
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.01.30




【Brad】Alyssa, if there is any skill that you could acquire instantly, what would it be?

【Alyssa】I’d like to be able to hack computers.


【Alyssa】I feel like this would be a great skill to have because then I would just, not only be able to hack, but that would also mean that I actually know how to use every function on the computer to be able to hack it, and like, all the codes and stuff, and I think that would just be really cool because then I could just control technology, and…but not really, cuz (because) I don’t think it’s that extreme. But, I just…I would like to know my way around the internet, a little bit more and just have a vast ability to gather more information….my hacking ability, I don’t know what I would hack, but I would just, like that.

【Brad】Your answer made me wanna (want to) change mine, because mine was pretty dumb. I just recently watched a video of a guy that did a one-legged squat while balancing on the long edge of a kettlebell and holding another kettlebell, and I want to be able to do that. So mine would be just…yours, you could have like, some financial future and it could be applied to other things. Mine would just really only be good for YouTube videos that already exist, but it seemed like it would be a cool thing to do.

【Alyssa】But that’s fair because I was reading this thing about how everybody’s got little personal superpowers.


【Alyssa】And uh, the whole post was about how this guy’s coworker can make the perfect cup of coffee.


【Alyssa】Even though it doesn’t matter that it’s out of a Keurig and that all the cups are the same, his cup’s just somehow better than everybody else’s…


【Alyssa】…in the office, and that’s his skill, is to make this perfect cup of coffee. Or, like another guy’s was to like, always be able to, like open the broken cabinet, and nobody else can, and just like little things like that. So I respect your skill.

【Brad】But yours, you could change the course of, like human history. Mine I could…


【Brad】…at best impress somebody and be able to do it for one or two years, and then I’ll probably destroy my knee.

【Alyssa】Well, let’s just say, like since it’s a skill that you could acquire that you could probably do it till the end of your life. Let’s not be…let’s not cut it short.

【Brad】That’d be cool.


【Brad】Like the ninety-year-old guy that could do, like a one-legged squat box jump.

【Alyssa】Yeah, you could be like a centenarian that’s doing the one squat box jump.

【Brad】I could get on Ellen DeGeneres’ show like that.

【Alyssa】For sure.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What special skill did Alyssa want to instantly acquire?
  2. Where did Brad discover the special skill he wanted to acquire?
  3. What positive things did Brad say about the talent Alyssa wanted to acquire?



  1. She wanted to be able to hack computers.
  2. He first saw the skill on a YouTube video he watched.
  3. The ability to hack computers could give her a future financially and she could change the course of human history with it.



If Alyssa had one skill she could instantly acquire she would want to be able to hack computers. She thinks hacking skill would give her a better understanding of computers and the Internet.

Brad saw a video on YouTube of a man doing a one-legged squat on a kettlebell, while also holding a kettlebell. He said that while it might not be as useful as Alyssa’s, it would be a cool thing to be able to do.

Alyssa read an article about how everyone has their own miniature superpowers in life. The article talked about a man being able to make amazing coffee and another man being able to open a broken cabinet that no one else around him could. She said even simple skills could have their benefits.

However, Brad still feels that Alyssa chose a better skill than him. In Brad’s opinion, her skill could possibly change the course of human history but his skill could only impress someone.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Hack(ハッキング)

◎ “Hack”は基本的にコンピューターシステムに不正侵入することを意味します。しかし最近では、コンピューター用語としてではなく、ビジネスや日常生活の場面において「工夫」や「コツ」「秘訣」などの意味としても使われるようになってきました。

  • Someone hacked into my Facebook account.(誰かが私のフェイスブックのアカウントに不正侵入しました。)
  • I will teach you five hacks to learning a foreign language.(外国語をより効率よく学べる5つのコツを教えます。)
  • One of my hacks to losing weight is to drink a lot of water.(痩せる秘訣は水をたくさん飲むことです。)

