
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.06.19




【Joshua】I had a Japanese buddy. You know, he was from Japan and the old ladies…when we went to go try on Japanese traditional clothing and he went with us and they told him, “Oh your Japanese is so good.” The guy was Japanese! But they thought he was Chinese!


【Joshua】Yeah so that…that boggles my mind I just…I don’t know, I don’t understand that…

【Albert】That they couldn’t tell the difference between a real Japanese…

【Joshua】They couldn’t tell that he was Japanese. And I guess sometimes, you know, I think when I went to go see sumo there were some uh Australians. I was like “Are you American?” “No mate. We’re Australian.”


【Joshua】(Laugh). I was like “Oh I’m sorry. I’m sorry that you know, you look like one of us.” And so I guess I can see how it happens but I just thought that was so strange.

【Albert】You know, it’s funny that you mention that. Like what is…they can’t distinguish what is a Japanese person but in this day and age with the globalization happening and the mixing of cultures, it’s happening in Japan too. And just recently, they had that Miss Japan, who was half black…half black, half Japanese.

【Joshua】Oh yeah yeah yeah.

【Albert】Now, I know this is a new phenomenon and probably the mentality of thinking what is a Japanese person, a person that is only Japanese….is probably what they’re thinking. A person that is only Japanese. But when you think about that, if that person who is half black, half Japanese…

【Joshua】Yeah she’s more Japanese than your fiancé.

【Albert】Right? That’s what I was thinking..


【Albert】That’s what I was thinking. You know, she’s been raised in Japan, only knows Japanese, knows everything about Japanese culture…to me she is Japanese


【Albert】She’s not even….

【Joshua】How does your fiancé feel about that? Representing Japan?

【Albert】It’s kind of funny that you mention that cuz (because) she felt that um that is not a true representation of what a Japanese person is.

【Joshua】Yeah so what about your children? Are they gonna (going to) be true representations? (Laugh).

【Albert】You know, yeah that’s what I told her. I told her that. I was like…after she told me that I was like “You do realize that when we have kids, they’re going to be living that life. Are you still going to think about that if they get like uh prize like that?” And she’s like “I don’t know. It’ll be different.”

【Joshua】It’ll be different?

【Albert】I was like “Well, that’s what their parents are thinking.” (Laugh).




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What happened when Joshua and his friend went to try on Japanese traditional clothes?
  2. Does Albert consider Miyamoto Ariana, Japanese or American?
  3. How does Albert’s fiancé feel about Miyamaoto Ariana representing Japan?



  1. The Japanese ladies thought Joshua’s friend was Chinese.
  2. Albert considers Miyamoto Ariana Japanese.
  3. Albert’s fiancé feels Miyamoto Ariana is not a true representation of a Japanese person.



Joshua and his Japanese friend went to try on Japanese traditional clothes in Japan. The ladies who were working there complimented Joshua’s friend for his fluency in Japanese because they thought he was Chinese.

Joshua was a bit stunned that they couldn’t tell his friend was Japanese. However, he understands mistakes like this (can) happen because he once approached Australians thinking they were Americans.

Albert points out that international marriages are becoming more and more common these days and the same phenomenon is happening in Japan. He brings up Miss Universe Japan, Miyamoto Ariana as an example.

Albert believes that Miyamoto Ariana is Japanese because she was born and raised in Japan and fully understands the language and culture.

However, Albert’s fiancé does not feel Miyamoto Ariana is a true representation of a Japanese person because she is not full Japanese. He told his fiancé that if they have kids, they are going to be in the same situation as Miyamoto Ariana.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Boggle one’s mind(びっくりさせる)

◎ “Boggle one’s mind”は、「びっくりさせる」「驚かされる」という意味を持ち、あまりにも衝撃的で信じられなかったり理解できない場合に使われます。ショッキングな出来事に対して理解に苦しむニュアンスがあります。
◎ “It is mind boggling”という言い方もできます。

  • That boggles my mind.(あまりにもびっくりして、信じられません。)
  • It boggles my mind that he stole money.(彼がお金を盗んだことに驚きました。)
  • It’s mind boggling that some people abuse their pets.(ペットを虐待する人がいるのは信じられません。)

