
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.02.19




【Eddie】I know for myself sometimes I run into students who think too much, and, uh when they think too much they have a tendency to slow themselves down because they’re questioning…


【Eddie】…everything they’re doing. Sometimes I’ll use games, um I have a game that I play if someone is struggling with vocabulary recall that is just an old silly, pastime in the car game.


【Eddie】It’s called the “Minister’s Cat,” and you just literally, “The Minister’s Cat is an angry cat,” and then the next person has to answer back with something that is “B” that describes the cat.

【Adam】Silly cat,” yeah.

【Eddie】And then the “C,” yeah, and you just go around and around, everybody in the…

【Adam】Lazy cat?” (laughs).

【Eddie】Yeah, exactly.

【Adam】That’s a good one.

【Eddie】And the idea with that is to progress quickly through, you know, don’t stop and think, just come up with the very first vocabulary word you think. And the more you play that, the more you respond to the idea, the speed of it, and the fun, and you stop worrying about whether a cat can actually be a “kangaroo cat.”

【Adam】Sure, yeah.

【Eddie】Or whether “kangaroo” is actually a really strong “K” word. Just go for it.


【Eddie】And, so sometimes like that if I have a student who’s feeling, um a little stifled


【Eddie】…then I’ll pull out a device like that to help them break free, and it makes you laugh, which laughter is always a good way to relax a student, and move on.

【Adam】That’s a terrific idea, and games are important. People like to smile, they like to laugh, and if they’re smiling and playing games and having fun, the learning comes naturally.


【Adam】And it gives people, that game is terrific, it gives people an opportunity to use slang, maybe, it doesn’t have to be a textbook word.


【Adam】For example, “My cat is a kick-ass cat.”

【Eddie】Yeah. (laughs)

【Adam】What does that mean? Oh my gosh. Jun’s gonna (going to) explain it. And so, that’s a terrific thing to do. People need to have fun and, I’ll share that, uh every culture has different styles of learning. And um, for example some Middle Eastern students, I’ve found from my past experience in classroom teaching, uh, they love to talk.


【Adam】They’re not afraid to make mistakes, they just talk and talk and talk, mistakes or not, and so as a result, they speak pretty well.


【Adam】Their grammar is terrible.

【Eddie】Exactly. (laughs).

【Adam】They can’t write, and so on the flip side, a lot of, uh Japanese, uh and Korean and Chinese students, they have excellent book focus on grammar, but the, uh the conversation flow is lessened because the focus is on grammar, and making mistakes is, uh, is a scary thing.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is the name of the vocabulary game Eddie plays with some of her students?
  2. According to Adam, why are Middle Eastern students good English speakers?
  3. What did Adam say many Japanese, Korean and Chinese students tended to focus on when they study English?



  1. She plays a vocabulary game called the “Minister’s Cat.”
    「Minister’s Cat」というゲームです。
  2. They are good English speakers because they are not afraid to make mistakes and they love to speak in English.
  3. He thought they tended to focus heavily on learning grammar.



Eddie feels that some students focus too hard on thinking about the right words to use when speaking English. She likes to play a game called the “Minister’s Cat” to help students who are having trouble recalling words.
エディーさんは、適切な単語を使って話すことに固執し過ぎている生徒がいると感じています。エディーさんは、そんな生徒達の手助けになる「Minister’s Cat」というゲームをするのが好きです。

“Minister’s Cat” is a game where students say, “The minister’s cat is a ____ cat” and filling in the blank with adjectives in alphabetical order. The concept of the game is to get the students to respond quickly and say the first word that comes to mind.
「Minister’s Cat」とは「The minister’s cat is a _____ cat.」と言いながら、空欄に形容詞をアルファベット順に入れていくゲームです。このゲームの目的は、生徒が最初に頭に思い浮かんだ言葉を素早く口にすることです。

Adam believes that having fun is important to learning a language. He feels that different cultures have different styles of learning.

Adam recalled some of his past Middle Eastern students, who focused less on grammar and writing and more on speaking. On the other hand, he feels that Japanese, Korean, and Chinese students tend to focus more on grammar and struggle with speaking and conversation.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Struggle(苦労する・苦戦する)

◎ “Struggle”は「苦労する」や「苦戦する」を意味します。困難なことに必死に取り組んだり、何かの目標を成し遂げるために悪戦苦闘しているような状況で使われます。

  • What are you struggling with right now?(今、あなたが苦戦していることは何ですか?)
  • I’m struggling with pronunciation and speaking.(スピーキングと発音に苦戦しています。)
  • I’m struggling to make ends meet.(生計を立てるのに悪戦苦闘しています。)

2) Literally(文字通り・本当に)

◎ “Literally”は、言葉の表現を文字通りそのままの意味で解釈をすることを表します。例えば、「In the same boat」は「相手と同じ立場にいる」を表す比喩的な表現ですが、文字通りの意味で解釈すると「同じ船に乗っている」になります。
◎ アメリカ人は、「マジで〜」や「本当に〜」のように、何かの出来事や自分の感情を強調する役割としても“Literally”をよく使います。しかし、単に物事を大げさに言っているだけの場合もあるので、文脈で判断する必要があります。

