
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.09.25




【Iris】So William, how many siblings, if you have any, do you have?

【William】I have one younger sister and then an older half sister.

【Iris】OK did you guys fight a lot though? Like…

【William】Oh sure.

【Iris】Growing up like…

【William】Oh sure.


【William】Um you ever hear of uh it was this old like uh thing that Lego produced, “Bionicle” you ever hear of that? It’s anyway…it’s this old action figure line. I had this one that I really really loved.


【William】It was my most favorite thing when I was like five. My sister grabbed a piece and flushed it down.

【Iris】Oh that’s messed up.

【William】Yeah so we had our clashes but she’s great, she’s great. We’ve moved totally beyond that.

【Iris】Are you sure?

【William】Mm maybe not.

【Iris】Your still…

【William】If I brought it up today. Yeah so uh it’s kind of an old bruise.

【Iris】Yes actually I feel like I yeah…I am guilty of that. I actually…my sister was like you where I was the younger sister, kind of and she claims that I was kinda like the more spoiled one but um…


【Iris】Yeah but I did, I remember I really did uh hurt her when I threw out her My Melody doll out the window.

【William】Oh dear.

【Iris】And she will never let that go. Till this day she will still bring that up.


【Iris】Yes. Yeah and one time I actually threw a fit. I don’t remember this but apparently I got really upset and I broke a guitar on her head. Like a plastic toy guitar on her head.

【William】That my sister did not do. That is intense.

【Iris】(Laugh). And that’s actually worse than me throwing out the My Melody doll but for her, no the My Melody doll was like a hundred times worse.

【William】I’m just trying to think of how that went down. Did you…

【Iris】Yes…I don’t remember. She said I was..

【William】Like a hammer or?

【Iris】No she said I was…I was just like throwing a tantrum. And I just like…she…she said it took her off guard. She said she was sitting down and I was like “wonk.” I was like…like hit her on the head with a plastic guitar.

【William】That sounds like uh…like a cartoon.

【Iris】Yeah but she was OK.


【Iris】She was fine.


【Iris】But I don’t remember this but she told me that I did that so…

【William】Interesting. This was a…this was a toy guitar right?

【Iris】Yeah it was a toy guitar. Yeah it’s probably like one of those cheap ones cuz…

【William】If it broke that easily.

【Iris】Yeah (Laugh).


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why did William get into a fight with his sister?
  2. What did Iris do to hurt her sister’s feelings?
  3. What did Iris hit her sister’s head with?



  1. He got into a fight with his sister because she flushed a part of his favorite toy down the toilet.
  2. Iris threw out her sister’s My Melody doll out the window.
  3. She hit her sister’s head with a toy guitar.



William has a younger sister and an older half sister. Growing up, he used to get into a lot of fights with his sisters.

When William was five years old, his older sister flushed a piece of his action figure down the toilet. He got into a fight with her over that because that was his favorite toy at the time.

Iris did something similar to that to her older sister. Iris threw out her sister’s favorite My Melody doll out the window when she was a kid. Her older sister still brings that up till this day.

Iris also once threw a fit and broke a toy guitar on her sister’s head. Iris doesn’t remember why she hit her sister but she was upset about something and ended up hitting her sister’s head with a toy guitar.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Bring something up(話を持ち出す)

◎「Bring up」は「〜のことを話す」を意味するフレーズで、何かの話題を持ち出したり、言い出したりするニュアンスがあります。“Mention”や“Talk about”の代わりに使える日常表現です。
◎ 言いづらい話を切り出す時は「I hate to bring this up but」と言い、日本語の「申し上げにくいのですが・・・」に相当する表現です。

  • Why don’t you bring that up at the next meeting?(次回のミーティングでそのを話したら?)
  • Why do you always bring up the past? That happened over 10 years ago.(何でいつも過去の話を持ち出すの?もう10年以上前の話じゃん。)
  • I hate to bring this up but your payment is 1 week overdue.(申し上げにくいのですが、支払期限が1週間遅れています。)

2) Spoil(甘やかす)

◎ “Spoil”は食べ物が腐ったり、物事が台無しになるなど状況によって様々な意味を持つ単語ですが、人に対して使う場合は「甘やかす」ことを意味します。特に子供のしつけが甘いことで、わがままな性格になる意味合いが含まれます。冗談で言う時もあれば、ネガティブな意味合いとして本気で言う時もあります。

