
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2017.04.28





【Jeffrey】How do you get rid of stress?

【Drew】Mm, mm…I think…for me personally, I’m not someone who gets really stressed out about things, so I don’t…


【Drew】I don’t have a problem…and that’s probably why I don’t drink, either. You know, like I don’t feel like I have to get rid of stress. I’ve never had that feeling.


【Drew】Um…I think maybe that’s also why I’m kind of an entrepreneur—I like entrepreneurship is because stress and pressure actually makes me excited.


【Drew】Like I wanna (want to) do really well. So…um, sometimes, though it does get a little bit too much, and uh, there’s I think different things that I do, um…I actually meditate. Not on a regularly basis, but sometimes.


【Drew】And that’s a good, you know, refocusing technique. Um, and then just, you know I try not to…I try to listen to my body if I’m feeling really stressed about something, um, you know…think about why that is. Maybe just step back and do something else for a little while…


【Drew】…to kinda (kind of) clear my head. So yeah just maybe go outdoors and do some exercise, um, meditate.

【Jeffrey】What kind of meditation do you do?

【Drew】Uh, transcendental meditation.

【Jeffrey】I don’t know what that means. (laughs)

【Drew】It’s, you know, it’s just really simple, you—it…maybe some types of meditation you focus on your breath. Uh for transcendental meditation, they have a phrase that you, kinda (kind of)…each person is different but, uh a phrase that you say, and you kinda, like use that phrase to re-center your thoughts.


【Drew】So the whole idea of meditation, right, is to kinda turn off this fire hose of thoughts…


【Drew】…and center your mind and kinda, like calm your mind.

【Jeffrey】Is it the same phrase every time, or is it just depending on what your mood is or your feeling, or…?

【Drew】Same phrase every time.


【Drew】So the person who taught me…

【Jeffrey】Uh huh.

【Drew】…uh, transcendental meditation, kinda, gave me this phrase and I just use it to kinda like…

【Jeffrey】So if I knew the phrase, could I just say it and like, Pavlov’s Dog, you would just suddenly be meditating? (laughs)

【Drew】No, no, no. (laughs) No it takes a lot of practice. Meditation is hard to do.


【Drew】You have to…you have to really practice. I mean people practice for years and years, right.


【Drew】So, uh it’s not easy. What happens is you try to calm your mind, try to turn off all these thoughts, but then…and you focus on—let’s say you focus on your breath. You just focus on your breath, but within milliseconds all these thoughts start to come again, you know?


【Drew】And so, the trick is to really, you know, you have to practice I think to kinda keep that from happening as long as possible.


【Drew】Keep your mind quiet for as long as possible.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Drew think he doesn’t drink?
  2. What kind of meditation does Drew practice?
  3. Who gave Drew his phrase for transcendental meditation?



  1. He doesn’t get stressed often, and therefore doesn’t feel a frequent need to relieve stress.
  2. He practices transcendental meditation.
  3. His transcendental meditation teacher gave him his phrase.



Jeffrey asked Drew in this episode about how Drew relieves his stress. Drew began by saying he does not get stressed often.

Drew believes one reason he doesn’t drink is because he doesn’t frequently feel a need to relieve stress. He also believes that is why he is an entrepreneur, and that stress can actually make him excited and eager to work harder.

Sometimes, though, Drew does get stressed. To handle his stress, he engages in transcendental meditation.

Drew explained that transcendental meditation is centered around a phrase the meditator uses to enter meditation. The idea of transcendental meditation, Drew says, is to “turn off” one’s thoughts, and calm one’s mind.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) On a regular basis(定期的に)

何かを「定期的に」行ったり、何かが「定期的に」起きたりする時に On a regular basisと言います。 Basisは、確立されている仕組みやパターンを表し、例えば「短期的に」は On a short-term basis、「長期的に」は On a long-term basis、「先着順に」は On a first-come-first-served basisというように、この表現は Onと basisの間に、どのような仕組みになっているのかを具体的に入れて使います。

  • I go to the movies on a regular basis.(私は定期的に映画を観に行きます。)
  • Steve and I are on a first-name basis.(私とスティーブはファーストネームで呼び合う仲です。)
  • Tickets are sold on a first-come-first-served basis.(チケットは先着順で販売しております。)

2) Listen to one’s body(体の声を聞く / 体の声に耳を傾ける)

疲れている時やストレスを抱えている時に、体は「疲れているよ」「これ以上やったら倒れるよ」という信号を発します。切羽詰まったり仕事に没頭しすぎたりしている状況では、それに気づかないこともありますが、そんな時こそ、「You have to listen to your body(体の声を聞かなければならない)」と言えるでしょう。

  • Don’t push yourself. Listen to your body.(無理をしないで、体の言うことを聞きなさい。)
  • If you need a break, you should take it. You have to listen to your body.(休憩が必要なら取った方がいいよ。体の声に耳を傾けなきゃ。)
  • If you don’t listen to your body, you’re going to really get sick.(体の声を聞かないと、本当に病気になるよ。)

3) Clear one’s head(頭をすっきりさせる)

Clear one’s headは、考え事や心配事を忘れて「頭をスッキリさせる」ことを意味します。「気持ちをスッキリさせる」は 「clear one’s mind」と言い、どちらも雑念を払う意味合いが含まれます。

  • I usually go on walks to clear my head.(私は普段、散歩に出て頭をスッキリさせます。)
  • What do you do to clear your mind?(雑念を払うために、あなたは何をしますか?)
  • Yoga really helps clear my mind.(ヨガは気持ちを本当にスッキリさせます。)

4) Trick(秘訣 / コツ)

「The trick is…(秘訣は…です)」のように、 trickとbe動詞の組み合わせが基本の形となります。

  • What’s the trick? Tell me!(コツは何?教えてよ!)
  • The trick is to take your time and go slow.(コツは落ち着いて、ゆっくりやることです。)
  • There is no trick to becoming a fluent speaker. You just have to work hard.(流暢に話せるようになる秘訣なんてないよ。ただ努力をすることだね。)

5) Keep something from _____(~が起こるのを防ぐ)

Keep something from…は preventの口語的な表現で、何かが起こるのを防ぐことを意味します。誰かが何かをするのを止める時には 「Keep someone from…」と言います。

  • We have to find a way to keep the bugs from coming in the house.(家の中に虫が入ってこないようにする方法を見つけなくてはいけません。)
  • How do I keep mold from growing?(カビが生えるのを防ぐにはどうしたらいいのですか?)
  • Please keep her from going into that room.(彼女をあの部屋に入れないようにしてください。)



  • Entrepreneur・・・起業家
  • Meditate・・・瞑想
  • Transcendental meditation・・・超越瞑想
  • As long as possible・・・できるだけ長く


  • Get rid of stress・・・ストレス解消
  • Stressed out・・・ストレスを抱える
  • Step back・・・(状況から)一旦離れる
  • Fire hose of thoughts・・・溢れ出す思考



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. やまだ より:


    4)Trick の3つ目の例文で trick to becoming とing形になるのには何か理由があるのでしょうか。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。「Trick to」の後は、基本「動詞ing」の形式がフォローします。「Look forward to」と同じパターンです。

  2. sachi. より:

    こんにちは Junさま。
    I have a question.
    I usually go on walk”S” to clear my head.
    I don’t understand the meaning of this sentence.
    どうして 主語がI なのにwalksになるのでしょうか?

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