2) Know one’s way around(〜の地理に詳しい)

◎ “Know one’s way around”は、街や地区など、ある場所の地理に詳しいことを意味します。例えば、長年東京に住んでいる人は地図がなくても道に迷うことはないでしょう。その場合、「I know my way around Tokyo.」と表現します。また、地理に限らず、経験を通して何かの分野を熟知している意味としても使われます。

  • I just moved here. I don’t know my way around yet.(ここへ引っ越してきたばかりなので、この辺に詳しくないです。)
  • I finally know my way around Shinjyuku Station.(やっと新宿駅の地理がわかるようになりました。)
  • She knows her way around the restaurant industry.(彼女は外食産業に詳しい。)

3) Somehow(どういうわけか)

◎ “Somehow”は、「どういうわけか」や「なんとかして」を意味し、理由や原因、方法がはっきりしていない様子を表します。一般的に、文頭または文末で使われます。

  • Don’t worry about it. I’ll figure it out somehow.(心配するな。何とかしてみるよ。)
  • He doesn’t speak any English but somehow he gets along with Americans.(彼は英語を全く話せませんが、どういうわけかアメリカ人と仲良くなるんだよね。)
  • I was completely lost but I made it back home somehow.(完全に道に迷いましたが、何とかして家に戻ってきました。)

4) Impress(好印象を与える)

◎ “Impress”は、 人を感動させたり感心させたり、ポジティブな意味で人に強い印象を与えることを意味します。一般的には受動態として使われますが、「(人に)自分のいいところを見せる」という意味として使われる場合もあります。
◎ 人の優れた能力や素晴らしいパフォーマンスなどを褒める場合に「That’s impressive!(すごいね!)」がよく使われます。

  • I was impressed by his speech.(彼のスピーチに感動しました。)
  • That’s impressive! You’re an amazing singer!(すごいね!歌、上手だね!)
  • I’m impressed with your English. Did you study abroad or something?(英語が上手ですね。留学か何かしたのですか?)

5) Cut something short(切り上げる)

◎ “Cut something short”は、直訳すると「何かを短く切る」ですが、日常会話では、物事を予定より早く切り上げる意味としてよく使われるフレーズです。“Cut”と“Short”の間に、切り上げる対象が入ります。

  • We had to cut our vacation short because our kids got sick. (子供達が病気になったので、旅行を予定より早く切り上げないといけませんでした。)
  • Sorry to cut our conversation short but I have to get going.(会話の途中で申し訳ないのですが、そろそろ行かないといけないので。)
  • His presentation was cut short because the power went out.(停電のため彼のプレゼンは中断されました。)



  • Acquire・・・習得する
  • Function・・・機能
  • Dumb・・・馬鹿馬鹿しい
  • Superpower・・・超能力
  • Centenarian・・・100歳


  • Vast ability・・・膨大な能力
  • One-legged squat・・・片足スクワット
  • That’s fair・・・それもあり



  1. Masa より:

    Hi Jun! How are you? I am thinking about the ability that I do want to get. Now I work in food industry. I am concerning with restaurant buisiness. As you know there are so many kinds of restaurant here in Tokyo. People enjoy the foods from all over the world. But same time sadly many restaurant come and go. Only small number of those restaurant are being successful. The funny thing is that some of those successful restaurant are located at very hidden place. How did they get success? I think they have an ability which analyzes what are needed by customers at that place. To be successful restaurant has to have so many components. They know that. I think that ability is not to get. It is furnished. I do want to get this ability. I think this ability is needed for any other kind of business. So I can say you have it, isn’t it?

  2. Hana より:

    I’d like to have an exact and a relative memory.
    Recently my memories are failing because of my age. Take care.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Hana,

      That’s a good one! Life is all about making memories and reminiscing about the good times. Great pick!

  3. ニニサ より:

    Hypnosis would be the skill that i want to acquire. it would be a great fun to put dumb people around you under it!!

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