
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.05.16




【Jeff】Alright Chris, so I just wanted to know how you would describe yourself? What kind of a person would you say you are?

【Chris】I am the nicest person in the planet.


【Chris】Um no I’m just kidding (Laugh).

【Jeff】I hate you (Laugh).

【Chris】Um I guess I’m just an average guy um I think I’m probably a little bit sensitive and maybe um get a little bit um angry at like stupid things but for the most part I’m pretty cool and pretty chill. Trying to soak in the Southern California lifestyle.

【Jeff】Uh huh. The Southern California, relaxing, beach kind of lifestyle you mean?


【Jeff】But the other end of the…the other end of the spectrum is rush hour traffic and doing everything quickly so.

【Chris】Right and yes and I try and avoid the highways out here but for the most part um yeah I try and go at a snails pace whenever I drive.


【Chris】Trying to soak it all in. You know how it goes.

【Jeff】So but you do Jiu-Jitsu?

【Chris】I do Jiu-Jitsu.

【Jeff】So you can be a pretty intimidating guy despite that you say that you’re a pretty cool, calm person.

【Chris】(Laugh) That’s what keeps me cool and calm. I take it out on the…on the mat (Laugh). So I don’t have to take it out on like real life. But realistically, no Jiu-Jitsu keeps me sane and it keeps me relaxed.


【Chris】(Do) You do anything that keeps you sorta (sort of) relaxed and maybe like helps your…you know get through the day and make you um exercise you do or anything like that?

【Jeff】Um a lotta (lot of) times when I feel like I have a lot of negative energy I need to get out I’ll probably go skateboarding. Um so one time I had a really bad day and I skated all the way to Manhattan Beach like which total I don’t know there and back was maybe 12 miles.

【Chris】That is awesome.

【Jeff】Um and that was yeah I left at like 8 and then I ended up coming back by like midnight.

【Chris】Were you…yeah, were you exhausted from your trip?

【Jeff】Not really but my left foot which is my pumping foot like really really hurt for like three weeks after that (Laugh)

【Chris】For like three weeks? Oh nice.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How does Chris describe himself?
  2. How does Jiu-Jitsu help Chris?
  3. When does Jeff go skateboarding?



  1. Chris sees himself as an average guy. He’s a little sensitive and at times gets angry at stupid things.
  2. It keeps him sane. Jiu-Jitsu helps him stay calm.
  3. Jeff goes skateboarding when he needs to release negative energy.



Chris describes himself as an average guy. He’s a little bit sensitive and does get angry at stupid things sometimes. But overall he sees himself as a cool and chill person.

Chris tries to avoid the highways. He usually drives at a snails pace.

Jiu-Jitsu keeps him sane and calm. He takes out his emotions on the mat.

When Jeff feels like he has a lot of negative energy he goes skating. Skateboarding helps him get out the negative energy.

He once had a bad day and skated all the way to Manhattan Beach. It was about 12 miles there and back.

He skated so far that his pumping food hurt for about 3 weeks.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) How would you describe someone?(〜はどんな人ですか?)

◎ 人の性格を尋ねるときは「Personality(性格)」という言葉を使うよりは「How would you describe〜」を使いましょう。
◎「彼はどんな人ですか?」は「How would you describe him?」、「彼女はどんな人ですか?」は「How would you describe her?」、「あなたはどんな人ですか?」は「How would you describe yourself?」「Him」「Her」の変わりに「名前」入れてもオッケーです。
◎ 人の性格を聞くときはその他にも、以下の尋ね方がナチュラルです。

  • What’ s he like?(彼はどんな人ですか?)
  • What kind of person is Mike?(マイクさんはどんな人ですか?)
  • How would you describe yourself?(あなたはどんな性格ですか?)

