
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.06.28





【Stephan】So Josh, uh what are your favorite TV shows?

【Joshua】One of my favorite TV shows growing up, Home Improvement with Tim Allen, which, you know, I’m thinking back on it. I don’t really remember too much about the show. I just remember that uh, I liked the show. I liked Tim Allen and um…that show, I think eventually got cancelled.
And there was also Fresh Prince of Bel Air. That show was amazing and—and that’s where I was really introduced to Will Smith, not just as an actor but as a hip-hop artist. And these days you probably couldn’t call Will Smith a hip-hop artist. That you cannot do, and…I still think he deserves to be respected as an entertainer. I loved that show, though. It—it was, uh in a neighborhood I’d never—well, Bel Air is somewhere…somewhere rich.
You know, and all the characters were pretty distinct. Uh, the Carlton dance. I don’t know what that dance is called officially, but you know, you snap your fingers and you go side-to-side. Like, that dance is still danced today. That is a throwback to uh The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. And they’re still showing reruns on TV so…it just goes to show you how amazing that show was. Did you—did you watch that show?

【Stephan】Of course I did. That was one of my favorite shows, uh growing up as a kid. So, uh I did watch Fresh Prince of Bel Air and I did watch Married…with Children. I also watched Home Improvement as well. And I also watched The Drew Carey Show.

【Joshua】Yeah, The Drew Carey Show.

【Stephan】But um…so what I noticed is, uh with a lot of the old shows, when they cancel it, sometimes they’ll give a proper ending with a proper series finale


【Stephan】…otherwise, they would just cancel it, just abruptly, you know? And just leave the viewers hanging, you know? It’s like, “What’s gonna (going to) happen? I want to find out. I want to know.”


【Stephan】But then you’re never gonna know because they cancelled the show without a proper series finale.




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What two shows did Joshua mention growing up watching?
  2. What other shows besides Home Improvement and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air did Stephan watch growing up?
  3. What did Stephan notice about shows that eventually got cancelled?



  1. He watched both Home Improvement and The Fresh Prince of Bel Air.
  2. In addition to those shows, he watched Married…with Children and The Drew Carey Show.
  3. Stephan noticed they either received a proper series finale or were abruptly ended without any story closure.



Joshua and Stephan spend this episode discussing television shows they remember growing up watching. Joshua remembers watching Home Improvement with Tim Allen, but doesn’t remember much about what the story is about.

However, Joshua fondly remembers watching The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Through that show, he was introduced to Will Smith. Although Joshua doesn’t think Will Smith is much of a hip-hop artist, he does admire him for his talents as an entertainer.

Joshua remembers the dance that the character Carlton performed in Fresh Prince that became widely popular. For him, the fact that there continue to be re-runs of Fresh Prince stands as a testament to the show’s legacy.

Stephan also watched and enjoyed Fresh Prince. He also enjoyed watching Married…with Children and The Drew Carey Show. Stephan noticed that shows that were cancelled would end in one of two ways: either they would end abruptly without any sense of closure, or they would end with a proper series finale.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Distinct(特徴のある)


  • Natto has a distinct smell. I know when someone’s eating it right away.
  • You can’t tell the difference between American English and British English? I think it’s pretty distinct.
  • Unlike LA, the four seasons in Japan are quite distinct.

2) Throwback(過去を振り返った〜)

Throwbackは、過去を振り返ったテレビ番組や音楽、ファッションなどについて話す時によく使われる単語です。例えば、今ルーズソックスを履いている高校生を見かけたら、 throwback to the 90’s(90年代を振り返ったファッション)と言うことができるでしょう。

  • また、ツイッターやインスタをやっている人であればThrowback Thursdayというハッシュタグを見たことがあるのではないでしょうか。 これは、ThrowbackとThursdayがどちらもThで始まることから、木曜日に思い出のある昔の写真を投稿するトレンドで、その際に用いられるハッシュタグがThrowback Thursdayです。 TBTと略して表記するのが一般的です。
  • This band reminds me of Queen. They’re a throwback to the 70s and 80s.
  • Are you wearing loose socks? Those are throwbacks to the 90s.
  • Throwback Thursday to an unforgettable Europe trip with my buddies. #TBT.

3) Rerun(再放送する)


  • Is this live or a rerun?
  • This is a rerun from last week. The new episode is coming up after this.
  • They still show reruns of Friends on TV.

4) Abruptly(急に)


  • My boss abruptly quit the company.
  • Why did you abruptly leave dinner last night?
  • You can’t abruptly stop in Shibuya. People are walking right behind you.

5) Leave someone hanging(未定のままにしておく)

この表現は、答えや結論を待っている人に対して、それらを宙ぶらりんのままにしておくことを意味します。例えば今日の会話でステファンは、leave the viewers hangingと言いますが、これは、テレビ番組が急に打ち切りになると、視聴者は結末が分からないまま取り残されてしまうことを表しています。テレビ番組に限らず、話を途中でやめたり、問題を未解決のままにしたりするような状況でも使われます。

  • また、友達と会う約束をする時に、「Don’t leave me hanging.」と言うこともあります。これは、「ドタキャンしないでよ」、「僕を1人にしないでよ」といった意味合いです。
  • Don’t leave me hanging. So what ended up happening?
  • I was left hanging not knowing what to do.
  • You better come to the party tomorrow. Don’t leave me hanging.



  • Neighborhood・・・住宅地
  • Series finale・・・最終話


    • Growing up・・・子供の頃
    • Thinking back on it・・・思い返すと
    • Snap one’s fingers・・・指を鳴らす
    • Go side-to-side・・・左右にステップを踏む動き



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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