストレスなく居心地が良いと感じる場所や環境などを意味し、基本的に自分自身でコントロール可能なものを指します。物理的なことだけに限らず、仕事や家庭、友達関係や恋愛関係など、精神的な面においても使われる表現です。

  • When learning English, it’s important to find your comfort zone.(英語学習において、自分にとって快適な環境を探し出すのは重要です。)
  • Maybe it’s time to get out of your comfort zone. I bet it will help you grow.(そろそろ心地よい状況から抜け出さないと。きっと成長につながるよ。)
  • I feel like I have to expand my comfort zone and try out new things.(自分の新たな可能性のためにも、何か新しいことにチャレンジしないといけない感じがする。)

4) Crazy about(〜が大好き、夢中になっている)

◎ “Crazy about”は、スポーツや食べ物、音楽や映画、気になる人などに夢中になること、またはそれらが大好きであることを意味します。日常会話では、口語的な言い方として「I love」の代わりによく使われます。

  • I’m crazy about rock and roll. I’ve been a huge fan of rock and roll since the 80s.(ロックロールが大好きです。80年代から大ファンです。)
  • I’m not too crazy about sports.(スポーツにはあまり関心がありません。)
  • Mike is crazy about her. He talks about her all day.(マイクは彼女に夢中で、一日中彼女のことを話しています。)

5) Geek out(夢中になって〜ついて話す)

◎ “Geek”は「おたく」や「マニア」を意味することから、特定の分野、特に一般的にはあまり知られていないニッチな分野について熱く語ることを“Geek out”と表現します。例えば、坂本龍馬を尊敬している人であれば、「I can geek out about Sakamoto Ryoma all day.(坂本龍馬についてなら1日中話せます)」のように表現します。
◎ 今日の会話では「Geek about」と表現していましたが、一般的に「Geek out about」もしくは「Geek out over」と表現します。

  • He loves to geek out about Google Analytics.(彼はグーグル・アナリティクスについて話し始めると夢中になります。)
  • Sorry, I didn’t mean to geek out about grammar.(ごめん、文法の話に夢中になり過ぎました。)
  • She is crazy about Star Wars. She’ll geek out over it for hours.(彼女はスターウォーズが大好きです。その話題についてなら何時間も話せるでしょう。)



  • Interface with・・・交流する
  • Appropriate・・・適切な
  • Etcetera・・・などなど
  • Facile・・・容易に
  • Powerhouse・・・達人


  • Do through・・・経験する
  • Touch on・・・触れる
  • Legions of・・・大勢の


Adam Green(カフェトーク)

Adam Green

オンライン英会話レッスン「カフェトーク」に在籍する英語講師。これまで日本を含め10年以上にわたって英語講師としての経験があり、用途に応じて楽しく効果的なレッスンを提供してくれます!→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. masa より:

    Hi Jun! I’m so glad that you guys have enjoyed staying Japan after wedding! Anyway,today’s your opinion is really powerful and impressive for me. I’ve been like one of your students who ask you how long does it take to master english? But your answer was like how long does it take to master English is depend on how we’re needed to master English. It makes me realized again to how important to keep motivated. Thnks a lot.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Masa!

      Good to hear from you, Masa. Over the years of teaching English, I’ve seen students who lived in the U.S. for 5+ years that made minimal improvements and I’ve also seen students who became proficient English speakers in a matter of months. The only difference was their commitment and desire to learn English. If you set your mind to it, anything can be achieved. It’s not going to be easy but it will definitely be worth it in the end. I feel like you are on the right path, Masa. Keep it up and stay inspired!

  2. kote より:

    just wanted to let you know i spotted an error in the “Vocabulary(単語)” section where there’re two “Etcetera”. The second one should be “powerhouse”.

  3. Mika より:


  4. Taka より:


  5. Kazu Hase より:

    7:23 um facile with the way you use English words and quicker to respond. ですが、um facile with the way が、um ざつあおうぇwith the way と聞こえます。なぜでしょうか?facile が聞こえません。

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