2) For the most part(全体的に)

◎「For the most part」を辞書で調べると「大部分」と定義されますが、日常会話では「全体的に」「一般的に」を表します。
◎「For the most part」は文章の始まりに使われることが多いです。

  • For the most part, I’m pretty chill.(全体的に私は落ち着いた性格です)
  • For the most part, I had a good time.(全体的に楽しかったです)
  • For the most part, Japan is safe.(一般的に日本は安全です)

3) Whenever I _____(〜をするときはいつでも)

◎ この表現は会話でよく聞きますが、「〜をするときはいつも〜をする」といったニュアンスになります。
◎「Whenever I」の後は「主語」と「動詞」がフォローします。

  • Whenever I drive, I go at a snails pace.(運転するときはいつもゆっくり走ります)
  • Whenever I drink, I turn red.(飲むときはいつも顔が赤くなります)
  • Whenever I’m stressed, I work out.(ストレスを感じるときはいつも運動をします)

4) All the way(はるばる)

◎「All the way」は「距離が遠い」ことを強調します。「はるばる」の他に、「わざわざ」「までずっと」も意味します。
◎ 会話の内容によっては「あまりにも遠くて行くのが嫌だった」というニュアンスも含まれます。

  • I skated all the way to Manhattan Beach.(マンハッタンビーチまでずっとスケートボードしました)
  • She came all the way from New York.(彼女は、ははるばるニューヨークから来ました)
  • I went all the way to Fukuoka to buy this.(これを買いにわざわざ福岡まで行きました)

5) End up(結局〜になる)

◎ 最終的にどうなったかを伝えたい場合は「End up」を使いましょう。
◎ このフレーズを使うときは「End up」を過去形にして、「I ended up」の後に「動詞」+「ing」にしましょう。

  • I ended up coming back at midnight.(結局深夜に帰ってきました)
  • I ended up working yesterday.(昨日は結局仕事をしました)
  • Did you end up running the marathon?(結局マラソンは走ったんですか?)



  • Just kidding・・・冗談です
  • Average guy・・・普通の人
  • Soak in・・・漬かる、思いっきり楽しみ
  • Other end of the spectrum・・・その対極にある
  • Rush hour・・・交通渋滞、混雑な時間
  • Snails pace・・・ゆっくり
  • You know how it goes・・・言いたい事は分かるでしょう
  • Take it out on・・・(怒り)をぶつける
  • Sorta (Sort of)・・・ちょっと
  • Get through the day・・・一日を乗り越える/乗り切る
  • There and back・・・往復
  • Pumping foot・・・こぐ足



  • Planet・・・惑星
  • Sensitive・・・繊細な
  • Angry・・・怒る
  • Chill・・・落ち着いている
  • Avoid・・・避ける
  • Intimidating・・・威圧的な
  • Despite・・・〜にもかかわらず
  • Sane・・・正気
  • Exhausted・・・疲れ果てる
  • Realistically・・・現実的に



  • Friendly and outgoing・・・親切で社交的
  • Kind and generous・・・優しくて寛大
  • Modest and humble・・・謙虚な
  • Laid back and relaxed・・・のんびりしてリラックスした
  • Shy and reserved・・・内気で控えめ
  • Honest and sincere・・・正直で誠実な
  • Strong and independent・・・意志が強くて独立した
  • Calm and cool・・・冷静な
  • Neat and tidy・・・清潔な
  • Uptight and anxious・・・神経質で緊張した
  • Worry all the time・・・心配性
  • Stubborn・・・頑固な
  • Impatient・・・せっかちな
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. kote より:

    Hi Jun.
    Where it says “you know get through the day…”, the phrase is displayed in bold, but seems missing in “Expressions” section. I know it means something like “1日を乗り切る” but I would appreciate it if you add an explanation.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Kote,

      Thanks for pointing that out! I just updated the “Expression Section.” You are 100% correct. “Get through the day” means 「一日を乗り越える/乗り切る」

  2. Sachi より:

    Hi Jun:))
    My disclaim is shy and reserved. I think it’s my bad point:(
    Whenever I’m stressed I walk the seaside.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Sachi,

      Thanks for sharing your personality. There is nothing wrong with being shy and reserved! Shy people tend to think before they act, they think about things carefully and once you get to know them, they can become long-lasting friends. I’m actually pretty shy too.