  • I don’t think he meant it literally. It was a joke.(彼は本気ではなく、冗談で言ったと思います。)
  • My house is literally one block away. You don’t have to call a taxi.(私の家は本当に1ブロック先です。タクシーを呼ぶ必要はありません。)
  • I literally haven’t slept in three days preparing for this presentation.(このプレゼンの準備のために、本当に3日間寝ていないんだ。)

3) Pull out(引き出す・取り出す・引き抜く)

◎ “Pull out”は、状況によって様々な意味を成す表現ですが、基本的に「引き出す」や「取り出す」の意味として用いられます。今回の会話では「(手段を)引き出す」、つまり「(手段を)取る」といったニュアンスとして使われています。
◎ その他、栓やコンセントなどを「引き抜く」意味としても使われます。

  • She pulled out an iPad from her purse.(彼女はハンドバッグからiPadを取り出した。)
  • I need to pull out some money. Is there an ATM nearby?(お金をおろさないといけないんだけど、近くにATMないかな?)
  • Can you pull out that cord?(あのコンセントを抜いてくれますか?)

4) Kick-ass(格好いい・素晴らしい)

◎ “Kick-ass”は、格好よかったり、クールな人や物事に対し「素晴らしい」の意味として使われる口語的な表現です。かなりインフォーマルな表現なので、フォーマルな場で使うのは避けましょう。
◎ その他、喧嘩などで人を痛めつけたり、またはスポーツの試合で大差をつけ圧勝することを“Kick someone’s ass”と表現します。いずれにしても多少汚い言葉使いなので、使い方には注意しましょう。

  • The new Star Wars movie was kick-ass.(新しいスターウォーズの映画は最高だったね。)
  • That was a kick-ass party. I had a blast.(素晴らしいパーティーでしたね。とても楽しかったです。)
  • This album kicks ass. I love every song on it.(このアルバム最高だね。収録曲全てが良かったです。)

5) On the flipside(その一方で)

◎ “Flip side”は「裏面」を意味することから、“On the flipside”と表現することで「その一方で」という意味になります。「On the other hand」と意味は同じですが、より口語的な言い回しになります。

  • On the flip side, at least you’ll be saving money.(その一方で、少なくともお金は節約できるでしょう。)
  • But on the flip side, I see why he is upset too.(しかしその一方で、なぜ彼が腹を立てているのかというのも分かります。)
  • On the flip side, I think the reward is greater than the risk.(その一方で、リスクより成功するチャンスの方が大きい思う。)



  • Recall・・・〜を思い出す
  • Silly・・・馬鹿な
  • Lazy・・・面倒くさがり屋な
  • Stifle・・・抑える
  • Terrific・・・素晴らしい


  • Run into・・・(バッタリ)会う
  • Have a tendency to・・・〜する傾向がある
  • That’s a good one・・・〜はいいね
  • Break free・・・解放する


Adam Green(カフェトーク)

Adam Green

オンライン英会話レッスン「カフェトーク」に在籍する英語講師。これまで日本を含め10年以上にわたって英語講師としての経験があり、用途に応じて楽しく効果的なレッスンを提供してくれます!→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら




  1. Kotone より:

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding,Jun san! I’m so excited for you!

  2. Lily より:


    • Jun より:



  3. Yuki より:

    Congratulations! It is first time to leave comment, but I enjoy with your podcast every week. I felt that I have to leave my message after hearing this episode. Anyway, enjoy your life with your partner and looking forward to hearing another story about you wedding.

  4. Chie Morikawa より:


    I usually study English and hearing your podcast on the treadmill at the gym as I do walking.

    It’s thanks to you I can be able to talk with friend of the foreigner for a long time.

    Thank you very very very much!

    • Jun より:

      Thank you Chie!! I’m so happy to hear this podcast helping you! I hope you can make more international friends using English 🙂

  5. Masa より:

    Congrats! Teacher Jun! I just got to know you only a few months ago when I found out this podcast. But I send you two big big congraturation! I hope you two will be like ” Happy wife, Happy life”

    • Jun より:

      Thanks Masa!! I always look forward to and enjoy your comments! Also thanks for your advice! “Happy wife, happy life” this will be the key to my happiness 🙂

  6. Rie より:

    Congratulations on your wedding!
    I hope you have a great time in Hawaii. I also had a wedding party in Hawaii last month, haha. You’ll love it.

    I’d like to ask you a question. When you are talking about your fiance, you said ” She is intelledent, dirven, and…”.
    I couldn’t catch what you said after “driven.”

    It is a wonderful thing to speak well of your partner. Japanese are too shy to speak well of their partner to someone else, I think.

    I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

    • Jun より:

      Thank you, Rie! You just had a wedding in Hawaii too? Congrats! We’re just keeping our fingers crossed that it won’t rain on our wedding day…

      When describing Akina, I said “she is extremely intelligent, driven, goal-oriented person.”

