
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.01.10





【Kai】Do you believe that couples who are not married should move in together, or should they wait?

【Deanna】I think that couples should definitely move in together before getting married.

【Kai】(laughs) Okay.

【Deanna】Um, the reason being because, I’ve experienced a few relationships and I’ve always felt like I learned way more about that person after having moved in with them…


【Deanna】…versus, like just seeing them once a week or something.


【Deanna】And, like you see…you pick up on, like their habits and, like um…just little things. Doing the dishes. Are they a clean person? You can’t tell unless you, like live with them, so.


【Deanna】Yeah, mm hm. How ‘bout (about) you?

【Kai】I definitely agree with you. I think cohabitation is probably something that couples should engage in

【Deanna】Mm hm, mm hm.

【Kai】…before marriage, because of the reasons you stated.


【Kai】I think that…oh, I guess it can make or break the relationship. But you can definitely, like find something you enjoy about them more that you wouldn’t be able to see…

【Deanna】Right, mm hm.

【Kai】…without living together, but you can also find, maybe some faults you have with them.


【Kai】Or you can also learn about your faults at the same time. It’s like, it’s not always on the partner’s…

【Deanna】Mm hm, mm hm.

【Kai】Like, you can find out about you.


【Kai】And then if you can transcend that, then…


【Kai】…you know, it could lead to marriage.

【Deanna】Yeah. And it’s not even so much about, like whether they have faults or whether you have faults. It’s kind of, like you can see, uh ways to grow too…


【Deanna】…if you are living together before getting married, and, I don’t know. I think that’s a good thing.

【Kai】But on the other hand, you know it does make it awkward if your relationship doesn’t end up working out and you are living together…

【Deanna】Oh, yeah.

【Kai】…because that—there’s gonna (going to) be an odd period of time where you’re with your partner.

【Deanna】Yeah, you gotta (got to) be sure.

【Kai】Like, it depends on how the breakup was…


【Kai】…and if you’re just still friends.

【Deanna】Mm hm. Have you been in that situation?

【Kai】(laughs) Honestly, yeah.

【Deanna】Oh. (laughs) I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to

【Kai】(laughs) You’re like, “You sound experienced.”

【Deanna】I didn’t mean to put you on the spot. Sorry.

【Kai】No, no. It’s okay. But, you know, like, it is awkward when you end up—when your relationship ends up not working out…

【Deanna】Right, right, right.

【Kai】…in a very positive manner. But, you know what, it was a learning experience. (laughs)

【Deanna】There you go. Okay. (laughs)


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Deanna believe couples should cohabitate before marriage?
  2. In addition to learning about potential problems with a partner, what does Kai believe a person can learn from living with a partner?
  3. What risk do partners run when living together that both Kai and Deanna raise?



  1. She feels that partners are better able to learn about each other’s daily habits when they are living together.
  2. Kai feels that a person can learn a lot about himself or herself in addition to learning about a partner when they, as a couple, live together.
  3. Both Kai and Deanna mention that partners run a risk of having an awkward or uncomfortable living situation if their relationships fall apart and they need to live together.



Deanna and Kai discuss the subject of cohabitation in this episode. Deanna begins by sharing her thoughts on the subject and whether or not she thinks partners should live together before marriage.

Deanna does believe partners should live together before considering marriage. Her reason for believing this is that one can learn a lot about their partner from living with them that they could not otherwise, such as one’s partner’s daily habits and quirks.

Kai agrees with Deanna, and states that in addition to learning about potential incompatibilities with a partner, a person can learn a lot about him or herself when living with a partner.

However, both Kai and Deanna note that there comes with cohabitation a risk that two partners may break up, leading to uncomfortable or awkward situations if they still have to live together. Kai believes that such a risk does depend on how two partners break up.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Move in together(一緒に住み始める)

Move in togetherは誰かと「一緒に住み始める」ことを意味します。身内や友達同士の関係でも使われますが、恋人同士が同棲を始める時によく使われる表現です。

  • 「同居する」はlive togetherです。
  • Jason and Lisa moved in together last month.
  • We’re planning on moving in together next year.
  • We lived together for a couple of years before we got married.

2) The reason being(理由は〜だ)

The reason being ____は「理由は〜だ」という意味の表現です。The reason is ____と同じ意味ですが、the reason beingは口語的な表現なのでフォーマルな場や文章を書く時には避けた方がいいでしょう。通常、the reason being that ____の形で使われます。

  • I decided to turn down the job offer. The reason being that, I didn’t want to relocate.
  • She moved back in with her parents. The reason being that, she wanted to take care of her parents.
  • I think everyone should study abroad. The reason being that studying abroad teaches you to step out of your comfort zone.