      When I’m stressed out, I go running on the beach. Beach is always a good place to relax 🙂

  3. Aki Motoki より:

    Hi Jun,
    I’m always looking forward to you podcast.
    I’m positive person.
    How would you describe yourself?
    以前、メルマガで教えてもらった you exhausted が聞き取れたのも嬉しかったです。
    Have a nice day.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Aki,

      Thanks for listening to the podcast and sharing your personality! I’m a pretty laid back and relaxed. I try not take things too seriously and worry too much. Because of that people worry about me. haha.



  4. riku より:


    My personality is very shy.But I’m trying to make american friends!
    Whenever I make a friend, I try to make smaile!
    I reary into English ! So I liseten your podcast! I enjoy by it everday! thank you

    • Jun より:

      Hi Riku,

      Thanks for sharing your personality! Making people smile is a great quality to have. I’m sure you’ll make American friends in no time! Keep smiling and continue the great work studying English!

  5. asuka より:

    Hello Jun!!
    nice to meet you!
    Im Laid back and relaxed parson. but sometime Worry all the time.
    Whenever I study, I use This podcast!
    I wanna meet you and I want to go your school!
    I like this podcast.
    Jun is interesting and Very kind for me.
    Thank you for reading!
    I will do my best!

    by asuka

    • Jun より:

      Hi Asuka!

      I’m a pretty laid back person too. It sounds like you’ll fit right into the LA lifestyle. If you ever come to L.A., you are always more than welcome to come and visit me at my school! Thanks for the message and keep it up!

  6. あっこ より:


    He skated so far that his pumping food hurt for about 3 weeks.
    とありますが、pumping foodとは何ですか?foodはfootsのまちがいですか?

  7. Kenny より:

    Dear jun

    Hey jun, I’m Kenny.

    This is my first comment on your site.Today I describe myself. Honesty sometimes I don’t get about myself (haha) but probably I think that I’m kind and generous. However I change my personality when I drank to be talkative. whenever I drink, I turn red quickly.

    Anyway, for the most part, I had a good time your podcast lesson.
    Thank you for teaching everything.

    Take it easy, peace.


    • Jun より:

      Hey Kenny,

      Thanks for leaving a comment. You sound like a really fun guy to be around. There’s a lot of things that I don’t get about myself either lol. I usually don’t get red when I drink but just like you, I also get more talkative when I’m buzzed 🙂

      Happy to hear you are enjoying the podcast. Keep it up!

  8. タツ より:

    Hi Jun,

    I would like to share my personality with you.
    I’m a strong and independent, and stubborn. I want to emphasize my indivisuality and creativity is only one.
    Most of the Japanese may consider me as an eccentric boy.
    But it is important for me to stand up for my own unique view on things. And I believe this attitude goes hand in hand with doing what I love.


    • Jun より:

      Hey Tatsu

      Thanks for sharing your personality! In the end, it’s always best to just be yourself! Keep doing you 🙂

  9. Emi より:

    Hi Jun,

    I know it’s too late…
    But for my practice, please let me write down about my personality.

    Although I like being around people especially friends, for the most part I’m a shy and reserved. But since I came here in San Jose, I try to be friendly and outgoing to make friends and speak in English. That’s it.

    Whenever I listen to your podcast, I can learn new things!!
    Thank you.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Emi,

      Thanks for sharing your answer! It’s never too late 🙂 You live in San Jose now! I have a lot of friends that work there. I hope you make a lot of friends and enjoy your time in San Jose!

  10. AI より:

    Hi jun
    I started study English with your podcast.
    I think I’m shy and reserved by myself,But some of my friends say I’m friendly and outside.

    Now,i’m overwhelmed by sutudy English.I have to learn many English words by haert!I’ll do my best:)

    • Jun より:

      Hi Ai

      Thanks for sharing your personality. I’m sure you are a very friendly person 😊 Learning English is a long journey. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, go at your own pace and most importantly, have fun!

  11. May より:

    Hi Jun

    Thanks for always sharing the useful phrases.
    I just want to to know which is correct:
    What kind of *a* person… in the live conversation
    What kind of person… in Phrases of the day?


    Thank you!
    Have an awesome day:)

    • Jun より:

      Hi May,

      Thank you for always studying with Hapa! Grammatically speaking, it should be “What kind of person” but in conversational English, “What kind of a person” is commonly used too.

