
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.04.05




【Steve】So Josephine.


【Steve】Do you have any phobias?

【Josephine】Ok. The first one, I…I’m really scared of dots. Like you know the fern leaves, you know under…underneath the fern leaves there’s these little like pores or dots or whatever and they’re all bunched up together like “oh my god.” I get goose bumps and I wanna (want to) smash it. I know it sounds very violent but same thing with like you know some cars they have lights that are um they’re dotted together and like they’re glowing and oh my god I can’t…I can’t look at that. It’s weird, I know it’s weird.

【Steve】Is it like kinda (kind of) like insects? Idea?

【Josephine】Yeah like (like like) bugs like a lot of ants or like dots, bugs oh cells. You know like the human red blood cells and stuff they’re clumped together or bacteria “ugh” it’s just like, isn’t…isn’t it gross? Don’t you…Don’t you think it’s gross? Like I find it disgusting.

【Steve】It’s interesting. No I’ve never…

【Josephine】No it…it literally freaks me out. Like I get chills and I get scared I’m like “stop it stop it! Make it go away.”

【Steve】Like anxiety.

【Josephine】Yeah I get anxious.


【Josephine】Yeah it’s a really odd phobia, I know.

【Steve】Yeah I’ve never looked at a car and felt anxious about how it looks.

【Josephine】Yeah the lights, you should check it out next time.

【Steve】(Laugh). I’ll see what like the emotion that stirs up within me.

【Josephine】(Laugh) And the fern leaves…ugh.

【Steve】Uh yeah I think I’m more like really in closed spaces.


【Steve】Yea that’s…but it’s yeah…elevators aren’t so bad. It’s any like, it might’ve developed a little bit in Japan standing in trains. That feeling that people are just smashed into you. And then suddenly you are worried about personal space. Um but like any movie that has someone buried alive freaks me out.





Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Josephine’s phobia?
  2. What is Steve’s phobia?
  3. How did Steve develop his phobia?



  1. Josephine is afraid of dots.
  2. Steve is claustrophobic.
  3. He thinks he developed his phobia in Japan when he was standing in crowded trains.



Josephine is afraid of dots such as the spots on the underside of a fern, dotted car lights, cells, and patterns on insects.

She thinks clumps of dots are disgusting and it freaks her out. She even gets goose bumps and it gives her the chills.

Steve is afraid of closed spaces. He thinks he developed this phobia while riding in crowded trains in Japan. He felt his personal space was being invaded.

He also can’t stand watching movies that bury people alive.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Phobia(恐怖症)

◎「恐怖症」は英語で“Phobia”と表します。 何の恐怖症かを表す場合は「I have a phobia of」の後に具体的な内容を入れましょう。例えば、クモ恐怖症は「I have a phobia of spiders」と表します。
◎ 英語ではそれぞれの恐怖症に正式な呼び方があり、基本的に“Phobia”の前に単語を加えます。ちょっと難しいですが、よくある恐怖症を幾つか紹介します。高所恐怖症は“Acrophobia”、閉所恐怖症は“Claustrophobia”、対人恐怖症は“Social phobia”になります。

  • Do you have any phobias?(恐怖症は何かありますか?)
  • I have a phobia of snakes.(私は蛇恐怖症です。)
  • I am claustrophobic.(私は閉所恐怖症です。)

2) Bunch up(一カ所に集める)

◎ “A bunch of”は「沢山の」を意味する表現として会話でよく使われますが、“Bunch”と“up”を組み合わせることで、人や物が一箇所に集まって、ひとかたまりになることを表します。その他、無理して何かを詰め込むニュアンスも含まれます。
◎ “Bunch up together”も同じ意味合いを持つ言い方です。

  • My laundry is bunched up in the corner of my room.(部屋の隅に私の洗濯物が束になっています。)
  • Bunch up all the cans in this box.(空き缶を集めてこの箱に入れてください。)
  • We were all bunched up together in a small room.(私たちは小さな部屋に集まっていました。)

3) Freak out(パニックになる・ビビる・焦る)

◎ 恐怖や驚き、焦りなどでパニック状態になることを英語で“Freak out”と表現します。“Panic”という表現の仕方もしますが、“Freak out”のほうがより口語的です。叫んだり、騒いだりするなど感情が揺さぶれている状態を表します。

  • He is freaking out because he lost his passport.(彼はパスポートをなくしたのでパニクっています。)
  • I was freaking out. I thought I broke your laptop.(あなたのパソコンを壊したと思ったので焦りました。)
  • That snake freaked me out.(あの蛇にビビった。)

4) Chills(ゾッとする・寒気がする)

