
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.11.16





【Miki】Okay, so I feel like nowadays it’s a lot more competitive for students to try to get into college, so what kind of process do you see them going through?

【Ken】Um, well, it’s, a pretty difficult process if you wanna (want to) get into a good school. Um…a lot of my students are taking, um AP courses—Advanced Placement courses, is what they are. And, um…they’re much more difficult than a typical course.
Um, they take those, and um…of course there’s some standardized tests. Uh, sort of college admissions tests that we take here in the States. Uh, the SATs, or the ACTs, depending on, uh what college you’re applying to. Um and, um…students have to be involved in extracurricular activities as well.
I mean, it’s really—uh, when colleges are assessing students, uh for entrance, they’re really looking at everything. They’re looking at, you know, what activities this person has done—what grades they’ve gotten. You know, how they do on tests. So it’s really, you know, pretty holistic, uh way of looking at things.

【Miki】Right. Have you had to write letters of rec (recommendation) for your students?

【Ken】Yeah, that’s another part of it. Um, that’s, uh, definitely part of the job, writing letters of recommendation. I do that quite a bit, especially with the students that I’m dealing with in chemistry. They’re all, uh shooting for the stars, you know, trying to go uh, for the really good, you know, big schools, so I’m writing a lot of, uh letters of recommendation, for sure.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What sort of courses are Ken’s students taking to help them prepare for college?
  2. What other aspects of a student’s performance do colleges in the United States evaluate?
  3. What sort of letters is Ken writing for his chemistry students?



  1. Ken’s students are taking AP, or Advanced Placement courses.
    ケンの生徒たちはAdvanced Placement coursesという大学レベルの科目を取っています。
  2. American colleges look at standardized test scores, such as SAT or ACT scores, as well as any extracurricular activities students were a part of in high school.
  3. He’s writing letters of recommendation (somethings shortened to “letters of rec”), recommending his students for the colleges they’re applying to.
    彼は、生徒が志願している大学に対して、その生徒を推薦する推薦状(略して“letter of rec”)を書きます。



Miki and Ken continue their discussion of the education culture in the United States. Ken devotes much of this episode discussing the competitive nature of college admissions in the United States.

Many of Ken’s students are taking AP courses, that is, Advanced Placement courses. These are more challenging courses than regular courses, designed to help give students an edge when applying to colleges.
ケンの生徒の多くは、高校でAdvanced Placement coursesという大学レベルの科目を取っています。これは通常の授業よりも難易度が高く、大学出願時に有利に働きます。

Colleges in the United States, according to Ken, take holistic approaches when evaluating students. They look at standardized tests scores, such as the SAT or ACT scores, as well as any extracurricular activities students were involved in during high school.

Another component of college applications are letters of recommendation. Ken himself is writing letters of recommendation for many of his chemistry students.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Get into school(学校に入る)

入学試験や審査に合格して高校や大学に入ることをget into schoolと言います。試験や審査に通ることがポイントなので、誰でも入学できる場合はget into schoolを使うと違和感があります。

  • SchoolをGrad school(大学院)やlaw school(法科大学院)、Stanford University(スタンフォード大学)などに置き換えて使うこともできます。
  • My daughter got into Hitotsubashi University.
  • Which college is he trying to get into?
  • Is it hard to get into college in Japan?

2) AP course(大学レベルの科目)

AP courseはAdvanced Placement Courseの略で、アメリカの高校で優秀な生徒が受けられる「大学レベルの科目」を指します。AP courseは大学の一般教養に相当する科目で、一流大学に入るには高校でAP courseをいくつか取った方が有利だと言われています。高校3年生と4年生でAP courseを受講するのが一般的で、AP試験に合格すると大学の単位を取得することができます。AP course は AP classとも言います。

  • How many AP courses did you take in high school?
  • My son is taking 3 AP courses this year.
  • If you want to get into a good college, you should take a few AP classes.

3) Assess(評価する )


  • How do you assess your students?
  • Our company uses TOEIC scores to assess the level of English.
  • You should have the value of that watch assessed by someone. It might be worth a lot of money.

4) Letter of recommendation(推薦状)

Letter of recommendationは学校の先生に書いてもらう「推薦状」を指し、日常会話では略してletter of recとも言います。アメリカでは大学や大学院に出願する時、先生や教授からのletter of recommendationが必要です。大学によっては、2,3通求められることもあります。

  • Mr. Johnson, could you write me a letter of recommendation?
  • How many letters of rec do you need for that school?
  • I have to write letters of rec for 10 students this year.

5) Shoot for the stars (高望みする)

Shoot for the starsは直訳すると「星を目指す」ですが、目標を高く設定し「高望みする」ことを意味します。今の能力では実現不可能なことを目標にし、大きな夢を持つ意味合いが含まれます。「Shoot for the stars.」の代わりに「Shoot for the moon.(月を目指す)」とも言います。
また、英語で「Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.(月を目指せ。たとえ月にたどり着かなくても、どこかの星には到達している。)という名言があります。この名言は、大きな目標を設定すれば、たとえその目標を達成できなくても、何か価値あることを達成していることを意味します。

  • Nothing is impossible. Shoot for the stars.
  • Ever since I was a kid, my parents always told me to shoot for the stars.
  • You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Shoot for the moon!



  • Nowadays・・・このところ
  • Holistic・・・総合的


  • Standardized test・・・統一テスト
  • College admissions tests ・・・大学入学試験
  • Extracurricular activities ・・・課外活動



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. tomas より:

    get intoと enter や enroll in との違いを教えていただきたいです。

    • Jun より:


      Get into は解説通り試験などを合格して入ること、enter は試験など関係なしに学校やクラスに入ること、そしてenrollは「入学」を表す正式な単語 (これも試験関係なし)です👍🏻

  2. Ritz より:

    You can achieve anything you set your mind to.の最後のtoなのですが、文法的になぜここにtoが来るのか気になっています。

    • Jun より:



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