
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.02.14




【Chris】You should have your resolution in the spring (laugh).

【Collette】Yeah after you see how the year is going.

【Chris】Right. Yeah right exactly.

【Collette】So hold off on your resolutions until possibly um midyear.

【Chris】Right midyear when things are going.

【Collette】And you have a positive outlook on life.

【Chris】Right and smooth sailing the rest of the way. I hear ya (you). I’m with ya (you). I like that…I like that. I think we should start a trend or something. We should do something about this little bucket of knowledge.

【Collette】OK alright I’ll tell you what you do. You start the blog and I’ll answer it.

【Chris】Alright oh perfect. “We’re gonna (going to) have a blog yall.” (laugh).

【Collette】(Laugh) A blog on when to resolve your bad habits.

【Chris】Right. Throwing New Years out the window.


【Chris】If you’re thinking New Years…

【Collette】We’re changing the day.

【Chris】You’re doing it all wrong.

【Collette】Chris and I are gonna (going to) change the day.

【Chris】That’s right. You’re doing it all wrong. If you started on New Years, let me tell you something.

【Collette】It’ll be like Festivus.

【Chris】Festivus? That’s right.

【Collette】It’ll be yeah. We’re just going to change it (laugh). We’re just going to change it. We’ll just do it. And we only need a few people. We don’t really care.


【Collette】Once we publish that we did do it and we did change the date, it will become that day.

【Chris】It will become that day forever. And we…and we get a couple more people in there.

【Collette】And we’ll be the authors.

【Chris】You know? That’s right.

【Collette】You think we can make money off of that?

【Chris】Change the whole world…Yeah.

【Collette】Would we accept money for something like that?

【Chris】I don’t know. We can’t really. In good conscious no. That’s just information we just have to give freely and willingly. I think we should just go totally community style. Completely volunteer, no money. We’ll get money other ways.

【Collette】Do you have any in mind? (laugh).

【Chris】Yes. Yes.

【Collette】Cuz (because) this is a good idea.

【Chris】It’s all around ya (you). It’s everywhere.

【Collette】No this is a good idea to change this you know? This is a good idea to change this day before we, you know say that we are not going to accept money for it and somebody does…


【Collette】And it becomes a holiday. And it becomes commercialized like everything in the United States.


【Collette】And they can make money off of it.


【Collette】With our pictures on the towels or whatever they decide.

【Chris】On the towels. Oh my god that’s great.

【Collette】The towels that they’d be wiping their tears with because they’re so happy that we changed…

【Chris】The tears of joy towels.

【Collette】Yes, yes. Cuz (because) we changed the day to make resolutions to the spring.

【Chris】Wow. This is gonna (going to) go…this is gonna go global.

【Collette】It’s gonna (going to) to be big.

【Chris】It’s gonna be really big.

【Collette】That’s what I’m saying. This is a good idea. We’re putting everything in perspective.




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When does Chris think is the best time to set goals?
  2. How does Collette want to spread their new idea?
  3. Does Chris want to make money from this idea?



  1. He thinks spring is the best time to set goals.
  2. She wants to start a blog.
  3. No. He thinks it’s information that should be provided for free.



Chris suggests Collette to make her resolutions in the spring. He sees this new goal-setting period, potentially becoming a trend.

Collette thinks they should start a blog to popularize this idea. The blog would focus on the optimal time to resolve bad habits.

Collette wants to create an official “Break Your Habit Day.” Collette thinks they need to figure out a way to monetize their blog.

