
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.12.06




【Jansen】Hey Jennifer.

【Jennifer】Hi Jansen. How are you?

【Jansen】Pretty good. Um how were your holidays?

【Jennifer】Good so far.

【Jansen】OK. What does your family usually do for Thanksgiving?

【Jennifer】Usually we go to “Mimi’s Café.” We go and order their turkey dish.


【Jennifer】They only serve turkey on Thanksgiving.

【Jansen】Oh is that right?

【Jennifer】You don’t have too much (of a) choice.

【Jansen】Mm, so you go to “Mimi’s Café” on the day of Thanksgiving…

【Jennifer】On the day of Thanksgiving.

【Jansen】And eat turkey at “Mimi’s café.”


【Jansen】Oh wow that’s so new to me because we always have a… we always have like family parties in our house. Where we cook and stuff.

【Jennifer】But this year uh we went to uh another person’s house this time. So we did similar to what you did. They had a lot of like, big serving dishes.

【Jansen】OK. For example?

【Jennifer】For example, sweet potato, mashed potatoes, green beans, and then uh dark meat and like the turkey breast.

【Jansen】Oh turkey breast. Sounds delicious.


【Jansen】Yeah we have a…we have a pretty mixed extended family. So um we have like Thai people, some Mexican people in our extended family so we just make a…we just have a big potluck.


【Jansen】And we bring uh, yeah everyone just brings something. And my wife is Japanese so she…so she brought curry.


【Jansen】So it was all sorts of stuff for our Thanksgiving party.

【Jennifer】What was the serving size?


【Jennifer】Of like the dishes that you brought?

【Jansen】Oh I brought two big pots. Like two, I don’t know how many.

【Jennifer】(Laugh) So so a lot of people?

【Jansen】30…30 quarts.


【Jansen】30 quarts of curry.

【Jennifer】That’s a lot isn’t it?

【Jansen】I’m just kidding.

【Jennifer】OK. (Laugh)

【Jansen】Um so usually uh we just uh eat and you know drink and then fall asleep.

【Jennifer】No games?

【Jansen】No, no time for games. We’ve gotta (got to) rest up for shopping I guess the next day.




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How does Jennifer usually spend Thanksgiving?
  2. What did Jennifer do for Thanksgiving this year?
  3. What did Jansen’s wife cook for Thanksgiving?



  1. Jennifer and her family usually eat Thanksgiving food at “Mimi’s Café.”
    ジェニファーさんとジェニファーさんの家族は通常「Mimi’s Café」で感謝祭の食事をします。
  2. This year Jennifer and her family celebrated Thanksgiving at another person’s house.
  3. Jansen’s wife cooked curry.



Jennifer usually goes to “Mimi’s Café” on Thanksgiving with her family. They order the turkey dish at “Mimi’s Café.”
感謝祭にジェニファーさんは家族と「Mimi’s Café」に行きます。「Mimi’s Café」で七面鳥のコースを注文します。

However, Jennifer went over to another person’s house to celebrate Thanksgiving this year.

They had a lot of food including sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green beans, dark meat and turkey breast.

Jansen always celebrates Thanksgiving at home with his family and relatives. His extended family comes from different ethnic backgrounds so everyone usually brings in their own dish.

Jansen and his wife brought curry to the Thanksgiving party. After dinner, they usually rest up to get ready for shopping the next day.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Don’t have much of a choice(どうしようもない)

◎ “Don’t have much of a choice”は「選択肢がほとんどない」を意味し、「どうしようもない」「しょうがない」を表します。
◎ 今日の会話では、感謝祭だったのでレストランでは七面鳥以外に注文できる食事がないことを表します。

  • You don’t have much of a choice.(それ以外の選択肢はありません)
  • We don’t have much of a choice. Let’s buy it.(しょうがないですね。買いましょう)
  • I don’t have much of a choice. I have to sell my car.(どうしようもないです。車を売るしかありません)

2) On the day of _____ (〜の日に)

◎ 物事が行われる、または行われた当日を指します。“Of” の後には具体的な行事を入れましょう。
◎ その他、「初日」は“On the first day of _____”「最終日」は“On the last day of _____”と表します。
◎ “On the day of”は文頭または文末で使われます。

  • You go to Mimi’s café on the day of Thanksgiving?(感謝祭の日に”Mimi’s Café”に行くのですか?)
  • On the day of Christmas, we exchange presents.(クリスマスの日にプレゼントを交換します)
  • I had to take a test on the first day of class.(クラスの初日にテストを受けなければなりませんでした)

3) New to me(初耳/初体験)

◎ “New to me”は初めて知る事、聞く事、または初体験を示します。

  • That’s so new to me.(それは初耳です)
  • This kind of job is all new to me.(このような仕事は何もかもが初めてです)
  • When I lived in Japan, everything was so new to me.(日本に住んでいた頃は、何もかもが初めてでした)

4) All sorts of _____(あらゆる種類の〜)

◎ “Sort of”は“Kind of”と同じ意味を持ち「種類」を指します。日常会話では両方とも使われます。
◎ “Sort of”の後は具体的に何の種類について話しているのかを入れましょう。

  • It was all sorts of stuff for our Thanksgiving party.(感謝祭のパーティーには、あらゆる種類の食べ物がありました)
  • I listen to all sorts of music.(私は色々な音楽を聴きます)
  • I had to deal with all sorts of problems.(あらゆる種類の問題に対応しなければなりませんでした)

5) Rest up(十分に休む)

◎ “Rest”は「休む」を意味しますが、 “Rest up”はある目的のために体を十分に休ませるニュアンスがあります。
◎「◯◯に備えて休む」は“Rest up for”になります。“For ”の後には休む目的を入れましょう。

  • We’ve gotta (got to) rest up for shopping.(ショッピングに備えて休まないといけません)
  • Make sure you rest up for tomorrow.(明日に備えて十分に休んでください)
  • I need a few days to rest up.(数日間休まないといけません)



  • Dish・・・料理
  • Serve・・・(食べ物・飲み物)を出す
  • Turkey breast・・・七面鳥の胸肉
  • Mixed・・・混ざっている
  • Extended family・・・親戚
  • Potluck・・・持ち寄りパーティー


  • Pretty good・・・かなり元気
  • So far・・・今の所
  • Fall asleep・・・眠りに落ちる
  • I guess・・・多分



  1. Az より:


    • Jun より:


  2. Fumiko より:

    いつもpodcast を愛用しております

    38回 thanks giving day


    Quarts はよく使う単位か何かですか?

    【Jansen】30…30 quarts.

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。”Quart”は液量単位を表す時に使われます。1 quartは約946mlです!

  3. Tama より:

    Hi Jun-san,
    I found your site the other day, I am listing on it every day. it is very good for me to learn english.
    Thank you for providing this.
    I have a question about today’s phrase of the day for “all sort of-“.
    You mentioned “It was all sort of stuff for our thanksgiving party.”
    What “It” stand for?
    Can I say “there was all sort of stuff for our thanksgiving party.”

    Thank you, Tama

    • Jun より:

      Hi Tama

      Thanks for listening to my podcast! I’m happy to hear that you are finding it useful!

      “It” refers to “Thanksgiving dinner” and I used Jansen’s line from the live conversation. You can say “There was all sorts of stuff for our Thanksgiving part.” That’s actually a more natural way of saying it 🙂

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