◎ 恐怖を感じてゾッとすること、あまりにも感動をしてゾクッとすること、または風を引いたりして寒気がすることを「I have the chills」と表します。動詞は“Have”の代わりに“Get”を使うこともできます。
◎ 同じような意味合いとして、ジョセフィーンさんのセリフにもでてきた“Goose bumps(鳥肌が立つ)”という表現もあります。

  • That movie gave me the chills.(あの映画を見てゾッとしました。)
  • I have the chills. I think I’m catching a cold.(寒気がします。風を引いたかもしれません。)
  • I get the goose bumps just thinking about it.(そのことを考えるだけで鳥肌が立ちます。)

5) Odd(変な)

◎ “Odd”は「奇数」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では「変な」「奇妙な」など、普通ではない、ちょっと変わった出来事や人を表す場合にも使われます。“Strange”や“Weird”と意味は似ていますが、“Odd”は「期待している事と違う」というニュアンスが含まれます。

  • That’s an odd phobia.(変わった恐怖症ですね。)
  • Why would he ask that? That’s such an odd question.(彼、何でそんなことを聞くんだろう?変わった質問だね。)
  • That’s odd. Someone changed my password.(おかしいな。誰かが私のパスワードを変えました。)



  • Dots・・・つぶつぶ
  • Fern leaves・・・シダの葉
  • Pore・・・毛穴
  • Smash・・潰す
  • Insects・・・昆虫
  • Cell・・・細胞
  • Smash・・潰す


  • Clump together・・・かたまりになっている
  • Stir up・・・引き起こす



  1. JONIE より:

    I have a phobia of dots too!!
    It started from last year when I saw the picture of dots some one posted on facebook.

    Was it corect English?I did my best.

    • Jun より:

      Hey Jonie,

      You do too? Your the second person I know with phobia of dots now! But after looking at some “dot” pictures I understand how people can have that phobia.

      Your sentence was correct! Just a few minor mistakes. “Some one” should be “Someone” and you can omit “from” and “the” → It started last year when I saw pictures of dots someone posted on Facebook. Great job! 🙂

  2. usausa from Japan より:

    Hello Jun,

    I went to Hawaii last week. The hotel reserved a room on 41th floor for me. You know it’s a nice view but I had the front desk chenge to my room on 6th floor. Because I’m acrophobia!!!

    • Jun より:


      When you want to say you have acrophobia, you need to drop the last “a” in the word and replace it with “ic” → ”I’m acrophobic!” But you understood the word perfectly! I hope you enjoyed your trip to Hawaii!

  3. あいあい より:

    ①Josephineさんの言う“make it go away” はどんな意味になりますか?
    go away だけなら あっちに行って
    make it が付くとどうなるんでしょうか?
    ②最後、Junさんの語りで 飛ぶゴキブリ見た時どうなったと英語で言ってますか?
    I was going to have a heart attack ??


    • Jun より:


      “make it go away”は「消えさせて!」というように、「〜させて」の意味合いが込められています。私の最後の部分ですが、「I seriously thought I was going to have a heart attack.」といい「(あまりにもびっくりして)心臓発作を起こすかと思った」を意味します。ちょっと大げさ過ぎですね(笑)

      • あいあい より:

        have a heart attack これすごく気に入りました

  4. Masami Styles より:

    Hi Jun!
    How are you doing? I hope you are doing well.
    As for me, I’m in good shape, except for the mugggy weather.
    It make us sluggish. I feel like diving into the frige, though.
    As a matter of fact, I have a phobia of repitiles, especially snakes!
    Besides that, I’m belonephobic ( fear of needles) Is that cotrect?

    So every time when I open the canned mackerel, it freaks me out.
    I might cut my fingers by the edge of lid , but nevertheless I want to eat it so bad . LOL!
    So I needed to fight against them.
    Oneday, I came up with a good idea.
    Nowadays, I’ve come to realize that I should wear rubber gloves.
    I’d say canned fish is really flexible to cook, though.

    Have a good one !

    • Jun より:

      Hey Masami

      I’m doing well! It’s been a while. Good hearing from you. The weather has been really hot and humid this year. I don’t like it 🙁 Fear of needles! I have the same phobia as you. First time hearing belonephobia but according to Google, that’s the correct name for it. It sounds like you found a solution to your problem! You can enjoy canned mackerel without freaking out now 🙂

  5. 大島 より:

    Hi, Jun-san.
    I’m confused a little how to use “all” in the your example.
    I want to know the difference between “We were all bunched up….” and “All we were bunched up…”

    • Jun より:


      Hey there! There are several ways to construct that sentence. You could say, “We were all bunched up…” or “All of us were bunched up…”. Both expressions work!

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