However, Chris thinks this information should be provided for free. He has no intentions on charging people. He believes there are other ways to make money.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Smooth sailing(順風満帆)

◎ 物事が順調に進むことを英語で”Smooth sailing”と表現します。“Smooth”は「順調」、“Sailing”は「航海」を意味することから、追い風を帆でいっぱい受けて軽快に船が進むことから成り立ったフレーズです。
◎ その他、物事の進行が簡単で楽といった場合にも使われます。

  • It’ll be smooth sailing the rest of the way.(後は簡単ですね。)
  • It’s been smooth sailing ever since.(それ以来、順風満帆です。)
  • My first year abroad was tough but it was smooth sailing after that.(海外生活1年目は大変でしたが、それ以降はかなり楽になりました。)

2) I’m with you(同感・同意する)

◎ 人の気持ちや意見に共感した時に使われる多少砕けた話し言葉です。“I agree”と同じ意味を持ちますが、会話では“I’m with you”のほうがよく使われます。
◎「〜に同感する」は“I’m with you on”の後に具体的に何に同感するかを入れましょう。

  • I hear you. I’m with you.(言いたいことは分かります。同感です。)
  • I’m with you on that.(それには私も同感です。)
  • I’m with you on that idea.(そのアイディアには賛成です。)

3) Throw out the window(〜を捨てる)

◎ 直訳すると「窓から捨てる」となり、「〜を止める」「〜を捨てる」を意味します。これまでの考え方や習慣、方法などを切り捨てて新しいやり方で進めていくニュアンスがあります。
◎ “Throw”と“out the window”の間に具体的に何を止めるのか(捨てるのか)を入れましょう。

  • You need to throw that mindset out the window.(そのような考え方は捨てないといけません。)
  • Let’s throw grammar out the window.(文法の英語学習はやめましょう。)
  • Many companies are throwing dress codes out the window.(多くの会社は服装規制を廃止しています。)

4) Make money off (of) _____ (〜でお金儲けをする)

◎ 具体的にどのようにお金儲けをしているのか、また稼いでいるのかを表したい時に使われるフレーズです。例えば、不動産でお金を稼いでいる場合は”“Make money off real estate.”と表現します。
◎ “Make money off”の後にお金を儲けている手段を入れましょう。

  • Do you think we can make money off of that?(それでお金を稼げると思いますか?)
  • He made a lot of money off stocks.(彼は株で相当お金を儲けました。)
  • She makes money off selling products online.(彼女はネット販売でお金を稼いでいます。)

5) Have in mind(考えがある)

◎ 何かの目的のために「〜をしようと考えている」と言う場合に使われる日常フレーズです。ある程度前もって考えているニュアンスがあります。
◎ 例えば、友達が新車を買いたいと発言をし、どのような車が欲しいか考えていますか?と質問をする場合は“Do you have a car in mind?”になります。

  • What do you have in mind?(何を考えているのですか?)
  • What kind of gift do you have in mind?(どのようなプレゼントを考えていますか?)
  • That’s not what I had in mind.(それは私が考えていた事とは違います。)



  • Midyear・・・1年の中頃
  • Resolve・・・解決する
  • Publish・・・出版・正式に公開
  • Author・・・著者
  • Good conscious・・・良心
  • Willingly・・・快く自分からする
  • Commercialized・・・商業化された


  • Hold off on・・・先送りする
  • Positive outlook・・・前向きな態度
  • I hear you・・・言いたいことは分かる
  • Bucket of knowledge・・・知識
  • Doing it all wrong・・・やり方が全然駄目
  • Wiping one’s tears・・・涙を拭う
  • Put everything in perspective・・・広い視野から物事を見る
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Yokko より:

    この間TVで、my name isはネィティブが使わない表現だと学校で教えていると見ました。フォーマルな表現で、TPOで使いわけることを教えるべきだと思います。日本の英語教育に足りないところです。シチュエーション別の自己紹介の仕方を特集してもらえないでしょうか? グーグルでググッたら、野球の田中選手が入団会見で、my name isと言ったのをバカにしている日本人がたくさんいて閉口してしまいました。まぁ学校で使わないと習ったのなら、仕方ないのですが…
    これからもtextbook English ではなく、実用的な表現を教えてください!楽しみにしています(*^^*)

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。コメントありがとうございます。”My name is”は確かにフォーマルな表現で、カジュアルな場ではあまり使われませんが決して間違いではありません。特に入団会見なのでここで”My name is”を使うのは普通でしょう。シチュエーション別の自己紹介の仕方、面白いですね!今後、そのアイディアを取り入れるよう工夫しています。ご提案ありがとうございました!