2) Tell the difference between A and B(AとBの違いが分かる)

◎ このフレーズは、二者の間にある違いを区別できたり、見分けがつくことを表わします。「違いが分かる」と伝えたい場合は“the difference”を省いて、“I can tell”だけで表すことができます。
◎「AとBの違いが分からない」と言いたい場合は、否定文で「I can’t tell the difference between A and B」と表現します。

  • Can you tell the difference between Asahi and Kirin?(アサヒビールとキリンビールの違いわかりますか?)
  • I can tell she’s been studying English.(彼女が英語を勉強していることは分かります。)
  • I can’t tell the difference. They both look the same.(違いがわかりません。両方とも同じに見えます。)

3) Look like(〜に似ている)

◎ 誰かに似ていることを伝える場合に、最もよく使われる口語的な表現が“look like”です。「You look like」の後に似ている人の名前を入れます。
◎ 「◯◯さんとちょっと似ている」→「You kind of look like _____」 「You sort of look like _____」
◎「◯◯さんとそっくり」→「You look just like _____」 「You look exactly like _____」

  • You look like Johnny Depp.(ジョニーデップさんに似ていますね。)
  • She kind of looks like my friend Amy.(彼女は私の友達エイミーさんにちょっと似ています。)
  • Oh my god. You look exactly like your dad.(うわ!父親とそっくりですね。)

4) In this day and age(現代では・今日では)

◎ “In this day and age”は「現代では」を意味する会話表現です。早口だと「In this day in age」のように“and”が“in”の音に聞こえますが、正しくは“and”になります。
◎ “These days”も同じ意味として使われ、もうちょっとフォーマルな言い方だと“In modern society”が使われます。

  • In this day and age, you can’t live without a smart phone.(現代ではスマートフォンがないとやっていけません。)
  • Kids are becoming really tech savvy these days.(現代ではテクノロジーに精通している子供が多いです。)
  • Communicating through email has become the norm in modern society.(現代社会ではメールで連絡を取り合うのがあたり前になってきました。)

5) To me(私にとっては)

◎ “To me”は「私の意見では」というニュアンスが込められた「私にとっては」を表します。ここでよく混乱するのが“To me”と“For me”の使い分けです。両方とも「私にとっては」を意味しますが、“For me”は「ある目的を成し遂げるために〜が大事である」といった使われ方をするのに対し、“To me”はシンプルに「〜が自分にとって大事である」を意味します。例えば、「This book is important to me」は単にその本が自分にとって大事であることに対し、「This book is important for me (to pass the test).」のように、試験を合格する為にこの本は大事であるといったニュアンスの違いがあります。また、“For me”は「私のために」を意味する表現としても使われます。

  • To me, Miyamoto Ariana is Japanese.(私にとって、宮本エリアナさんは日本人です。)
  • Friends and family are really important to me.(家族や友人は、私にとってとても大事です。)
  • You bought this cake for me? Thank you!(私のためにケーキを買ってくれたの?ありがとう!)



  • Traditional・・・伝統的な
  • Distinguish・・・区別する
  • Phenomenon・・・現象
  • Represent・・・代表
  • Prize・・・賞


  • One of us・・・私たち
  • Mixing of cultures・・・人種が混じり合う
  • That’s what I was thinking・・・私もそう思った
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. 森下 町子 より:

    pod castでいつも聞いていますが、今回第一回の「しごとについて」が配信されていました。間違いですよね?

    • Jun より:



  2. 森下 町子 より:


    I’m sorry for the late reply. After that has been delivered without any problems. I’m sorry to have worried you.

  3. アキコ より:

    I enjoyed to study English everyday with your site again and again. I feel so interesting and useful
    Please teach

    1 最初の方で、…we went go try on …とありますが、go
    とtry の間にtoは入れなくても良いのですか?

    2クエスチョンのところで、miyamoto Ariana Japanese と有りますが、miyamoto Ariana is ….とは言わないのですか?
    ecause once he apploched …のところの文法がよくわかりませんので、教えて下さい

  4. こみ より:






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