
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.07.11

第22回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「アメリカの結婚式」。マーガレットさんとジャンソンさんが久しぶりに再登場し、アメリカの結婚式について話します。披露宴で行われる習慣「Money dance(マネーダンス)」についてマーガレットさんが具体的に説明してくれます。



【Margaret】That’s a really intimate setting. I’ve like…the last wedding I went to was my brothers.

【Jansen】Oh yeah.

【Margaret】So they had what is called you know a small wedding.


【Margaret】A hundred and twenty people and uh it was at uh country club.

【Jansen】Oh OK.

【Margaret】They rode you know after the ceremony, they rode in a Rolls Royce.

【Jansen】Oh is that right?

【Margaret】Yeah there was a dance floor.

【Jansen】Uh huh.

【Margaret】And you know they had every, you know, the…all the required dances. You know the first dance, the money dance, the father…what is it?…the father daughter dance, the mother son dance.

【Jansen】Oh OK. Wow a lot of dances. So you said the money dance?

【Margaret】The money dance. Yeah. So if you have a big wedding…

【Jansen】Uh huh.

【Margaret】So idea is, it’s…the point is it’s for the newly…newly wed couple to interact with the guests.


【Margaret】But the guests have to um stand in line and they have to have like dollar bills


【Margaret】Or five, ten, twenty dollar bills.


【Margaret】And they will pay to dance with one of the newly weds.

【Jansen】Oh wow.

【Margaret】And you would pin the bill on their…on their dress or on their suit.


【Margaret】And so um and so it gives them a chance to talk to each other and then it’ll be the next person.


【Margaret】So that aside from the gifts that they would receive, they would get cash like on them.

【Jansen】So they would get cash pinned to them.

【Margaret】Yeah mm hm cash pinned to them. Yeah you missed that man. That would’ve been awesome. That’s you know…So it’s cool because you’ll get one friend um and they’ll talk to you and then the same friend will go back in line and give you and have another bill or whatever to try and talk to you again.

【Jansen】Oh wow that sounds like a long event then.

【Margaret】Yeah so the…the more you know non DIY you know the more choreographed, um conservative traditional weddings will have that dance.

【Jansen】Oh OK.


【Jansen】Ah yeah that…I mean that would’ve helped me cuz (because) I…I paid for everything.

【Margaret】(Laugh) Yeah. Maybe in 10 years you can do a money dance.

【Jansen】(Laugh) Yeah.

【Margaret】Have them like you know pin checks to you.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is a money dance?
  2. How much money do people usually pay to dance with the bride and groom?
  3. What is the point of a money dance?



  1. Money dance is an event at a wedding, which guests pay money to dance with the bride and groom.
  2. Guests usually pay a few dollars but the amount you give is up to the guests.
  3. The point is for the newly weds to interact with the guests.



The last wedding Margaret attended was her brother’s. The wedding was held at a country club with 120 guests.

The wedding reception had all the traditional dances. They had the first dance, the father daughter dance, mother daughter dance and the money dance.

Money dance is a dance event held at wedding receptions for newly weds to dance and interact with guests. Guests wait in line to dance with the bride and groom.

Guests usually pins bills on the brides dress or the grooms suit. Guests usually pin a few dollars but the amount of money is up to each guest.

Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) What is it?(何だっけ?)

◎ 話している時に、名前や思っていることが思い出せない状況で使われる口語的なフレーズです。人の名前、単語、場所など一般的に言いたい事が思い浮かばない時に使われます。
◎「What was it?」と過去形としても使われます。「え〜と何だっけ?誰だっけ?」と同じ意味合いで使われる表現の仕方です。

  • What is it? The father daughter dance.(え〜と何だっけ?父親と娘のダンスです)
  • We went to that restaurant yesterday. Um what was it?(昨日あのレストランに行きました。え〜と名前は何だっけ?)
  • What is it? You know the star player on the Japanese soccer team.(え〜と、誰だっけ?ほら、日本サッカーチームのスター選手)

2) Stand in line(列に並ぶ)

◎「In line」は「列」を意味するフレーズです。「In line」の前に使われる動詞によって意味が少し変わります。
◎「Stand in line」は「列に並ぶ」、「Wait in line」は「列に並んで待つ」、「Get back in line」は「また列に並ぶ」を表します。

  • Guests have to stand in line.(お客さんは列に並ばないといけません)
  • I’ve been waiting in line for 30 minutes.(30分列に並んで待っています)
  • You have to get back in line.(もう一度列に並んでください)

3) Aside from(〜に加えて)

◎ 「Aside from」は使い方によって様々な意味を持ちます。元々は「〜を除いて」を意味しますがここでは「〜に加えて」「〜の他に」のニュアンスがあります。
◎ その他にも、「Besides」や「Other than」も同じ意味合いで頻繁に使われる言い回しです。

  • Aside from wedding gifts, they would receive cash.(結婚のプレゼントに加え、現金ももらえます)
  • Besides soccer, I also like basketball.(サッカーの他にバスケも好きです)
  • Other than that, we also need new laptops.(それに加えて新しいパソコンも必要です)

4) Miss something(見逃す)

◎ 例えば今回の会話ではジャンソンさんは「マネーダンス」の習慣を知らなかったのでせっかくの機会を逃していしまったニュアンスになります。

  • You missed that.(見逃しちゃったね)
  • The show just ended. You missed it!(さっきショーが終わりました。見逃しましたね)
  • The sale is starting on tomorrow. Don’t miss it.(セールは明日から始まります。見逃さないように!)