  2. Anna's mom より:

    Hi Jun,

    I have a few questions for you today.
    Is Collette from somewhere in The South, like Texas?

    The way she talks like people from The Southern States. I am assuming that’s why Chris used the word “yall” like a joke. However, I think he is from California, I’m not sure but he has a California accent.

    It’s interesting how people talk and what accent people have. I guess she is black(No offense). Her accent is really similar to my friend’s one, she is black.

    If you know, could you tell me?

    By the way, I was a bit hesitating to use a word “black” this time. It could be rude word. Yet I used it, because I know I am not using it in an offensive way from my heart. But I don’t know if people take that rude.

    Now seriously, I want to know your opinion. Is it ok to use a word “black” in the US in a casual setting?(without insulting people) or should I use another word like “African-American”? If so, are there other words to picture the person has dark skin? Maybe, I will not have a lot of situations that I need to use the words.. But just I want to know.

    It’s really tough for me to talk about this kind of sensitive topic to Americans because like you always say, how people think is various from one another and there are so many different ways of thinking in the States. That makes a lot of things complex, doesn’t it?

    Cuz if you don’t care skin color, you can say black out loud without hesitating and I think people raise their eyebrows to a word “black”, they are the ones who are racist…

    Boy..I made an excuse for my status(kidding).

    • Jun より:

      Hi Anna’s mom,

      Collette was born and raised in California. “Y’all” is definitely more commonly used in the south but many people in California use this expression too (including myself). There are actually a lot of different accents within California! As you know, it’s a large state and depending on where you’re from in California, accents can vary.

      Race has always been a very sensitive issue in the U.S. I don’t have the qualifications to make the judgement telling you whether using “black” is socially acceptable or not. Generally speaking, “black” is a term you hear used in conversation in California but you will always come across people that will find it offensive. As long as the person you are around is comfortable with the term, you should be fine 🙂

  3. Anna's mom より:

    Hi Jun,

    Thank you for the reply. Now I got it! ずっと気になっていたので、すっきりしました^_^

    Her accent was totally new to me. Now I know, I only lived in Irvine, and just traveled throug CA, so my experence is not enough to get who are exactly from where. Even if I lived there for long, I don’t know if I can tell that, because I remember living CA, especially LA, metropolitan city means liviing in multicultural society.

    Yes, I’ve heard Americans used a term black in their conversation. So I always wonder if it’s ok to use it within friends in US where race is one of taboo topics. Actually, I personally have never used a term black in front of people until I commented on your blog. We don’t have that culture in Japan. From your answer, my understanding is that「場の空気を読んで使う」is better, which all Japanese does in Japan. Lol

    Thank you for your advice!

  4. TRFH より:


    季節の事で質問なのですが、LAというかアメリカではいつがspring に当たるのですか?
    会話の中で目標をmidyear に設定した方がいいとあるのですが、日本でいうと春って3-4月なので全然midyear じゃないなぁと思って…
    そちらの新学期の9月頃の事をspring と言うのでしょうか?


    これからも引き続き頑張って下さい!あと140日(約半年以内)には最新のポッドキャストに追い付く予定なので、追いついたらまたコメントさせて下さい(^ ^)

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!アメリカのSpringは日本と同じ4月ですよ!クリスさんは「一年の抱負はspringまで待つべき」と言い、コレットさんが「いや、midyear(6月)まで待った方がいい」と冗談っぽく言っています。なので、spring = midyearではなく、一年の抱負はspringだとまだ早いので、midyearまで待て!ということです。

      Podcastが生活に役に立っているようで嬉しいです!1日1エピソードってことは、コメントを残してから20日間くらい経っているので、you must be around episode 70 right now 😉


  5. Smooth sailing より:


    little bucket of knowledge はどのような意味なのでしょうか?
    bucket of だと 「大量の」 だと思いますが、それだと little と合わない気がします。
    また bucket of がどうしても negative に聞こえてしまいます。

    • Jun より:

      Smooth Sailingさん、

      そうですね、bucket of は「たくさんの」や「大量の」を意味しますが、ここでは「ちょっとした知識」と訳してOKだと思います。

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