
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.05.02




【Anne】OK so tell me Jeffery. What do you look for in a job?

【Jeff】What do I look for in a job?


【Jeff】Um there has to be a nice balance for money and me to actually enjoy what I’m doing.

【Anne】Mm hm.

【Jeff】Feel like I’m you know actually doing something that can benefit other people.


【Jeff】Um, so I guess I can’t really do too much tedious work or mundane things if I’m locked away somewhere. Um if I…I can do guest service, um actually working with people…help, you know, them uh you know, whatever the…you know I used to work at a hotel.

【Anne】Mm hm.

【Jeff】And um I enjoyed that a lot because there were a lot of uh grateful people.


【Jeff】Um you know and my whole job was…I was empowered to uh if there was something wrong to do whatever I can to make them happy. So I enjoyed that although there are some people that kinda (kind of) take advantage of it.


【Jeff】And know that they can maybe get free stuff. But um as far as…yeah uh as that goes that’s uh…I…I like, you know everybody likes a little bit of money though too so.

【Anne】Of course. Yeah.

【Jeff】Yeah so it’s…it’s…it’s finding the right balance though.

【Anne】Yeah I…I agree with you. For me I think um, I look for a little bit of challenge but not too much that I’m overwhelmed but just you know to grow as a person.


【Anne】Yeah to keep um, to keep it interesting.


【Anne】Um so working with people is a, is a good…a good job I think.


【Anne】But like you said a balance is important so you know many people really want to just make money and that’s the most important thing.


【Anne】For a lot of people so um personal enjoyment also is what people like look for so…


【Anne】Yeah. I think um helping people you know brings a lot of personal satisfaction.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Jeff look for in a job?
  2. What does Anne look for in a job?
  3. Why did Jeff enjoy working at a hotel?



  1. He looks for balance between money and enjoyment. He wants to do things that can benefit other people.
  2. She looks for a little bit of challenge to help her grow as a person.
  3. He enjoyed working at a hotel because there were a lot of grateful people.



When looking for a job, having a balance between money and enjoyment is important to Jeff.

He specifically wants to find a job that can benefit and help others.

He doesn’t like to do too much tedious work or mundane things. He prefers working with people.

He used to work at a hotel. He really enjoyed working there because it was his responsibility to make sure all the guests were happy.

Anne looks for a little bit of challenge but not to the point where she feels overwhelmed.

She agrees working with people is a good job. She thinks helping people brings personal satisfaction.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Look for(〜を求める)

◎ 「Look for」は一般的に「〜を探す」を意味するフレーズですが日常会話では「〜を求める」として使われることがあります。
◎ 人や仕事に対して何を求めているのか?と質問をする場合は「What do you look for in」を使います。
◎ 返事をするときは「in」を省いて「I look for〜」と言います。

  • What do you look for in a job?(仕事を探すときは何を求めていますか?)
  • What do you look for in a girlfriend?(彼女を探すときはどんな人を求めますか?)
  • I look for a steady job.(安定のある仕事を求めています)

2) Work with(〜を扱う仕事をする、〜共に働く)

◎「Work with」は使い方によって意味がことなります。自分の仕事を説明するときによく「I work with」が使われます。この場合、「〜を扱う仕事をする」や「〜と仕事をしている」と言った意味になります。
◎「〜と一緒に働いている」と表す場合は「I work with」の後に共に働いている人の名前やどんな人と働いているかを入れます。

  • I work with computers.(パソコンを扱った仕事をしています)
  • I work with Dave.(デーブさんと一緒に仕事をしています)
  • What kind of people do you like to work with?(どんな人と仕事がしたいですか?)

3) Make someone(〜させる)

◎「Make someone」の後に形容詞をいれると「〜させる」を意味します。
◎ この場合、気持ちや感情を表す形容詞を入れることが一般的です。

  • I want to make you happy.(あなたを幸せにしたいです)
  • You made him mad.(あなたは彼は怒らせました)
  • Don’t make him nervous.(彼を緊張させないように)

4) As far as(〜に関する限りでは)

◎ このフレーズは「自分の知識や意見として知っている範囲では〜です」を表します。
◎「As far as I know」はよく使われるセットのフレーズなので覚えましょう。「私が知っている限りでは」を意味します。

  • As far as I know, the event is tomorrow.(私が知っている限りではイベントは明日です)
  • As far as I’m concerned, it doesn’t matter.(個人的にはどっちでもいいです)
  • As far as I know, you don’t need it.(私が知っている限りでは、必要ないです)

5) Overwhelmed(圧倒される)

◎ 仕事量が多すぎたり、やることがありすぎたり、何かを受けすぎてしまって押しつぶされそうな状態を表します。
◎「〜に圧倒される」は「Overwhelmed」の後に「by」または「with」を加えましょう。「Overwhelmed by〜」「Overwhelmed with〜」
◎ ポイントは「多すぎて」圧倒される状態を表します。一般的にネガティブな意味で使われます。

  • I feel overwhelmed.(気が遠くなってきています)
  • I’m overwhelmed by work.(仕事の量で圧倒されています)
  • I’m overwhelmed with emails.(メールがあまりにもあって圧倒されています)



  • Locked away・・・閉じ込められる
  • Do whatever I can・・・出来る限りのことをする
  • Take advantage of・・・利用する



  • Benefit・・・役立つ
  • Tedious・・・退屈な
  • Mundane・・・平凡な
  • Grateful・・・感謝
  • Empowered・・・権利を与えられる



Quote from Steve Jobs

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. And, like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. So keep looking until you find it. Don’t settle.