  • He is such a spoiled brat!(彼は本当にわがままな子だね!)
  • Your boyfriend bought you another bag? He really spoils you.(また彼氏に鞄を買ってもらったの?彼は本当にあなたに甘いね。)
  • When I become a parent, I am not going to spoil my kids.(私が親になったら、絶対に子供を甘やかしません。)

3) Messed up(それはひどい)

◎「Mess up」は様々な意味を持つスラングで、日常会話でもよく使われます。今日の会話ではアイリスさんが「That’s messed up」と言いましたが、ここでは「それはひどいね!」を意味する相槌になります。何か酷いことをされた時に言う決まり文句です。
◎ その他、やり直しのきかない失敗をしてしまった時に、「I messed up.(取り返しのつかないことをしてしまった)」 と言ったり、お酒を飲み過ぎた時に「I’m messed up.(ベロベロだ)」と言ったりします。

  • That’s messed up. I can’t believe he did that to you.(それはひどいね。彼がそんなことするなんて信じられない。)
  • I’m really sorry. I messed up.(本当に申し訳ありません。取り返しのつかないことをしてしまいました。)
  • He is so messed up. He can’t even walk straight.(彼はベロベロです。まともに歩くことすらできません。)

4) Throw a fit(激怒する・逆上する)

◎「Throw a fit」は、カッとなって激怒することを意味します。騒いだり、怒鳴ったり、物を投げたりなど、苛立つ感情を表に出すような怒り方を表します。基本的に赤ちゃんや子供が欲しい物が手に入るまで泣きじゃくるような状況で使われますが、大人が冷静さを失って激しく怒る場合にも使われることがあります。
◎ その他、「Throw a tantrum」という表現もあり、「かんしゃくを起こす」を意味します。

  • My son threw a fit because I took away his toy.(息子からおもちゃを取り上げたら、逆上しました。)
  • My boss threw a fit for no reason.(私の上司は意味もなく激怒しました。)
  • When things don’t go her way, she throws a terrible tantrum.(物事が自分の思い通りにいかないと、彼女はひどいかんしゃくを起こします。)

5) Upset(動揺する)

◎ “Upset”は怒りや悲しみ、不満や失望など様々な感情を表し、日本語に直訳するのが難しい英語です。気が動転し冷静さを失う状態を表す場合によく使われますが、状況に応じてどのような感情なのか判断する必要があります。

  • Why are you so upset? Did something happen?(何でそんなに腹を立てているの?何かあったの?)
  • I’m upset because we lost the game.(試合に負けて悔しいです。)
  • I’m so upset with myself for messing everything up.(全て台無しにしてしまった自分に失望しています。)



  • Siblings・・・兄弟
  • Bruise・・・傷
  • Apparently・・・どうやら〜らしい


  • Flush something down・・・トイレに流す
  • Throw out・・・投げ捨てる
  • Let something go・・・手放す
  • Take someone off guard・・・驚く



  1. Chunghee Song より:

    Hello, June Senesac! This is Chunghee Song. I am originally from South Korea and have been living in the states almost 15 years. I am still struggling with the language barrier, but I made a commitment to myself about learning English seriously about 3 years ago. I came across your English lessons on YouTube and since then I have been enjoying listening to all your episodes. Actually, I majored in Japanese studies in South Korea so I understand your comment before getting into a topic. The topic in today’s episode bring me up my relationship between me and my sister, who is a year younger, fought a lot in various matters and I thought my sister and I were so different in many ways when I was a teenager, but now we are married and have our family and our own children. Although we live far away from in distance,thanks to technology we can communicate very often about things that I even can’t tell my friends without worrying about the aftermath and I feel that my sister and I can share many things that happen in every day lives and feel that she cares about me in bottom of heart. I am so happy that I have my sister and I want to be a sister that she is proud of.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Chunghee,

      Thanks for sharing your story about your sister. There is nothing like brotherly/sisterly love! It sounds like we’ve had similar relationships with our sisters. I am 100% positive she feels the same way about you, Chunghee. It’s unconditional love with siblings and as the older brother, you’ve got to always look out for her!

  2. 土家文久 より:


  3. Héctor JB より:

    Your explanations are crystal clear as usual, I love your articles. I’m actually using your website to learn japanese so it also works the opposite way as well. Thanks and keep the good work!

  4. hemisphere より:




    • Jun より:



  5. zawa より:

    こんにちは。 いつも勉強するうえで非常に役立っています。ありがとうございます。


    And that’s actually worse than me trowing out the My Melody doll but for her, no the My Melody doll was like a hundred times worse.

    • Jun より:



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