
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.03.06




【Eddie】And another thing, um I think that is good is when, um you take what you’ve learned in a lesson…


【Eddie】…and then you go find somebody else to talk about those same subjects with.


【Eddie】So I encouraged my student who liked Phineas and Ferb to find another English speaker who likes Phineas and Ferb.

【Adam】Great idea.

【Eddie】And it’s like, “Okay, you and I have this discussion. Now go get another opinion.”


【Eddie】Because then you’re reinforcing and practicing, and I think, uh the biggest mistake an English student can make is to think of their study as confined to the textbook, or confined to the classroom.


【Eddie】Um, languages are living things


【Eddie】..and it’ll only work if you get out there and you live it, so definitely find other people to talk about.

【Adam】That’s a terrific idea, and there’s so many people, uh…hopefully you have some, uh friends, some colleagues, uh some business partners, whomever it may be, to communicate with and share the ideas that you learn.


【Adam】And if you watch movies with each other, uh go watch sports together, uh there’s so many places where you can actually speak English, uh so if you’re in Japan, I know some military bases have Starbucks.


【Adam】And you can go and you will have to order a coffee in English, and guess what? You can totally do it.


【Adam】So if you have an opportunity, uh to go speak with someone in your community, uh on a small level like that, you can build your confidence, and I have met many students who have done it that way.


【Adam】They’ve gone to the coffee shop where they know someone speaking, or uh…what other places could they go? A hotel, uh…

【Eddie】Very much into a hotel that deals with American tourists. Uh, go take a tour that American tourists like to do. Go to your local, um place of interest or museum.


【Eddie】You know? And, um I had a…one of my students who’s stayed with me here, um is from Fukui-shu, and evidently there’s some amazing American-led hikes…


【Eddie】…that go up into the mountains in Fukui, and he went home and he every summer would go on one of those tours with all American tourists to hike up the mountain because it kept him practicing his English, and in the meantime he got to learn something beautiful about his own country in uh, in English.


【Eddie】And to see how American people looked at his own country. So it was culturally enriching as well as language enriching.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What television cartoon does one of Eddie’s students enjoy watching?
  2. What is the biggest mistake Eddie thinks students can make when learning English?
  3. What English-speaking activity did Eddie’s student from Fukui do during summer?



  1. Her student enjoyed watching Phineas and Ferb.
  2. She thinks the biggest mistake is to think that practicing English should be confined to textbooks and lessons.
  3. He went on American-led hiking tours through Fukui’s mountains.



Eddie believes that applying what you’ve learned in class is one of the most effective ways to learn English. She recommended a student of hers who liked Phineas and Ferb to find another English speaker who liked it to practice talking about it with.

Eddie feels that the biggest mistake many students can make is to feel their learning should be confined to textbooks and class. She encourages students to find other native English speakers to talk about what they learned in class.

Adam agrees with Eddie and recommends the same thing. He also suggests students to find locations in their daily life to practice English, like hotels or coffee shops.

Eddie’s student, who lives in Fukui prefecture, found out about an American-led hike. He would sign up for these hikes every summer. Because he was surrounded by Americans, he had opportunities to practice English while learning about his own country.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Reinforce(強化する)

◎ “Reinforce”は「強化する」や「補強する」を意味します。建物など物質的な補強として使う時もあれば、考えや態度などに対しても使われる場合もあります。

  • Many houses in Japan were reinforced to withstand major earthquakes.(日本の多くの住宅は、大地震に耐えられるように補強されました。)
  • The airport reinforced security.(その空港はセキュリティーを強化しました。)
  • Living abroad reinforced my determination to study English.(海外に住むことで、英語を勉強する意志が強まった。)

2) Confine(制限する、限定する)

◎ “Confine”は、人や物を狭い場所に閉じ込めることも意味しますが、日常会話では、ある範囲内に何かを制限したり限定したりする意味としてよく使われます。また、ビジネスの場でもよく使われる表現で、特にミーティングなど時間が限られている状況で、話の要点を絞る意味として用いられます。

  • My son never leaves the house. He confines himself in his room.(私の息子は、外出せずに部屋に引きこもっています。)
  • Don’t confine yourself to textbooks. Talk to people and put it into practice.(教材ばかりに執着せず、人と話す実践をしましょう!)
  • Please confine your questions to the topic we are discussing.(質問は、今議論しているトピックに関連するものだけでお願いします。)

