
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.09.18





【Danielle】How often do you curse, would you say?

【Christian】That’s a good question. Well, I think first of all, it depends who I’m talking to. But if I’m with my friends, I think I curse quite a bit. It’s just a natural part of my conversation speaking. You know, I’m just out there throwing curse words just, you know, quite naturally, I think. Yeah.

【Danielle】So for you, and does it depend on like, which group of friends you’re with, or are you pretty much, like the same with all of them?

【Christian】For me, it’s like, if I have you like, as a friend in my head, and we’re already good friends, it doesn’t really matter to the group, I’ll curse. But if you’re like, maybe older, we’re not quite on that friendship level yet, I think I kinda (kind of) hold off a little bit subconsciously on like, which curse words I use. I don’t know about you or not, but that’s how I am.

【Danielle】Yeah, I don’t know. I noticed when I was in Japan, like around my Japanese friends…

【Christian】Mm hm.

【Danielle】…I usually tended to use, like more polite vocabulary. But then when I was back in the States, like I tended to…not necessarily relax more but like, I use like, harsher words and like sometimes curse words with my American friends more often…


【Danielle】…especially, like when I was in university. So I don’t know if, like…I’m not sure if you have an English-speaking Japanese friends or, like…do you do tend to be, like different between the cultures, or…?

【Christian】Yeah, that’s – that’s a good point you bring up because even though I have friends that speak English that are Japanese – but not all of them understand the complexities of American cursing, you know?


【Christian】Like, I guess we can curse. Is that okay? We could say curse words? Okay, so like, the word like, “fuck,” right? It’s very versatile. You can use it a lot of different ways, right? So maybe all my friends don’t understand all the different ways to use the word, “fuck” so maybe I don’t use it as much when I’m with, you know, my Japanese friends. I use something simple like, “damn, or like, “shit,” you know. It’s more…

【Danielle】Yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Christian】straightforward, I would say. Yeah.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. With whom does Christian usually freely curse?
  2. What is the difference between Danielle’s language style with her Japanese friends and her American friends?
  3. Why doesn’t Christian use the F-word around his Japanese friends?



  1. Christian tends to freely curse around his close friends.
  2. Danielle tends to occasionally speak with harsher language and curse with her American friends.
  3. Because the F-word is very versatile as a word, and because Christian is unsure if his Japanese friends understand all the complexities of English curse words, he generally uses other curse words around his Japanese friends.



Danielle and Christian share their speaking habits when it comes to English curse words. Both change their speaking habits and how freely they curse depending on what company they are with.

Christian tends to curse rather freely when he is around his close friends. However if he is around someone older than him or with people he is not yet in strong friendly relations with, he will hold back on his cursing.

Danielle found herself often using politer vocabulary when she is around her Japanese friends. However, when she is around friends of hers from the United States, she occasionally uses harsher language or curse words.

Christian will avoid using the F-word around his Japanese friends. This is because that word is very versatile with many uses and he is not sure if those friends will understand all of the complexities of English cursing.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Curse(ののしり言葉)

F-word など、下品で汚い言葉をcurse words と言います。curse は動詞として使うこともでき、 「He curses a lot.(彼は汚い言葉をよく使う)」のように表現します。curseの他にも、cuss や swear、profanityも同じ意味の単語として使えます。

  • When he drinks, he curses a lot.
  • Can you tone it down with the cuss words? There are kids here.
  • Profanity is not allowed in school.

2) That’s a good question(いい質問ですね)

アメリカ人の多くは、質問に即答する前に「That’s a good question.」と挟んでから返答することがよくあります。直訳すると「良い質問ですね」ですが、相手が良い点に気づいたり、重要なポイントに注意を向けたりする状況で使われます。また、想定外の鋭い質問に答えられない場合に、「I don’t know」の間接的な言い方としても使われます。「それは答えるのが難しい質問ですね」や「いいところを突いてきましたね」を意味し、即答に困った時にちょっとした時間稼ぎとして使われるクッションフレーズです。

  • Goodの代わりに greatが使われることもよくあり、日常会話ではthat is a (that’s a)を省いて、「Good/Great question.」と言うことも一般的です。
  • That’s a good question. I’m glad you asked that.
  • That’s a good question. I’ve never thought about that before.
  • That’s a great question. I actually don’t know the answer off the top of my head but I’ll look it up and get back to you.

3) Harsh(厳しい)

Harsh は「厳しい」を意味する単語です。例えば、「厳しい処分」はharsh punishment、「厳しい天候」はharsh weatherのように表します。その他、言葉遣いや態度がとげとげしい意味として使うこともできます。

  • The winters in Hokkaido are pretty harsh.
  • I can’t believe she said that to him. That’s harsh.
  • He’s getting suspended from school for dying his hair? Isn’t that kind of harsh?

4) Bring up(話題を持ち出す)

Bring up は「~のことを話す」を意味するフレーズで、何かの話題を持ち出したり、言い出すといったニュアンスがあります。Mentionやtalk aboutの代替表現として日常会話で使われます。 言いづらい話を切り出す時は「I hate to bring this up but ____.」と言い、日本語の「申し上げにくいのですが・・・」に相当する表現です。

  • It’s probably not smart to bring up politics in small talk.
  • You bring up an excellent point. We have to consider that.
  • I hate to bring this up but you still owe me 20 bucks.

5) Versatile(用途の広い)


  • Not only are eggs delicious but they are also versatile.
  • She’s a versatile actress who can sing, dance and even emcee.
  • “Get” is one of the most versatile words in the English language.



  • Friendship level・・・親しい間柄
  • Subconsciously・・・無意識に
  • Tend to・・・〜する傾向がある
  • Straightforward・・・ストレートなもの


  • Quite a bit・・・かなり
  • Depend on・・・〜による
  • Doesn’t really matter・・・そんなに関係ない
  • Hold off・・・控える







アメリカのジョージア州出身。Georgia Southern大学で国際貿易と日本語を学ぶ。現在は、日本の企業で働く傍ら、カフェトークで英語講師として活躍中。日本語が堪能。


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  1. nopphakun より:









    • Jun より:



  2. Mai より:



  3. toru より:


    Not only are eggs delicious but they are also versatile.
    で「are eggs delicdous」の順番が動詞+主語+形容詞ですが、「they are also versatile.」は主語+動詞+形容詞

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