5) The more _____ the more _____(〜をするほど〜である)

◎ 今日の例では「more」ですが、ここには比較級をいれます。例えば大きければ大きい程は「the more big」 ではなく「The bigger」になります。

  • The more I think about it, the more angry I get.(考えれば考える程腹が立ちます)
  • The more money you make, the more problems you have.(お金を稼げば稼ぐ程問題が多くなります)
  • The more you learn, the smarter you get. (学べば学ぶ程賢くなります)



  • Country club・・・カントリークラブ
  • The point is・・・要するに
  • Newly weds・・・新郎新婦
  • Give one a chance・・・チャンスを与える
  • Sounds like・・・〜そうですね
  • DIY (Do It Yourself)・・・自分でやる



  • Intimate・・・親密な
  • Required・・・必要な
  • Interact・・・交流
  • Bills・・・札
  • Pin・・・ピンで留める
  • Awesome・・・素晴らしい
  • Choreograph・・・振り付けを担当する
  • Conservative・・・保守的

Wedding Expressions(結婚に関する表現)

  • Tie the knot・・・結婚する
  • Groom・・・新郎
  • Bride・・・新婦
  • Best man・・・新郎の一番の付添い人(一人)
  • Maid of honor・・・新婦の一番の付添い人(一人)
  • Groomsmen・・・新郎の付添い人(数人)
  • Bridesmaid・・・新婦の付添い人(数人)
  • Newlyweds・・・新婚の夫婦
  • Engagement ring・・・婚約指輪
  • Wedding band・・・結婚指輪

Money Dance

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Arai より:


    5) The more _____ the more _____(〜をするほど〜である)

    ◆The more I think about it, the more I get angry.
    The more I think about it, the more “angry I get”とありましたが、

    • Jun より:

      Hi Araiさん

      すみません、音声と文章が若干違っていましたね。「The more I get angry」と「The more angry I get」は両方とも正しいです。


  2. ayu より:

    I enjoyed it! American wedding sounds like really fun!
    Well … I wanna know the meanings that I can’t get it.
    That is as follow.

    the more you know non DIY
    the more choreographed, um conservative traditional weddings will have that dance.

    I want you to interpret into jpnese when you have a time.

    Take care!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Ayu,

      この部分を最も分かりやすく和訳すると「結婚式が伝統的であればあるほど、このようなダンスが行われる」を意味します。「DIY」は「Do It Yourself(自分でやる)」の省略で、最近多くのカップルは「伝統的」な結婚式から離れて(お金の節約のために)自分たちで結婚式を企画します。結婚式を外部で頼むと「伝統なダンス」が披露宴の一貫として含まれることが多いです。ジャンソンさんはおそらく自分たちで結婚式を企画したため、この伝統な「マネーダンス」を知らなかったのでしょう。

      Hope this helped!

  3. hitoshi より:

    I have visited at here first time.
    Thank to know to use ‘what was it?’.
    This phrase is very useful for me because I am quite a biginer.
    Thank you and have a nice day.

  4. Kotone より:

    Yeah so the…the more you know non DIY you know the more choreographed, um conservative traditional weddings will have that dance.

  5. K より:

    いつも使える英語をUPしてくれて本当に助かっています。 勇気をだして外国人と喋る時は実践しようと思います!!





    • Jun より:



  6. KY より:

    Jun 先生こんにちは!

    「Have them like you know pin checks to you.」

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。直訳すると、「Check(小切手)をピンで留める」、要するにMoney danceをするときに、現金の代わりにCheckをもらうということになります。

  7. k より:


    質問なのですが、the bigger〜を使う場合の例文を教えていただけないでしょうか><

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。Podcastで学習していただき、ありがとうございます。「The bigger」を使って例文ですが、「The bigger the diamond the more expensive it is.(ダイヤが大きければ大きいほど、値段が高いです)」という感じに使われます。Enjoy your time abroad 🙂

  8. TOEIC800 but just try to improve! より:

    Hi Jun! nice to meet you!
    I have listened to your Podcast for about 3-4 months and now reach this episode.
    Additionally, I am listening to some radio programs in English everyday.

    But it’s still hard for me to understand your conversations only one time, but after about 5 times I listen to, I can understand about meanings finally .
    I can understand some important words and phrases, but can’t distinguish between ‘then’ and ‘they’ or ‘would’ve’ and ‘would’ eventually.

    I thought why? I noticed even Japanese can listen to Japanese conversation perfectly, so imagine some phrases when not knowing some words.

    So, can we apply this for English?
    English speakers like you can distinguish each words correctly or sometimes not?

    • Jun より:

      Hey there!

      Thanks for listening to my podcast! You are exactly correct. Native English speakers don’t listen to every single word the other person is saying. Through context, they can guess what the words are or can even anticipate what word is going to come next. I’m sure this is the same with Japanese people conversing in Japanese.

  9. Kazu より:

    Hi Jun! I’m grateful to your podcast!
    This is really useful for me.
    Well.. would you do me a favor?
    I would like to know how to interpret this conversation.

    Ah yeah that…I mean that would’ve helped me cuz (because) I…I paid for everything.

    Laugh) Yeah. Maybe in 10 years you can do a money dance.

    I can understand sentence meaning, but I can’t interpret this conversation.
    I look forward to hearing back from you.

  10. Tt より:

    Ah yeah that…I mean that would’ve helped me cuz (because) I…I paid for everything.

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