  7. Amy より:

    Jun san, Thank you for sharing your big news with us!! Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I ran into your podcast a few months ago. I’ve been trying to change my way of studying English to get a better improvement because I live in Australia. You’ve helped me a lot!! I’m still not sure which way is the best for me but I’ll definitely keep listening to your podcast!! Also, I am really surprised you like Ippudo Akamaru Ramen. I also love it. This is the best ramen I ever had!! 🙂
    Take care of yourself, Jun san!!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Amy,

      Thank you so much for your kind message! The best way to learn English is to completely immerse yourself into it! Spend less time studying and more time experiencing 🙂 You are an Akamaru ramen fan too!! Just thinking about it is making me hungry right now…Mmm even the complimentary spicy moyashi is amazing!!

      Good luck in Australia!

  8. kote より:

    hi, Jun.

    I’m so happy for you.
    Have a happy wedding and even better marriage!!!

  9. てと より:


    • Jun より:



  10. Masa より:

    Do you look forward to my comment? I’m so happy to hear that! Because I usually spend one hour to make a comment. This is also my English challenge to make sentences. My goal is that I become to leave a comment as soon as I heard your podcast. That way I will be able to do English conversation with foreigners smoothly!

    • Jun より:

      Don’t worry! That one hour will soon become 30 minutes, which then will become 15 minutes and in no time you’ll be writing sentences off the top of your head. Don’t give up! Ganbare!

  11. すいか より:







    • Jun より:


      ありがとうございます!鋭い勘ですね! 挙式直前で、かなりバタバタした日々を送っていますが、すいかさんが言う通り充実感もあります。結婚式が終わった時点で「しあわせ」を感じられるかもしれません(笑)

  12. Ayaka より:

    Congratulations ジェンさん‼︎‼︎
    I every time listening your podcast when I go to work and I really surprised and happy that time !!!!


    • Jun より:

      Hi Ayaka,

      Thank you so much!! You are making me blush!!素敵なメッセージありがとうございます!本当に感謝しています!

  13. Ayaka より:

    I’m sorry , I was mistype your name ,Jun.
    I’m sorry to much 😩💦

  14. Tomoko より:

    Congratulations on your wedding! I hope you and Akina have a nice, warm and happy family! 😊
    Maybe you don’t remember, my son and I visited you at BYB in Irvine last September and had a little chat. You advised us to use Uber which was very helpful for us. Since then I have been listening your podcast which is very interesting and useful for me.
    I hope you have an excellent weather for your wedding ceremony in Hawaii!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Tomoko,

      Thank you!! You must be Yasuhiro’s son! I remember we all stood outside of BYB waiting for the Uber to come and pick you guys up. (Sorry if you are the wrong person!) I know I’m hoping for good weather in Hawaii too! Keeping my fingers crossed!

      • Tomoko より:

        Yes! Exactly I’m Yasuhiro’s mother! I’m very happy you remembered us😊. I really appreciated your support there waiting for Uber with us. I got a feeling that you were a man of good faith. I think that’s one of the reasons that your podcast is very popular, because we can feel your sincerity through your program.
        Thanks again, and おしあわせに!

  15. kana より:

    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!
    I moved your words .
    Your words were filled with Love and respests for Akina.

  16. Miwa より:

    I’ve been listening your podcast for 2 years.
    So I think you are my special teacher.
    I’m so happy to hear that.
    Have a great wedding‼︎ 👫
    大切なひとの笑顔や涙に囲まれて、本当に幸せな瞬間だと思います。お仕事をされながらの結婚式の準備は本当に大変だと思いますが、一生に一度なので、思いっきり楽しんで下さい‼︎ 結婚式のお話も楽しみにしています。😊)Miwa

    • Jun より:

      Hi Miwa!

      Thank you so much! ハワイで式場のプラナーをしていたんですね!私たちはNorth ShoreのTurtle Bay Resortという場所で結婚式を挙げました。すごく素敵な場所で、Miwaさんが言うように私たちにも”奇跡”が起こりました。当日の天気予報はずっと雨/雷で、前日まですごい雨だったのですが、なんと朝起きたら晴天でした!!とにかく、最高の結婚式でした!!

  17. kazuki より:

    Jun-san こんにちは



  18. けいこ より:

    she is extremely inteligence、、、
    の後からshe likes japanese ANIME までの文章がとても知りたいです。


    • けいこ より:


  19. S より:


    Japanese and Korean and Chinese students, they have excellent book focus on grammar, but the conversation flow is lessened because the focus is on grammar, and making mistakes is a scary thing.

    この文の ”they have excellent book focus on grammar”の訳し方がわかりません。。
    「彼らは『focus on grammar』という素晴らしい本を持っている」??だとすると冠詞が必要なのでは??と思ったり・・
    ここでの「book (forcus)」は、「文法中心の本(教科書、教材)」または「本中心(の学習)」どちらなのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


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