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  1. takechan より:

    Hello! Mr.Senesac

    Thank you for your fantastic program every time.

    What I look for in job is challenging and money.

    But difficult to be balanced.

    Steve jobs’s speech inspired me.

    I remember, he said.

    Stay hungry and Stay foolish
    Thank you

    • Jun より:

      Thanks for sharing your views on work. I feel challenge and money is a significant factor when choosing a profession! However, maintaining a good balance between work and personal life is also very important too. “Stay hungry, stay foolish” is one of my favorite quotes by Steve Jobs. The biggest risks in life are the risks you don’t take! Chase your dreams, follow your passion and never let anyone stop you!

  2. ひがし より:


    For a lot of people so um personal enjoyment also is what people like look for so…
    の特に what people like look for…. の訳に苦労していてどういった訳になるのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。ここは、話し言葉が多いので文章だけ見て和訳しようとすると難しいですね。この文章を簡潔にまとめると「A lot of people look for perosnal enjoyment.」になり要するに「多くの人は仕事に楽しさ求める」になります。「What people like look for」の部分ですが、「like」は特に意味がなく、「人が求めること」と訳してOKです!

  3. KY より:


    I was empowered to uh if there was something wrong to do whatever I can to make them happy.


    • Jun より:



  4. タツ より:


    Live conversationの後にJunさんが言っていること、私もずっと前から「英語で何と言うのかな」と考えてましたが、和英事典や翻訳ソフトで文書を作ったりもしましたが、ネイティブではない自分が読んでもヘンテコだと思う内容になってしまい諦めてました。

    Personally, I’m firm believing pursuing a passion and doing what you love. I’m very fortunate so far, to be able to follow my passion and teaching, and making a living little bit.


    • Jun より:



      Personally, I’m a firm believer in pursuing your passion and doing what you love. I’ve been very fortunate so far to be able to follow my passion in teaching and make a living out of it.

      ほぼ完璧に聞き取っていましたね!Excellent job!

  5. May より:

    What I’ve looked for in my job was almost only money. Because I haven’t known what I want to do. Even now. But I decided to look for a job what I can love.


    I happened to watch the Steve Jobs’ speech on YouTube just 2 days ago. That was great speech,right? What he said encouraged me.


    By the way, I have a question. “What do you look for in a job?” can be used for only when he/she is looking for a job? Or can I use that expression when I just want to know what he/she expect from their job?

    それと、質問なのですが”What do you look for in a job?”は、仕事を探しているときだけ使うのですか?それとも、ただ「仕事には、何を求めますか?」という意味で使えますか?

  6. Kota より:

    質問なのですが、Summaryの4つ目の3行目で、〜to make all the guests happy.との違いを教えて欲しいのでお願いします!

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!コメントありがとうございます。”make sure”でも”make”でも、どちらも同じ意味です。make sure の方が「お客さんが満足して楽しんでいる」ことに頑張っている、励んでいる意味合いが強いかもしれません。

  7. SETUKO より:

    Junさん 初めまして
    最近 英語を勉強し始めて毎日聞いてます。

    lthough there are some people that kinda (kind of) take advantage of it.

    And know that they can maybe get free stuff

    • Jun より:



  8. Kazu Hase より:

    um actually working with people…help, you know, them uh you know, whatever the,

  9. mami より:


    What kind of people do you like to work with?

    like to は  〜したい
    また、do you want to work with?

    • Jun より:


      What kind of people do you like to work with?は「どんな人と働くのが好きですか?」になります。What kind of people do you want to work with?は「どんな人と働きたいですか?」になります。

  10. DK より:

    Hi Jun,

    I look for money and my personal time.

    Let me know what you said after “Let me hear what you look for in a job”.
    I could not hear all of it.
    (What drives you work every day?)

    Best Regards,

  11. 赤坂 より:


    But um as far as…yeah uh as that goes that’s uh…I…I like, you know everybody likes a little bit of money though too


  12. Marino より:

    Nice to meet you, Jun.
    I post this comment for the first time.
    I really enjoy your podcast, and I come to be fun to listen English!

    Actually, I just do job-hunting.
    I look for challenge, a culture of openness, and balance between life and work. I really want to go home at the designated hour!

    Stay safe
    Best Regards,

  13. 蜜柑 より:


    I work with computers.(パソコンを扱った仕事をしています)


    私はIT関連の仕事で、年配の方に仕事を説明すると「パソコンの仕事ってこと?」と聞かれます。そういうときに「Work With」は使えるのか知りたいです。

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