      その場合の「気になる」は、”I was just wondering”を使うといいでしょう。”I know it’s a minor detail but I as just wondering.”みたいな感じでいうとナチュラルです😊

  12. Saki より:

    Hello,Jun! I’m happy to listen to your podcast, because I can get new phrase and listening to this is so fun! I’m appreciate you😊 I’m not shy, but I tend to behave more well than I am. I want to behave as I am. Thank you!!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Saki

      I’m happy to hear that you’re enjoying my podcast! Thanks for sharing your personality. It’s best just to be yourself 😆

  13. Hiromu より:


    All the wayについての質問ですが、この言葉は動詞の直後に位置するのが自然な使い方でしょうか?


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!all the way は動詞の直後に持ってくるのが自然です。文末だと不自然になります。

  14. Kazu Hase より:

    Trying to soak in the Southern California lifestyle.

    Trying to soak it all in.

    trying がkinda に聞こえます。


  15. Yuka より:

    Hi, Jun:)
    This is the first time I write a comment here hence I’ve started this Hapa Eikawa from just last month!

    I’ve been studying English since I was a child.
    I’ve used SEVERAL items or text books to study.
    Fortunately, I am good at listening but just speaking like you.
    Your speaking is easy to listen and understand.
    But native English speaker is hard for me yet.
    That’s why this Hapa Eikawa is the best way to study for me,I think.
    I want to say grateful thank you!

    By the way, I just tell you this!
    I didn’t know ORANGE COUNTY is the city name but I know Orange county!

    Orange County is the name of the famous crepe shop nearby my house in Setagaya Tokyo.
    The shop has been chosen The best crepe shop in 食べログ before!
    I like this crepe:D

    And more .. I’ve grown up in Kanazawa.Ofcourse , I know a lot about Uchinada:)

    Thank you for reading this long long commitment even though it’s not relate to today’s topic.
    Thank you so much.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Yuka

      Thanks for leaving me a message! I’m so happy to hear you are finding the contents on Hapa Eikaiwa useful. Orange county is the name of county in Southern California. Cities in Orange Country include Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Irvine, Anaheim (where Disneyland is located) and many more. I live in Setagaya right now so I’ll definitely check out that crepe shop 🙂

      I can’t believe you grew up in Kanazawa! Uchinada is my second home and I love everything about Ishikawa prefecture. I can’t wait to go back again. Looking forward to hearing from you again! Till then, keep it up!

  16. mori より:

    But realistically, no Jiu-Jitsu keeps me sane and it keeps me relaxed.


  17. zakki より:

    Hi jun!
    this is my first comment!

    how do I describe myself?
    I am really talkative!but of course I can keep others secrets.
    I have had a high voice, so when I was young I longed for husky voice.
    now I know this is my personality!

    thanks for your every great lesson.

    • Jun より:

      Thanks for your comment zakki! Thanks for sharing your personality! I’m sure there are a lot of people who would love to have your voice and personality 😃

  18. DK より:

    Hi Jun,

    I worry all the time.
    I check it carefully whenever I do something, so it takes a little time to go.

    I am trying to listen to your podcast to improve my English skills, especially listening.
    I am looking forward to talking with you in English fluently in the future.

    Best Regards,

  19. Rina より:

    質問なのですが、会話の初めの方で、Chrisさんが「I’m just joking」と言った後に、Jeffさんが「I hate you」と言っていますが、これは親しい間柄では普通に使われる表現なのでしょうか。
    会話中の「I hate you」のニュアンス、また実際に使うときの注意点など教えていただけたらと思います。

  20. Taiga より:


    Nice to meet you!

    Let me write down, because I wanna improve my English skills.
    I’ve been optimistic since I was little ,so often do stupid things…
    After doing stupid things, I turn to be worried.–;
    I take after my mom in parsonality.

    I’m looking forward to your reply.

  21. Ai より:

    Hi Jun.
    Thank you for your blog,it helps studying English a lot.
    It’s my first comment.

    I’m a shy and reserved at the first time when I meet people.But after become friends,I’m talkative.For the most part,I’m friendly and outgoing.I’m also worry all the time so I have large luggage when I go to trip haha.


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