3) Guess what?(ちょっと聞いて、何だと思う)

◎ 「Guess what?」は、自分の話を聞いて欲しい時に使う定番のフレーズで、「ね、ちょっと聞いてよ」や「何があったと思う?」などを意味します。特に相手が興味を持ちそうな面白い話を切り出すときに使います。今日の会話でアダムさんが言った「Guess what?」は、「ちょっと聞いて」ではなく、「どうなると思う?」を表しています。
◎ 聞き手側の人は、実際に推測する必要はなく、「What?」とだけ返答するのが一般的です。

  • Guess what? I’m getting a dog!(ちょっと聞いて。実は犬を飼うことになったよ!)
  • Guess what happened today? Peter proposed to his girlfriend! (今日はスゴイことがあったよ!ピーターさんが彼女にプロポーズしたんだって!)
  • She decided to give it a shot and guess what? She won the speech contest.(思い切って挑戦してみて、彼女はどうなったと思う?なんとスピーチコンテストで優勝したよ。)

4) Totally(絶対)

◎ “Totally”は、日常会話においては「絶対に」や「間違いなく」などの意味として用いられます。“Definitely”と同じ意味合いで、「すごく」や「とても」など、何かを強調する役割があります。その他、「全体的に」や「何から何まで」などの意味もあります。
◎ 相手の発言に大賛成するときの相槌として使われることもあります。

  • It’s totally worth it. I guarantee you won’t regret it.(絶対にやるだけの価値はあるよ。絶対に後悔しないから。)
  • I totally agree with you.(間違いないね。同感だよ。)
  • Totally. You have to learn from your mistakes.(その通りだね。失敗から学ばないと。)

5) In the meantime(それまでの間、〜している間に)

◎ “In the meantime”は、何か予期する出来事が起こるまでの合間、または起こっている最中を意味します。例えば、車を修理にだしたことを予め伝えた相手に、その車が戻ってくるまで自転車で通勤しないといけないと説明する場合は、「In the meantime, I have to bike to work.」と言います。

  • The internet is going to be down for a few hours. In the meantime, let’s clean up the office.(ネットが数時間ダウンします。その間にオフィスの掃除をしちゃいましょう。)
  • Jesse is not getting back until 5. What should we do in the meantime?(ジェシーさんは5時まで戻ってきません。それまでの間、どうしよっか?)
  • I’m going to clean up the house. In the meantime, can you go grocery shopping?(私は家の掃除をしますので、その間に食料品の買い出しをお願いしていい?)



  • Terrific・・・素晴らしい
  • Evidently・・・〜らしい
  • Enrich・・・豊か


  • Living things・・・生き物
  • Have an opportunity・・・〜する機会がある


Adam Green(カフェトーク)

Adam Green

オンライン英会話レッスン「カフェトーク」に在籍する英語講師。これまで日本を含め10年以上にわたって英語講師としての経験があり、用途に応じて楽しく効果的なレッスンを提供してくれます!→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. akko より:

    質問があるのですが、summaryの4th paragraphにあるhe would sign up for these hikes…のwouldの使い方を教えていただけますか?
    He signs up for these hikes every summerではおかしいのでしょうか。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!Akkoさんが述べたよう、過去の経験として使っています。最近はハイキングをしていないけど、昔は毎夏福井県でハイキングをしていた・・・というニュアンスになります。「He signs up for these hikes every summer」は今でも続けて行っている出来事を表します!

  2. Pi-ta- より:

    “Would” is used to express a repeated habit in the past. He doesn’t hike in Fukui these days, but when he was young, he would hike every summer. It’s the same as “he used to hike every summer.”

  3. masa より:

    When it comes to learning language putting it into practice is so enjoyable! When what I learned works well for English speaker I’m so haapy and gradually I get more confidence. And important thing is that it gets me keep motivated. Without practicing we can’t keep motivated.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Masa,

      Exactly! That is the best feeling in the world and the reason why learning a language is so much fun. When I lived in Japan, I used to study tons of Japanese expressions every day. When I heard お笑い芸人 on TV use the new words I studied, I used to get so excited. “I know that word!” It’s a great feeling 🙂

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