
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.07.05





【Joshua】Speaking of shows that—that didn’t get cancelled, but people always reference these shows. Seinfeld, and Friends. It’s just these iconic shows that—that people watched, um in my generation. And they’ll constantly make references to Seinfeld and Friends. “Oh yeah! You remember that scene where Joey and…” … I have no idea what these people are talking about, but I was like, “Ah, yeah! That was so funny! That was great!”
I’ll pretend that I know, ‘cause (because) if I don’t know, then that causes problems. People look at you in a different way. And that’s so amazing, the power of the TV show—that if you don’t know a particular reference, people just…they look at you like, “Are you even American? Where are you from?”
Uh, I feel the same way when I make Star Wars references. People don’t know what I’m talking about. It’s just, “Get out of my presence,” kind of feeling. Like, “Just leave. We aren’t friends anymore.” And I feel like a lot of TV shows, you kinda (kind of) get that same reaction out of people, when you don’t know what they’re talking about. So…

【Stephan】Yeah, and these days, uh people still do watch TV shows, like for example, The Walking Dead…

【Joshua】Ah, yeah. The zombie shows.

【Stephan】Fear the Walking Dead. There was Breaking Bad. Oh, I wish that show came back.

【Joshua】Oh, Breaking Bad! Yeah, people would ask me, ‘cause, you know, in school, I did chemistry. Like, “Josh, do people actually make crystal meth in class?” I was like, “Well, we know how, but we don’t have access to that equipment.”
“Man, you could be on Breaking Bad!” I was like, “No, it’s not a reality TV show.”


【Joshua】“You can’t ‘be on’ it!” (laughs) But yeah.

【Stephan】And these days, uh…although there are still lots of plain TV shows on TV, people have switched to, uh series on like, say, Netflix or Hulu…


【Stephan】…or Amazon, just specifically made for that.

【Joshua】Oh yeah, original series. Yeah.

【Stephan】Original series. So there are a lot of superhero series now, like Daredevil…

【Joshua】Oh, yeah.

【Stephan】Defenders, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones…


【Stephan】Pretty much any obscure superhero, they’ll make a series for it now, specifically for Netflix or Amazon or Hulu.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What two iconic American TV shows does Joshua mention at the start of this episode?
  2. What does Joshua do when people around him reference shows he doesn’t know well?
  3. What websites does Stephan mention that host superhero original series?



  1. Joshua mentions Seinfeld and Friends.
  2. He pretends to understand their references to those shows.
  3. Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu are all websites Stephan says host superhero original series.
    Netflix, アマゾン、Huluが、ステファンが挙げたスーパーヒーローもののオリジナルシリーズを配信しているウェブサイトです。



Joshua and Stephan continue their discussion of TV shows in this episode. Joshua begins by mentioning two iconic American TV shows: Seinfeld and Friends.

Joshua has observed that people reference Seinfeld and Friends a lot. Whenever people reference those shows around Joshua, he pretends to understand where the references come from, even though he doesn’t know. Joshua feels the same way when he makes Star Wars references that others don’t understand.

Stephan and Joshua discuss past or ongoing TV shows as well, like The Walking Dead and Breaking Bad. Some shows are original series unique to services like Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu.

Stephan mentions that many of these original series are related to superheroes. Many obscure superheroes receive their own original series on these websites.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Iconic (象徴的な)

Iconicはiconの形容詞で、「象徴的な」という意味の単語です。誰もが知っているアメリカの代表的なテレビドラマと言えば「フレンズ」、カリフォルニアを象徴するハンバーガーショップと言えば「In-N-Out (Burger)」、というように、あるカテゴリーを代表、もしくは象徴するものを指して使われます。

  • Even till this day, Friends is an iconic TV show.
  • In-N-Out is an iconic hamburger shop in California.
  • Michael Jordan is an iconic figure. Even people who don’t play basketball know who he is.

2) Make reference to(〜に触れる)

Make reference toは何かについて言及することを表します。特に日常会話では、有名なテレビ番組のワンシーンや映画のセリフを会話に持ち出す時によく使われる表現です。

  • Did you just make a reference to Game of Thrones?
  • He made a reference to Star Wars. If you’ve never watched it, you won’t get it.
  • My friends love making references to movies.

3) Pretend(〜のふりをする)


  • Sometimes I pretend that I can’t speak English.
  • I pretended like I didn’t know anything.
  • My son loves to pretend that he is a superhero.

4) Are you even _____?(〜なの?)

「Are you even _____?」は「〜なの?」を意味する表現で、「Are you _____?」の強調表現です。冗談の意味で使われることもあり、例えばお米もお味噌汁もお寿司も嫌いな日本人に、「Are you even Japanese?(本当に日本人なの?)」と言うと、からかっているニュアンスが含まれ、同時に驚きの気持ちも示します。

  • Are you even tired? You’re not even sweating.
  • You’ve never been to a Dodger game? Are you even a fan?
  • You eat cheese? Are you even vegan?

5) Get out of

Get out ofは、ある場所から出ていくことを表す口語表現で、「いたくない所からさっさと出ていく」ニュアンスがあります。怒りの感情から「Get out of here!(出ていけ!)」と言って相手を追い出す場合にも使います。

  • 一方で、友人とお店で食事を終え「出ようか」と声をかける時などに、「Let’s get out of here.」とカジュアルな感じで使うこともできます。
  • It’s so noisy in here. Let’s get out of here.
  • Are you ready? All right, Let’s get out of here.
  • I wanted to get out of the meeting but I couldn’t.



  • Presence・・・存在
  • Equipment・・・道具
  • Obscure・・・あまり知られていない


    • Speaking of・・・〜と言えば
    • Don’t have access to・・・〜のアクセスはない
    • Reality TV show・・・リアリティー番組
    • Switch to・・・切り替える



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ucchy より:


  2. ユウジ より:

    ハ-フマラソン バンク-バ頑張ってください。

  3. Pon より:

    Dear Mr. Senesac



    ①Joshuaさんが言っていた「get out of my presence」とはどんな意味でしょうか?
    文脈やPhrases of the dayから考えると「どっかいけよ」や「私の前から消えて」のような意味かと考えましたが、調べても正確な意味が出てこなかったため質問しました。

    ②今回のお話でたびたび出てくる「be on」はどのように訳せばいいのでしょうか?



    • Jun より:



      “You could be on Breaking Bad”は「Breaking Bad(テレビ番組名)に出れるよ・出演できるよ」になり、be on は「〜出る・出演する」を表します。

  4. Lemi より:


    • Jun より:



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