3) Make or break(成否が決まる)

Makeが成功、breakが失敗を意味し、make or breakで物事の成否が決まることを表します。ある決断や行動によって成否が分かれる状況で使われ、人間関係やビジネスの場でよく耳にします。

  • Your employees can make or break your business.
  • Communication can make or break a relationship.
  • Next year is going to be a make-or-break year for us.

4) Fault(人の欠点)


  • その他、Faultには「責任」という意味もあり、トラブルが発生した際「〜のせい」として使われます。
  • You have to learn to accept people’s faults.
  • I’m not a perfect human being. I have many faults. But I’m working on becoming a better person every day.
  • I’m sorry. I made a mistake. That was my fault.

5) Put someone on the spot(難しい質問をして人を困らせる)

Put someone on the spotは、難しい質問をしたり決断を迫ったりして誰かを困らせることを意味する表現です。相手に突然答えづらい質問をして「急にスポットライトを当てる」ことをイメージすると分かりやすいと思います。アメリカ人の日常会話では、突然答えづらい質問をされた時に「Don’t put me on the spot.(急に話を振らないで)」と返すことがありますが、これは返答を避けたい時に使える便利な表現です。

  • Don’t put me on the spot. I don’t know how to answer that question.
  • I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to put you on the spot.
  • My dad asked my girlfriend and I if we were planning on getting married in front of the whole family. He really put us on the spot.



  • Cohabitation・・・同棲
  • Transcend・・・〜を超える・乗り越える


  • Pick up on・・・気づく
  • Can’t tell・・・〜が分からない
  • Engage in・・・〜に従事する
  • Lead to・・・繋がる
  • On the other hand・・・一方で
  • I didn’t mean to・・・〜するつもりでなかった



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Henry より:

    Hi jun, thanks for your dedicated update! It’s awesome!
    I wander if it’s possible to get your full transcripts, including your opening remarks, the new year resolution part in this case.
    I’m an English and Japanese learner, I find your podcast really helpful!

  2. i like English より:

    I also want to marry an English country person in the future.

  3. ふわ より:

    いつも楽しくポッドキャストを拝聴しております。質問ですが、サマリーのところで、there comes with cohabitation a risk that two partners may break up, 、、、、、
    のところですが、there comes のthere はどういう意味ですか?同棲することに伴って、別れたら。。。。というリスクも付いてくる、というなんとなくの意味はわかるのですが、文頭に来るthere はthere is, there are くらいしか理解できていないので、よろしければ、解説お願いします。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。There comes with ~ は直訳すると「〜と一緒についてくる」を意味する表現のパターンで、ここの文章では「リスクがついてくる」ことを意味します。もし、there is を使う場合、”With cohabitation, there is a risk that two partners may break up.”のように文章を組み立てます。

  4. ふわ より:

    何度も質問してすみません。it’s not even so much about,とはどういった意味で、どういうときに使いますか?

    • Jun より:


      “its not even so much about~”はシンプルに “it’s not even about ~”となり、「〜すらでない」を意味します。日本語に訳すと「そもそも相手に欠点があるかとか自分に欠点があるかとか、そういった問題ですらないのよね。」のような感じになります。

  5. i like English より:

    ハパバディースガいろいろあって登録できませんのでこのポットキャストのコメントで皆さんとつながれてうれしいです。thank you。
    Do you like crabs?

  6. Maho より:

    Hi Jun san

    This is my first comment here.
    Your HAPA english helps me a lot!
    and I am always inspired by you! I like not only Englich lessons but also your way to think and live!

    I actually keep studing English since i was a high school student, but still now I don’t have confidence in English…

    So i deceiced to listen your Podcast at least twice evedryday,
    and then I leave comment in English here every weekend this year!

    I am looking forward to your fun lessons this year 2020 too!

    • Jun より:

      Hey Maho!

      Thanks for listening to my podcast and leaving a message. I’m happy to hear you find it inspirational😄 Your English sounds amazing! Don’t be discouraged about your English. The fact that you’re writing this post in English means a lot. Just keep practicing and you’ll feel more comfortable speaking English. I also think it’s a great idea to leave a comment here every week. I’ll be looking forward to it!

  7. すみ より:



    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます。ご提案ありがとうございます。I’ll keep that in mind!

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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


